Loud music.... Is it really that much of a crime?


New member
Jul 17, 2010
Just_A_Glitch said:
emeraldrafael said:
Thats how we start every annual block party we have now. I wake up at 5 am, hook up a giant sound system in the yard and just blast this. Its gotten to be the sign that there's a party going on in the neighborhood.
I need to visit that neighborhood then, because it sounds awesome.
Block party is July 26th this year. Come on down.


New member
Feb 7, 2009
Loud music that penetrates the walls of your home is god damn annoying, especially when you are trying to sleep.

So yes, I do think it should be a crime.

I am a considerate person, and I expect others to be considerate too.
Simple as that.


New member
Dec 10, 2009
emeraldrafael said:
Just_A_Glitch said:
emeraldrafael said:
Thats how we start every annual block party we have now. I wake up at 5 am, hook up a giant sound system in the yard and just blast this. Its gotten to be the sign that there's a party going on in the neighborhood.
I need to visit that neighborhood then, because it sounds awesome.
Block party is July 26th this year. Come on down.
If there was a non-creepy internet stalker way to do that, I'd totally take you up on that offer.


Derp Master
Aug 11, 2009
Well, there is definitely a line. I've had neighbours who play their music so loud I can't hear my own music even though I'm wearing headphones. They weren't hispanic though.


New member
Aug 13, 2010
It only bothers me when I'm on public transport and I have to listen to that crap for half an hour. The bastards. Even WITH headphones I can still hear from the other side of the bus.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
Because when you hear non harmonius music your brainwaves go BLARGLEBLARGLEBLARGLE (totally the scientific term) and you literally can't hear yourself think. Even if someone hears it for a moment perhaps it still could wake them up from a sleep when they have been on a 12 hour shift or wake thier baby who is ill. She has no right to marginalise it to hispanics thought thats casual racism :<

On a slightly sinister note a man next door to me murdered his wife while playing loud music. I even went round to tell him to turn it down but nobody answered the door, the next day she was dead :< I always feel a bit anxious when I hear loud music coming from someones house now.


New member
Mar 31, 2009
The Apothecarry said:
And then you get arrested for asking them to turn their stereo down.

I dunno, man. Some people are just dicks.
... or someone grabs you, drags you inside and beats you into an unrecognisable pulp. Hasn't happened to me but a man was jailed for that recently.

To the OP, yes it is. It's extremely rude to ram what you consider music into my home, and made worse by the fact that the people who do this always put the bass up to full the moment they get a sound system of any kind and never adjust it back down, so what everyone else hears is THUD-bump-THUD-bump-THUD-bump-THUD-bump-THUD-bump-THUD-bump-THUD-bump-THUD-bump-THUD-bump-THUD-bump-THUD-bump-THUD-bump-THUD-bump-THUD-bump-THUD-bump-THUD-bump-THUD-bump-THUD-bump-THUD-bump-THUD-bump-THUD-bump-THUD-bump-THUD-bump-THUD-bump-THUD-bump-THUD-bump-THUD-bump-THUD-bump-THUD-bump-THUD-bump-THUD-bump-THUD-bump ..... bump-bump-bump-bump-bump, bump-bump-bump-bump-bump, bump-bump-bump-bump-bump, bump-bump-bump-bump-bump, bump-bump-bump-bump-bump, bump-bump-bump-bump-bump, bump-bump-bump-bump-bump, bump-bump-bump-bump-bump, bump-bump-bump-bump-bump, bump-bump-bump-bump-bump, bump-bump-bump-bump-bump, bump-bump-bump-bump-bump, bump-bump-bump-bump-bump, bump-bump-bump-bump-bump, bump-bump-bump-bump-bump, bump-bump-bump-bump-bump, bump-bump-bump-bump-bump, bump-bump-bump-bump-bump, bump-bump-bump-bump-bump ..... Thud-thud, bump-bump-bump, thud-thud, bump-bump-bump, thud-thud, bump-bump-bump, thud-thud, bump-bump-bump, thud-thud, bump-bump-bump, thud-thud, bump-bump-bump, thud-thud, bump-bump-bump, thud-thud, bump-bump-bump, thud-thud, bump-bump-bump, thud-thud, bump-bump-bump, thud-thud, bump-bump-bump, thud-thud, bump-bump-bump, thud-thud, bump-bump-bump, thud-thud, bump-bump-bump, thud-thud, bump-bump-bump, thud-thud, bump-bump-bump, thud-thud, bump-bump-bump, thud-thud.

If you wouldn't like me bouncing a tennis ball off your bedroom window all night, TURN THE FUCKING THING DOWN!


New member
Nov 2, 2010
It's bad from nine o'clock at night until ten o'clock the next morning, during finals week, and when I have a headache. Other than that, I don't care.


Zombie Specialist
Apr 16, 2009
Arontala said:
danpascooch said:
AgentDarkmoon said:
danpascooch said:
Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize Hispanics had a genetic disposition to loud music.

I'd accuse you of being borderline racist, but that's not borderline, it's full blown terrible racism, and you should be ashamed of it.
BRILLIANT. Why bother reading past the first paragraph of a post to see what's going on when you can spew venom aimlessly?

OT, I think that it's alright when cars are playing loudly, because they're here and gone within seconds to a few minutes. But if it's in your personal living space and you can clearly hear someone else's music for an extended period of time, that's not OK to me. We've had to deal with the people in the apartment above us being loud or blaring Ke$ha, and it's not cool, especially if it's past midnight and you have an exam the next morning. That's what headphones were invented for.

Perhaps your friend has a predispositioned dislike of (or is racist towards) the Hispanics in the area, or maybe a group of them consistently plays loud music and they're the only ones who she's had to deal with this problem from and they won't turn it down or be reasonable. If you had to listen to someone else's music day in and day out or all night long as you try to sleep, I can easily see becoming angry with them. Yes, she may be racist, but I definitely feel as though you should talk to her about it instead of bringing it up in a public forum like this. Or you could, you know, unfriend her, if she/it bothers you that much.

Also, if she lives in America, you can tell her to call the cops on them for disturbing the peace and they'll get a ticket for noise violation, which would solve the noise problem methinks.
Arontala said:
danpascooch said:
stl520nlv said:
"Ok I'm sorry if this offends some of you, but why do Hispanics think its ok to blast there damn music in our neighborhood? Like seriously its annoying."

One of my Facebook friends posted this on her wall. Really??? Obviously it's going to offend someone, that someone being me. I am not really Hispanic, but racism is a big deal to me. What does ethnicity have to do with anything with music? This forum is not about racism, but where it applies to this situation, feel free to comment on it.

Anyways, I am not one to turn up my music all the way just to let other people hear my music, but i've never had a problem with others doing it either. It may get on some peoples' nerves, but you only hear it for a few seconds before you pass each other on the road and then the sound is gone. It's not going to hurt anyone, so if you've got a system to show off, why not show it off, right? I say turn it up and let everyone know what kind of music you like. Doesn't bother me.
Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize Hispanics had a genetic disposition to loud music.

I'd accuse you of being borderline racist, but that's not borderline, it's full blown terrible racism, and you should be ashamed of it.
Reading incomprehension for the win?

Anyways, blasting music that not everyone likes loud enough so that you can feel the friggin road vibrating is NOT cool, and is just plain rude.
TU4AR said:
danpascooch said:
Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize Hispanics had a genetic disposition to loud music.

I'd accuse you of being borderline racist, but that's not borderline, it's full blown terrible racism, and you should be ashamed of it.
Read the whole OP mate. It was pretty obvious that it was in quotation marks.

Kneejerk reaction GOOOOO

OT: Yes, it is actually a crime. Disturbing the peace, bro. And it should be.
Yeah, that was my bad, though you have to admit the way he put that statement alone, at the front in its own paragraph, and not in quote tags was just ripe for misunderstanding, I stopped reading in disgust, though I do realize this is more or less completely my fault.
Also, I'll have to apologize if my comment sounded more insulting than originally intended.
Actually yours was the most polite of the 3, lol, ty.


New member
Nov 2, 2009
stl520nlv said:
I am not one to turn up my music all the way just to let other people hear my music, but i've never had a problem with others doing it either. It may get on some peoples' nerves, but you only hear it for a few seconds before you pass each other on the road and then the sound is gone. It's not going to hurt anyone, so if you've got a system to show off, why not show it off, right? I say turn it up and let everyone know what kind of music you like. Doesn't bother me.
What about people who are ill? Or have to sleep? Or work a night shift?

And these idiots are across the road playing their music at beyond reasonable volumes for no purpose other than to attract attention.

It's obnoxious and downright annoying. A polite person should notify their neighbours if they are planning to have extremely loud music on (for a party).

In life, if you chose to live in a settlement, you have to live with other people.

It's about being courteous.


New member
Nov 8, 2008
stl520nlv said:
I say turn it up and let everyone know what kind of music you like. Doesn't bother me.
Except it bothers me, and seeing as I have the soul of a 60 year old, I will call the police, seeing as it bothers them a lot too.

Mainly because no one wants to hear your crappy music. (I don't care what kind of music it is, someone will think it's horribly bad, and it will greatly bother them.)


New member
Apr 15, 2009
People shouldn't get offended this easily it would solve a lot of problems this world has, I mean if someone said that all white people are ugly I wouldn't get offended, since it's obviously false I would have no reason to get offended. Also racism, things that are "racist" these days have gotten out of hand I could state facts and still be called a racist, for example if I said that Black People Commit more crime than White People therefore blacks are more likely to be criminals i would probably be called a racist, and in the OP's post the friend said that he doesn't like Hispanics that blast loud music in his neighborhood, The friend is obviously no racist he probably doesn't hate Hispanics but he does hate loud music in his neighborhood nowhere did he mention that he hates Hispanics how is that racism? 20$ says that if that was White teenagers blasting the same music he'd still be pissed about it. Also I agree with OP that loud music if it's only for a few minutes isn't too bad but having some assholes blast loud music outside my window while I'm trying to study for an important test has made me want to murder everyone involved.


New member
Aug 6, 2008
When you damn well know people are trying to sleep, and you still blast it knowing you'll probably wake them up, then you're just a colossal dick. If you're in a car in the middle of the day, it's not exactly a redeeming feature, but it's tolerable. If only the people who did that shared my musical preferences.

As for the racial aspect, maybe they've just observed more hispanics doing it that anyone else. That hasn't been my experience, I come from a little white town where half the youth think they are the Front Yard Ballas (cookie for reference) so it's generally obnoxious white kids who do it. I guess casual racism doesn't bother me as much as it does other people. Aggressive, malicious racism pisses me off, but something like this doesn't really bother me. Throwing in a comment like that is a good way to troll the knee jerkers anyway, so it wouldn't surprise me if that were the intention.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Loud music and ethnic group has nothing to do with anything, either you play your music loud or you don't...or I suppose you can have it somewhere in between.
Sometimes i play my music (usually games) loud but only during the day when I am quite confident no one is in and even then I don't have it all that loud, come the end of that day or the weekend it goes down or I stick in some headphones, If anyone were to complain, once my neighbour was doing nights and i did not know they asked to lower the volume i apologised and all was fine. I did that because I am like that not because I am a British white.


New member
Mar 11, 2011
Diamondback One said:
Daystar Clarion said:
For the same reason you don't pump music out of your mobile phone while on public transport.

It's rude, and not everyone wants to listen to your shitty music.
I agree with this. I recently had a school assembly which they forced EVERYONE to go to, and there they literally blasted the music up so high that me and my friends had to on multiple occasions cover our ears because it was so loud and painful. First off: Hearing some new Top 100 song doesn't mean everyone wants to hear that crap. Next: Not everyone in the freaking school is deaf from their own loud music from their Ipods and such.

Because most idiots these days want to go past their safety limit on their sound volume so they can act "cool" or drown out everything within ear-shot and goes near-deaf DOESN'T mean everyone else has, so freaking turn down the music.
Yeah, I always hated pep rallies. I was alwasy thinking, "is this only loud to me or is everyone else deaf?" A girl in a HS science class had her music so loud on EARBUDS i could understand the lyrics from across the room.


New member
Aug 10, 2010
It's generally whats implied, Ive never seen someone playing music so loud that it couldn't be blocked by them rolling up their windows, they don't do it cus they want loud music, they do it because they want other people to HEAR their, as many people have said, shitty music because their so damn proud of it. And someone who makes a public nuisance of themselves in order to force other people to pay attention to them deserves to be told to shut the hell up.