Loud music.... Is it really that much of a crime?


New member
Feb 15, 2011
"Ok I'm sorry if this offends some of you, but why do Hispanics think its ok to blast there damn music in our neighborhood? Like seriously its annoying."

One of my Facebook friends posted this on her wall. Really??? Obviously it's going to offend someone, that someone being me. I am not really Hispanic, but racism is a big deal to me. What does ethnicity have to do with anything with music? This forum is not about racism, but where it applies to this situation, feel free to comment on it.

Anyways, I am not one to turn up my music all the way just to let other people hear my music, but i've never had a problem with others doing it either. It may get on some peoples' nerves, but you only hear it for a few seconds before you pass each other on the road and then the sound is gone. It's not going to hurt anyone, so if you've got a system to show off, why not show it off, right? I say turn it up and let everyone know what kind of music you like. Doesn't bother me.
Dec 14, 2009
For the same reason you don't pump music out of your mobile phone while on public transport.

It's rude, and not everyone wants to listen to your shitty music.


Thread killer
Nov 20, 2009
Well I really do not think this is relegated to one group of people, more to the coincidental effect of where you live. Where I am, seeings how its warm, I have 3 different houses around my house that are blaring out country music, to which they are all different songs.

Basically the loud music is supposed to be a social context so that a large group of people can hear it while entertaining guests. Your best bet if you do not like hearing it, Ignore it, go inside or somewhere else.


New member
Jun 30, 2010
It's only annoying when you feel the vibrations of their horrible song through the freaking road.


New member
Jun 5, 2008
I think a law was passed saying no music could be played anywhere outside ever unless it was ZZ-Top.

The law started out in southern Brazil and slowly swept the world.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
Because its an annoyance, and you can make the case for it hurts nature (noise pollution).

Personally I feel if no one in the neighborhood minds what you're blasting, and as long as your respectful about it, it shouldnt matter if you do.

Then again...
<spoiler=I got a 40 dollar ticket from police for playing this really loud at 6 am in the morning><youtube=KyBhBfuXdPs>

Which is crap, cause no one even cared and afterword I had people laughing about it when we had block parties (it became a regular song). But meh.

Anton P. Nym

New member
Sep 18, 2007
viranimus said:
Basically the loud music is supposed to be a social context so that a large group of people can hear it while entertaining guests. Your best bet if you do not like hearing it, Ignore it, go inside or somewhere else.
This works less well when you are inside and it's still coming through the walls of your apartment.

I'm not saying that everyone has to be monk-like quiet, but turning up the volume until the windows rattle just plain isn't neighbourly. If you want it that loud, go clubin' or buy a spread out in the country where you're only spooking the livestock.

-- Steve

Devil's Due

New member
Sep 27, 2008
Daystar Clarion said:
For the same reason you don't pump music out of your mobile phone while on public transport.

It's rude, and not everyone wants to listen to your shitty music.
I agree with this. I recently had a school assembly which they forced EVERYONE to go to, and there they literally blasted the music up so high that me and my friends had to on multiple occasions cover our ears because it was so loud and painful. First off: Hearing some new Top 100 song doesn't mean everyone wants to hear that crap. Next: Not everyone in the freaking school is deaf from their own loud music from their Ipods and such.

Because most idiots these days want to go past their safety limit on their sound volume so they can act "cool" or drown out everything within ear-shot and goes near-deaf DOESN'T mean everyone else has, so freaking turn down the music.


New member
Nov 6, 2010
It's not really a big deal, but it can easily piss off people who don't want to have to listen to whatever shitty pop tune someone has as their ring tone that week.

And it is ALWAYS shitty pop tunes, OR shitty rap tunes. God FORBID people have Beethoven's 1st Symphony in C as their ringtone.

Basically...yeah, people don't want to listen to other people's music. It's pretty much the only reason headphones were even invented, and with so many different kinds of heaphones available there really is no reason to blast your music out loud any more.

The Apothecarry

New member
Mar 6, 2011
And then you get arrested for asking them to turn their stereo down.

I dunno, man. Some people are just dicks.


New member
Apr 16, 2008
It's just annoying sometimes. Not everyone likes the same music, and sometimes people just want to have a quiet, uninterrupted evening.

And really, unless it's the kind of weather where everyone in the neighbourhood has all their windows open at the same time, you shouldn't be able to hear music from down the street. If you can, then it's obviously too loud anyway. No one needs to have their music louder than a friggin' jet engine. It's not even enjoyable to the people at the party because they can't talk to each other.

Disaster Button

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2009
Its noise disturbance and disturbing the peace, so yeah it's a crime. It's also rude and inconsiderate to blast your music so loud that others can hear it when they don't want to.


That which exists in the absence of space.
Nov 27, 2009
The Dreamlands
Lose 1d20 sanity points.
You mean in a car? I guess I find it a little bit annoying when they pass me but that's about it, when the neighbor does it it's utterly annoying and I can't help but go and tell him to shut it off or I'll call the police, because the bastard won't let me sleep when I have to get up early in the morning.


New member
Feb 15, 2011
Okay, well I guess I'm the minority here. I understand everyone's point. I was just stating that I don't get offended as bad as so many other people do. No type of music really bothers me so bad that I absolutely can't hear it from other people


New member
Mar 19, 2009
I agree, race has nothing to do with being a dickhead. There are dickheads of every colour and creed, and it doesn't matter where you go, sometimes you just can't seem to be rid of them.

The loud music part, though. If he/she was annoyed enough to post on facebook about it, it must have been for more than 'a few seconds'.

I live in a cul de sac, and there's a family down here that is driving everyone away. They sit in their car outside and blast crappy music for hours at a time, usually late into the night.. This wouldn't be so bad, except they turn the bass up so that the windows physically shake in our house. It's stressful and intimidating, and no matter how many times noise control or the police are called, it makes no difference.(And we were told this was a good street when we moved in!)

So yeah, I feel for your friend in a way... but you can assure her that it's nothing to do with race!


This is the most wittiest title
Oct 26, 2009
Daystar Clarion said:
For the same reason you don't pump music out of your mobile phone while on public transport.

It's rude, and not everyone wants to listen to your shitty music.
Essentially this.

Because of the point of loud music, so others have to listen to it whether they want or not, is not to hear it better, but to show off or something equally stupid, making it pointless.


New member
Apr 2, 2008
News flash: blaring music at obnoxiously loud volume doesn't make you "cool." Most people will just think you're a jackass. Bonus jackass points if you do it late at night, when most folks are trying to sleep. Doesn't matter what race/nationality you are, it's still stupid.

Younger generations are experiencing record hearing losses right now. Folks in their teens and twenties are often rated as having hearing capabilities more on-par with the middle aged and the elderly. This is often attributed to playing music at volumes much higher than the recommended norms.

If you really want to blow your eardrums out, just crank your iPod headphones up. You can rock your way to deafness without broadcasting it for everyone else to know about.


New member
Jan 27, 2010
Well thats the reason why my dad wanted to move because did not wanted to listen to the boom boom

but i had a 10 and a 15 sub in my car and my truck so it did not brother me but some people just do not like hearing it