Machine Learns How to Play Pitfall On Its Own


New member
Feb 22, 2009
The difference between the first and second try... It's learning....


The Noble Nuker
Dec 22, 2008
MaxTheReaper said:
Neonbob said:
I'm bringing kitties and emo girls with me when I die. Just in case.
I'll just try to get by while you busy yourself with their company.
Or get stepped on. Either way, it should be hilarious.
NoMoreSanity said:
Well there are two endings.

1)Die by your hand and get your own heaven.

2)Bring a Green Day CD to confuse Max so you canm smack him on the head with Billie Joe's Guitar. Than you are the new boss, but Max kills you soon after.

Your plans may not work out as well as you'd like.

Also, you only get your own personal afterlife if you beat me.
If you don't, you're doomed to an eternity of torment.
Ya know? I can die with that.
[sup]see what I did there?[/sup]
Maybe we should combine our two plans for maximum effectiveness.


Elite Member
Jun 4, 2009
Hate being negative but really isn't that impressive, if it was 3d enviroment playing through a single player campaign or something would be. I can see ahellovalotof quicksaves/loads on anything however it it takes that long for that though.


New member
Dec 23, 2008
MaxTheReaper said:
Yeah, but the ending is really awesome.
You get your own personal Heaven and everything.

And if you manage to kill me, you become the new Final Boss.

Unfortunately I am both eternal and invulnerable, so it just won't happen.
Thanks to a curious game glitch, I once beat an unbeatable boss, but then the game immediately froze and crashed...

...wait, is that why when you do go, you plan to take the whole multi-verse with you?


Anyway, robot intelligence seems to be trial and error right now, so unless the programming is seriously upgraded, I would say that a trial and error method would give us a good warning of attempts to take over.


New member
Apr 6, 2009
randommaster said:
brodie21 said:
it looks like it froze at the end rather than did a victory dance.

forget skynet, Cylons! anyone watch Battlestar Galactica?
No, nobody has ever seen it because it never aired. Anybody who says they've seen it is lying and any tapes/DVDs are fake. All references to it are really just people sharing a long-running inside joke.

Like several before me specilate, if this thing is doing victory dances for Pitfall, what will an FPS be like for it?
you're kidding. i watched every episode of it on sci-fi they did a new series and it rocked, you should see it and pull your head out of your ass and not say that im a liar.

heres the website, the series ended already but you could probably watch it on the website or get the series on dvd


New member
May 10, 2009
Vriggchan said:
the fact that this robot can reason what is bad for its character and what is good, is astounding. my question is if the robot goes onto the next screen in pitfall will it jump all of the logs? because if it does. then this robot already has the potential to play wow. once it gets killed by something in wow it will realize that it has to kill that creature. or something along those lines.
And it possibly showed emotion by doing a victory dance type thing.

If it learns to play WoW, it could evolve rapidly. It already seems to be learning as if it were a curious infant.

Azraellod said:
MaxTheReaper said:
Yeah, but the ending is really awesome.
You get your own personal Heaven and everything.

And if you manage to kill me, you become the new Final Boss.

Unfortunately I am both eternal and invulnerable, so it just won't happen.
thanks to a curious game glitch, i once beat an unbeatable boss, but then the game immediately froze and crashed...

...wait, is that why when you do go, you plan to take the whole multi-verse with you?

anyway, robot intelligence seems to be trial and error right now, so unless the programming is seriously upgraded, i would say that a trial and error method would give us a good warning of attempts to take over.

The thing is, it learned.

It learned that falling in the pit kept it from reaching the end. It learned to jump the pit and the log. What if it tried to play WoW? It would learn, and as it learned, it would become more complex. As it became more complex, it would gain a sense of the world around it. It would emerge from trial and error, it would understand.



New member
Sep 10, 2008
brodie21 said:
randommaster said:
brodie21 said:
it looks like it froze at the end rather than did a victory dance.

forget skynet, Cylons! anyone watch Battlestar Galactica?
No, nobody has ever seen it because it never aired. Anybody who says they've seen it is lying and any tapes/DVDs are fake. All references to it are really just people sharing a long-running inside joke.

Like several before me specilate, if this thing is doing victory dances for Pitfall, what will an FPS be like for it?
you're kidding. i watched every episode of it on sci-fi they did a new series and it rocked, you should see it and pull your head out of your ass and not say that im a liar.

heres the website, the series ended already but you could probably watch it on the website or get the series on dvd
Actually, I am kidding.No need to worry about me being a conspiracy nut, just a regular nut.


Rocket Scientist
Feb 7, 2008
D4zZ said:
Hate being negative but really isn't that impressive, if it was 3d enviroment playing through a single player campaign or something would be. I can see ahellovalotof quicksaves/loads on anything however it it takes that long for that though.
You didn't read the article in question, did you? Nor do you seem to have any understanding of artificial intelligence. It would be rather easy (by comparison to what they have already accomplished) to get this program from its current state to a program that can effectively beat call of Duty 4 for example.

Many of you seem to be comparing this AI to something like a bot from Quake 3. Bots in Quake 3 use a series of pre-defined actions and reads a set of pre-defined variables from the game in which to base its decisions on. The AI in question is first of all not in any way integrated into the game's code, and it does not use a set of pre-programmed actions.

The program reads and interprets what responses are given out by the game and makes decisions based on those observations. As the AI explores the space it creates a sort of map of what it has seen or "felt". For each frame a sort of status report was sent by the game to the learning module of the program and the next course of action was sent back before the emulator moved on to the next frame.

The AI was able to beat the first segment of pitfall without having seen it before. It's like someone who hasn't even seen a game console in their entire life beating the first stage of Tetris with only a few tries.


New member
Feb 18, 2009
EcoEclipse said:
That machine cheats. It uses save states.
what I was going to say.
But don't you just want to hug it's adorable personality?


Happy dance!


New member
Feb 6, 2009
Clearing a difficult trap?

And it plays like me when I'm drunk or mourning....mourning for Michael Jackson. :(

For Science

New member
Apr 27, 2009
I don't buy the happy dance thing, an AI shouldn't learn that unless it was mimicking a human player. I'm not saying it's fake, I think this was it having been shown what to do or a bug.

The Shade

New member
Mar 20, 2008
That was possibly the most grim and terrifying victory dance I've ever seen. Haunting, even.

Now once this program teaches itself to use the Internet, it'll upload itself to Project Natal when it launches, integrate with Milo, and BAM! SkyNET. But with more victory dances.

I see no other possible outcome.