Marijuana - Advice?


New member
Oct 18, 2011
maybe OP is surrounded by idiots who just happen to get their grubby meathook hands on weed.

tho offhand at first i may be compelled to say "ur an idiot who doesnt like to get high" but thats not a argument. that would be me stating my assumption "if you dont like something that i indulge in, you must be a square".

as to why you dont like it, i have no idea. i am not you and you are not i. if you want an explanation, have a long chat with someone experienced, regular tokers who dont smoke weed to "be cool". weed alone does not make you cool. only how you present yourself is what people will and should be led to think of you. pot to me is nothing special. its certainly not like ecstasy, shrooms or LSD in effects. however sharing a smoke with a friend and enjoying long talks and doing stupid shit is one of the best life experiences ever.


New member
Sep 22, 2011
weker said:
I think weed is not allowed as it is harmful to your health, just like drinking and smoking, only difference is the government won't remove them as their firmly in our culture. Personally it should not be allowed but if that's the case neither should drinking or smoking, or the alternative which I prefer is both weed be legalized.

Only downside to excessive use is it has been claimed to cause psychosis.
Actually the illegalization (is that even a word....? Fuck know what I mean) dates back to 1930 with Henry Anslinger.

He basically claimed that weed caused people to become violent, act irrationally and become overly sexual.

It is from this basis that the movie "Reefer Madness" was spawned, where it shows the danger of smoking weed (Oh noes!!!)

OT: Personally, I think it's your opinion to not like weed. There's nothing wrong with having that opinion, but you are correct to want to explore why it bothers you if your GF smokes it compared to your friends or mother (who ingests it).

I had a similar experience with my fiance when we first started dating. I had quit smoking after smoking for about 8 years, and she smoked. I didn't mind because that's her prerogative, but I disliked her smelling of cigarettes when we would be in the car together etc.

After a while of me not smoking and her knowing I didn't like it but was ok with it she eventually stopped.

I guess the key here is don't try and force her to stop. If she wants to do it, she will do it. If it continues to bother you then try to either explore inward about where this dislike is coming from or talk about it with her.

Good luck man

Hiroshi Mishima

New member
Sep 25, 2008
Telling someone that "if they haven't tried it they can't say anything" is really fucking stupid. That's like saying you can't make a negative comment about doing crack because you haven't used it, despite the fact that it's pretty damned obvious what the shit does to people.

My mother smokes pot and it seriously pisses me the hell off. Not cause it's illegal or anything, but because I have Asthma and it rather bothers my lungs; it also fucking stinks and I can't stand the smell. On top of that, it's not free, and we're not exactly a "well off" family, if you know what I mean.

Now, if you don't have an issue with it because of what it does, or you only think it's bad cause of what people tell you.. well, that's probably not the best way to look at it. You said your girlfriend's used it, but have you seen any negative aspects or effects in any way? If not, I'd say it's pretty harmless and you shouldn't worry if she does do it occasionally.

What I WOULD worry about is that she said she'd stop for you and kept doing it. That either means she doesn't respect you enough to honour that promise she made, or she's got an addiction to it (much like my mother). The second is probably more likely, but it could just as easily be a little of both. I'd seriously consider sitting down and talking to her.

Coming right out and saying "Look, I'm sure it isn't true.. but every once in a while I feel a little niggling doubt in the back of my mind. Please be honest with me, are you still smoking pot occasionally?" is probably your best course of action.

If she gives you an honest answer, and if yes gives a valid explanation why, then that's a good sign. If she is clearly trying to beat around the bush, change the subject, or even gets overly defensive, I'd be more concerned.

Again, don't listen to people telling you to use it, cause that's just gods-damned stupid on their part and highly irresponsible. But don't condemn it just cause someone told you it was bad with no real, scientifically documented evidence that it's evil and needs to die. And even then, do some honest research yourself and you'd realize it's fairly harmless besides being smelly and bothering people with asthma.

BTW, it isn't so much the pot itself that bothers my asthma. It's the fact there's smoke in the air, regardless if you can see it, and it's screwing with the available oxygen. That and you can kinda taste it in the air. Much like cigarette smoke, the steam coming out of restaurants, and an active fireplace.


New member
Aug 22, 2011
Since marihuana can meanwhile be legally prescribed, I would want to think of it being just as both enjoyable and harmful as drinking or smoking, which is usually not at all if done in moderation.

I've gone through some weird accidents followed with bouts of tremendous pain, killing cramps and other assorted ailments myself. The pills the doctor could and would prescribe helped a bit, but came with a boatload of new problems and issues that basically just replaced the problems I started out with. Smoking weed moderately did help alleviate both the pain and the cramps - and almost instantly so, and I got to know a wide range of very different people that used weed therapeutically in the process.

I was amazed, to be honest. Still, those folks are a silent minority of weed users who do it because they have a proper reason beyond enjoying the altered state sought by confused, annoyed or anti-social youth. Most of those with medical problems that don't go away, ever, enjoy the healing and soothing effects of the drug in a smoke-free form, so there's no tobacco or open fire involved, just vapor.

There are people who enjoy alcohol, and others who get rather mental and very sick from it. There's an impressively long list of what damage excessive alcohol consumption can do to body and mind.

There are people who enjoy smoking tobacco. I happen to like the non-inhaling varieties to keep my given set of lungs functional, but the smoke could still give me plenty of cancer in the mouth, the throat or any place else. So smoking, in the end, doesn't seem that cool to me, really.

A big problem with weed - beyond the legal implications - is that almost everyone who enjoys its effect is smoking it. While I have met a few people who have behaved rather strangely while under the effect, most people tend to get either a little bit too happy for their own good or they get a bad spell of mañana, which could cost them their relationship, their job, their everything.

So, while I generally don't think asking complete strangers on the web what to do is an excellent idea to begin with, my thoughts on the matter would distill to this: Couples either manage to accept each other as they are and live happily ever after, or they try to change each other, which is always second best to changing oneself. If your education, job or whatever background makes you intolerant not to the drug smuggling problem, the drug dealing problem, but the - suspected - drug consumption problem in your relationship, it's an issue that warrants to decidedly look the other way or discuss it in proper, once and thorougly, not every time envy or fears invade because of lingering issues big and small.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
StarStruckStrumpets said:
Sounds like you had the problem I did a year or two back. You don't dislike the smoking of weed because according to your moral compass it is wrong, you dislike it because the law deems it to be wrong. I literally had no other reason for disliking it than going "THE LAW IS MORALLY RIGHT RAWR". A year later I slapped myself with a fish and decided what was right and wrong on my own.

If you don't have any problems with it due to it's physical effects or mental ones, then that is really all I can put it down to.
This is exactly what occurred to me when I read the post. Social conditioning can really play tricks with your mind. I smoke every now and then, but I still get the feeling that marijuana is somehow 'scummier' and less acceptable than alcohol. Logically, I understand that its really a matter of apples and oranges, but the fact that the stuff is illegal makes me feel like I should hold it in dubious esteem. Incidentally, I think that this fact makes people get into harder drugs, seeing as this whole underground mystique that surrounds them also encompasses pot.


New member
Sep 6, 2010
Rolling a joint containing marijuana is the equivalent of rolling a joint containing nicotine both produce smoke that contains harmful chemicals, just like burning anything. The primary way these drugs is taken is harmful as it encourages cancer and damage to the lungs. this is not the drug, it is the smoke.
Concerning the drugs:
Nicotine can encourage cancers, however is less harmful in the short term and will not cause you to act in a way that could harm yourself Nicotine is more addictive, although a few find it not addictive at all in measured quantities.
Marijuana can reduce 'some' cancer, but is more harmful in the short term than nicotine and can lead to you doing harm to yourself (dependant on the person). Marijuana is less addictive, although some can become highly addicted to it, but this is usually at an experiential level, not a chemical level.

[b/]The reality is that any drug is harmful, both in the way it works in the body, and the way it is ingested and to compare them is really a waste of time. If you do want to take harmful drugs there is a large collection of legal ones to occupy your time with... and you wont risk a criminal charge.[/b]


New member
Feb 3, 2011
xXGeckoXx said:
Navvan said:
I'm a little tired but on the point of gang members that is the saddest part. That part of the culture comes from the illegality where only criminals can deal in it because just that act is breaking the law and once you make someone a criminal the social effects are profound. That is my belief that the illegality of all drugs makes it all worse. If the drug was regulated everything would be better. Better addiction support, cleaner drugs (much safer in the case of opiates) free from pollutants. And a drop in the funding of criminals.

Just think about it, when warlords want to make cash to buy guns they sell drugs. If you made drugs legal all sorts of shady people would fade away (and warlords would go back to good old fashion money laundering which we could target using the budget from the war on drugs).

Don't want to make this a legalization debate but I hate the culture brought about by it. Furthermore by making individual users feel like criminals they reduce the chances that smart people who might experiment intelligently from using it.
Actually I'm in support of legalization for the same reasons. Like I said I have no problem with the idea of people wanting to use it as a recreational activity. I was merely offering a counter to your statement "drugs (weed specifically) make you friendly". As I believe it has more to do with the individual than with the drug itself.

To reiterate I have no problem with the recreational aspect of smoking so long as I'm not liable and don't have to smell it. I do have a problem when people claim unfounded benefits of smoking. I especially find it annoying when avid smokers/supporters start talking about it like some sort of holy grail type construct. While you haven't done this to a great extent so many smokers/supports do.


New member
Jul 20, 2009
*shrug* it's worse than cigarettes, anywhere from 2 to 20 depending on how much the person you ask hates weed, with 20 being the fox news guesstimate.

Then again, i guess you don't see someone smoke 20 joints in four hours, either. At least, someone who isn't going to the hospital very shortly.

Affects entirely different regions than alcohol does, so it's hard to say which is worse.

It's not physically addictive like more dangerous "substances" are, but it is addictive. You won't go through detox like alcohol, but you'll have the same mental issues people quitting tobacco have, at the least.

All it boils down to is that it's completely fine in moderation, however no society on earth is moral enough to be trusted to moderate anything they do, so rather than let another vice dig it's claws into the economy, it might be best to just leave it strictly available for medical uses, and that's it.


New member
Jul 12, 2011
Pretty simple, stop being a douche about it. especially when you don't even have a reason to be a douche about it.


New member
Dec 28, 2008
Perhaps you're afraid that, as an illegal drug, it will act as a gateway to other, much worse illegal drugs such as cocaine or heroin. If this is actually the case and I'm not just talking bullshit, I'd advise you not to worry. People are capable of making informed decisions about what they do and don't want to do without the government's help. Most weed smokers draw the line at LSD or ecstasy. I hope this is a comfort to you.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
the only reason it,s illegal is because people used to think it melts your brains out.
weed,s only negative effect is the munchies.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
Blablahb said:
henritje said:
the only reason it,s illegal is because people used to think it melts your brains out.
weed,s only negative effect is the munchies.
Maybe you should actually read up on the effects before you voice an opinion. Effects such as permanent brain damage in the amygdala, and psychosis.
then again I,m not a expert and I,m pretty sure you only get that if you smoke too much weed everything is bad in high concentrations.