rocket...AJey said:Could not be less impressed...this whole thing looks so damn silly. Sorry to the fans, but I just cant take this seriously one bit.
I'm pretty lucky, since most of the books I read are review copies sent by publishers but when I want to try something new, I'm like you; reviews are the best place to start. A good cover and a catchy name tend to make me go looking into the book, though.Zachary Amaranth said:They're also horribly unfruitful for the creators. I mean, unless there really is nothing other than the synopsis. then it can mask your crappiness, I suppose.
I've gotten to the point where I rarely read the jacket blurbs because they are very likely not going to pitch me. At worst, they turn me off the product. I start in on reviews, where I can generally parse for information from a series of what people do and don't like about the book. I do this less with movies, because I usually stream them and don't lose much for trying. Netflix. I love it.
So yeah. Writers have to make these things short to the point of being unable to cram almost any useful information in.
And Blade Runner would sound even worse now that everyone's done it.
That's kind of why Vin Diesel is perfect, as Groot only says one thing, ever: "I AM GROOT." And yet, the director has already gone on record saying he was impressed how Diesel did so many versions of that same line with so many different inflection, simply because he wanted to do it perfect. I love that Vin Diesel is a huge slab of man, but also such a lovable comic and video game dork.EyeReaper said:I always thought Vin Diesel was kind of a wooden actor, but this is just silly
I actually don't know about any of these characters (except for rocket raccoon, and that's only from UMvC) so I don't know what to expect. Actually, I do. I expect Star fox quotes when my friends see Rocket Raccoon. but besides that? I dunno. could be good.
This is The Escapist, where a talking Raccoon toting Rocket Launchers side by side with a Tree alien is dumb and stupid and is hated.Malty Milk Whistle said:It looks like a fun space opera.
You guys remember fun, right?
The main reason I hate writing them. I always end up obsessig over them, too.ninjaRiv said:Synopses are pretty much just a bunch of buzz words thrown together. "EXCITING! DANGER! SEX! SURVIVAL! BREASTS!"