Mass Effect 2 : Favourite and most hated team members.

A velociraptor

New member
May 12, 2009
Bored Tomatoe said:
Least Favorites: Jacob/Miranda. They're essentially the new Kaiden and Ashley. And I fucking hated Kaiden and Ashley... Come to think of it... Did anyone like Kaiden and Ashley?

I love having Garrus on the team and I used Miranda until I got Legion. I love Garrus and Legion just because there's nothing quite like putting out a well aimed well of bullets into the onrushing hordes.

And I couldn't stand either Jack or Zaeed. They were just unlikeable.

Samara and Thane were runners up for the "I love you" Mass Effect 2 award.
Mar 26, 2008
DustyDrB said:
Man. I guess I'm alone in liking Jacob. On a spaceship full of neurotic/psychotic/arrogant humans and aliens, it was good to have one dude who was pretty grounded and easy to relate.
That's pretty much what I thought. His grounded-ness made him a breath of fresh air to talk to. He was still boring though.

My favorite would have to be Garrus though. After what we went through in the first one and just the familiar dialog Shepherd and him have it is really like brothers in arms. He's the type of "guy" you'd lend money or your car to without worrying if you'd ever see it again and someone you could knock a few beers back with.


New member
Dec 17, 2008
I can't pick a favorite. The reason that it is impossible for me comes from the fact that all the characters have something about them, some quirk or history, that makes them unique and enjoyable. I want to get to know the characters and understand them better, especially when they change a bit depending on how nice or mean you are to them...except for Zaeed. I was almost expecting another Shale-type character that was somewhat meta-aware of the game, but he ended up being the least interesting character out of the whole group. Being nothing more than a Soldier with less talents, his recruitment and loyalty missions were the only points in time that you could actually hold a conversation with him. He can hold his own in combat, but doesn't bring anything to the fight other than his gun. Some of the other characters bring just as much firepower with them as well as tactical abilities to shape the battlefield. All in all, my least favorite character.

If I had to choose a favorite, though, I would probably have to go with Thane or Legion. Very interesting history/personality for them both and pretty decent in a fight, too.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
1. Garrus - Hugely improved from ME1. Great, dry sense of humor. Some nice moral ambiguity. Went from a character I could care less about from the first game to my favorite NPC.
2. Mordin - Along with Garrus the best comic relief in the game. Great loyalty mission as well...the ethics of the Genophage made for one of the most interesting dilemmas in the game to date.
3. Jacob - Gruff, straight-talking and grounded character. Tonally consistent.
4. Grunt - I just like Krogans, what can I say.
5. Miranda - Liked her hard edge and ethical flexibility. Loyalty mission humanized her.
6. Zaeed - One of the best voice actors of the lot. Seemed a genuine bastard, which is a relative rarity amongst the crew.
7. Jack - Hostile and abrasive, but at the end of the day not hostile and abrasive enough. A character I felt was watered down by her overly sympathetic backstory.
8. Thane - See Jack. Could be one of the best characters for voice acting and overall personality, but loses major points for the absurd flashback sequences and his preposterously maudlin subplot.
9. Tali - I've just never really enjoyed Tali. Round 2 was no exception.
10. Samara - There's nothing WRONG with Samara, she's just not very interesting. Her daughter was an infinitely more intriguing character.
11. Legion - Picked up late, barely used. Like a stranger to me.

Overall a solid lot. Voice acting was top notch across the board. If I had a complaint, it's that they're all just so huggable and sympathetic. When the dossiers are first presented to you, you're given the impression that you're rounding up a crew of the worst of the worst...the most dangerous men and women in the galaxy. A mad scientist, a mass murderer, a deadly assassin, a crazed vigilante, etc. But then at the end of the day, they're all pretty nice guys. Except maybe Grunt, who gets a pass on account of his being a Krogan.

Duke Nil

New member
Feb 19, 2009
Legion, Thane, Tali, Mordin and Jack were all awesome (though Tali was useless).

Garrus and Grunt were both cool and useful, but not as interesting as those above.

Jacob was alright but completely uninteresting and pretty useless combat-wise.

Miranda was useful but fucking annoying, and Samara was somehow both uptight/boring and also a creepily skanky old hag. I wish bioware would lose their hardon for uncharacteristic/impractical clothing on chicks (*comorriganugh*)

Duke Nil

New member
Feb 19, 2009
BloatedGuppy said:
Overall a solid lot. Voice acting was top notch across the board. If I had a complaint, it's that they're all just so huggable and sympathetic. When the dossiers are first presented to you, you're given the impression that you're rounding up a crew of the worst of the worst...the most dangerous men and women in the galaxy. A mad scientist, a mass murderer, a deadly assassin, a crazed vigilante, etc. But then at the end of the day, they're all pretty nice guys. Except maybe Grunt, who gets a pass on account of his being a Krogan.
Definitely agree, they do end up all being kind of pushovers


New member
Jun 16, 2008

1. Garrus - for being an understated badass. He doesn't go around acting hard like usual videogame tough guys, but the guy gets mauled by a gunship, has part of his face shot to pieces and makes jokes about it. Loved him as the frustrated, yet still idealistic cop in the first ME, and loved him even more in the second.
2. Grunt - "I. AM. KROOOOOOOOOGAN!" Demi-Wrex.
3. Mordin - Just the way he talked, along with the song made him awesome, the fact he was an interesting and flawed character made him even better.
4. Tali - Thought her boring in the first game, liked her in the second. Seemed to have more of a sense of humour and a deeper backstory.
5. Legion - Because he does The Robot dammit.
6. Thane - Eh, it's been done before, but the "repentant, yet cold assassin" works for me.

Less Good.

7. Samara - didn't really click for me.
8. Jacob - At least he isn't Kaidan.
9. Miranda - At least she isn't Ashley


10. Jack - Oh god, shut up. Seriously, if I had my way, Grunt woulda thrown you out the airlock 3 missions back.


New member
Aug 15, 2009
1. Grunt: hes badass, but naive and flawed and it makes him interesting, plus he thinks ur so awesome he picks you as his battlemaster. Legion is close second
Least Favorite: Mordin, the dickhole shoots his student in the face for trying to cure a genetic disease that is ravaging an entire race then sits there and talks so fast i cant understand a word his says plus hes useless in combat once you get tali or legion so fuck him

Ham Blitz

New member
May 28, 2009
I will say I liked most of the teammates in the talking character field. Granted, Jacob can seem a bit generic, but I didn't mind him, and enjoyed the conversations a bit. Tali I chose for the romance, so I can say I probably would put her near the top. I still offer the top favorite to Mordin just because I love the way he talks and his singing.
Miranda I will say is neutral, just because something about being perfect makes her depressed... that, and she seems to have two very big front teeth.
Grunt would be a bit lower, just because even though it was funny to hear about his love of violence, Krogans always seem slightly dull. That, and he dissappointed me from the start since through the entire first conversation he seems alright, then he does the one thing I wasn't hoping for in the new Krogan, Fiinish the conversation by saying Shepard exactly like Wrex.
Finally, Legion. I didn't actually have anything against him, it is just that you have him for so little time, so it is hard to really care much about him.
EDIT: Whoops, I cared so little about her, I forgot to mention her: Samara. She is just so dull and annoying, why couldn't she be remotely interesting like the rest of the Asari Villians you meet. I would say all, but Liara seems to have become dull as well.


New member
Aug 2, 2006
Hmm, tough choice. They all have their ups and downs, pretty much.

Probable favorite: Legion - Both the whole mysterious Geth race - you know, the part of them that aren't trying to kill you - and a rare individual among Geth who has a story of its own. It wins... though you could say it cheated having all that going for it.

Probably second favorite: Mordin - His quirky nature makes him really likable. If Legion didn't cheat, he'd be on the top of my list. ;)

Probably least favorite: Samara - I sexed her but, you know, what's there to like about this character? "Hi, I got perfect genes. I smart enough that I headed the project that brought you back to life. Oh, and I'm also a complete ice queen and murder people I don't like without blinking an eye."

Maybe if my other female choices weren't the loose intern, the tin can, the alien paladin, and the tattooed train wreck, I'd have got my Paramour achievement somewhere else. Of them, I think Tali's the most likable (read: sane) of that list, but I'm still not sticking my virtual wang in that. Screw Bioware's writers for trying to spin, "Oh, but she's a nice girl, you shouldn't hold that against her" into the story. It's whacked enough to get it on with aliens, nevermind those who have an known immune problems. Maybe in the next game we can hit on Krogans with AIDS.

Probably second least favorite: Jack - "Rar! I'm a bad girl with a bad history but I'm a super-duper biotic!" I sympathize, lady, but I've got a job to do. Should have left her in the box I found her.

Disqualified: Zaeed. Nice voice work, but otherwise he's a downloadable character who feels like a downloadable character. He doesn't have proper dialogue and I could easily have got through the entire game without him. Gee, thanks for the merc, Illusive Man, but you shouldn't have. Plus, it felt like I was getting dragged by the nose through his loyalty mission.

Brad Shepard

New member
Sep 9, 2009
In order

Tali (Because shes so awesome, and i like the fact shes nice)
Garrus (As Joker said, "Im glad Garrus took the stick out of his ass, but hes beating people to death with it ((Which is awesome)))
Mordin (Need i say more?)
Miranda (i liked her a lot more when she told the Ilusive man to fuck off)
Grunt (Hes awesome, more for the fact that he ramed his head into a window, reminds me of myself)
legion (DO THE ROBOT! and i loved it when you asked about the armor "...File not found?... :) )
Thane (he killed that ***** from the first game, that made me like him from the get go)
jacob (His side mission made me like him more then i should)
jack (She has some funny dialog)
Samara (To tell the truth, the only reason i dident kill her is because her kid was a *****)
Zaeed (Im so glad i punched him in the face)


New member
Jan 25, 2010
Though I don't hate any of the crew, I dislike some more than others, but I agree that their voice acting is great all around. Tali and Garrus I like because of the original game, call it nostalgia if you want. (I also romanced Garrus as Paragon (female) Shepard).

As far as new teammates go this is my opinion (possible spoiler alert!):

1. Miranda is a very strong character, sticking to her beliefs and views with conviction even though I think she's wrong. Getting to see an emotional side w/ her sister was nice. (And she helped the fire teams survive the final mission for me)
2. Thane doesn't strike me as an assassin with his attitude, so he loses some likable points for that and his unusual way of flashbacking is distracting when talking to him.
3. Samara is interesting in her total devotion to the Greater Good, but she seems like a zealot to me.
4. Morinth I just got on my Renegade character, though Samara's daughter she's not a zealot and far more interesting to get to know. (Despite her being a murderer)
5. Jack, well what I can say about Jack? She crashed a space station into a moon, is a powerful biotic and took care of her past in a rather explosive fashion.
6. Mordin, his thought process is funny to listen to but the singing and sex advice won me over. His connection to the Genophage is a good plot as well.
7. Legion reminds me of the Borg, he has good one-liners and his interaction with the Quarians in the game is fun to watch. And I wanted a Geth teammate after playing ME1, badly.
8. Grunt's a Krogan, so he's got that going for him (I loved Wrex in ME1) and he sticks to his Krogan attitude throughout the game. Works for me.
9. Zaeed seemed a bit bland, the gruff old mercenary has been done before.
10. Jacob is the more typical marine type, so I don't like him as much. But his loyalty mission was interesting.

Veldt Falsetto

New member
Dec 26, 2009
Garrus = Awesome
Thane is so cool fun
Jake's cool
Legion is such an amazing idea and I loved him
Tali, cool as always

Miranda and Jack...can be ok, I really started to like them both on their loyalty missions but be nice to Jack and it's all about sex, Miranda is very business like

Grunt was ok, his loyalty mission was fun but...he felt really 2D compared to Wrex, I'd have much prefered Wrex
Samara, just didn't like her.

Mr. DLC was awful, everything, his name, his intro, his mission, his eye but most of all that awful fake british voice arrgh he wasn't even useful either


New member
Oct 3, 2009
MiracleOfSound said:
Jenova65 said:
For what seems like the millionth time *sighs dramatically* Kaiden isn't boring, the dude committed biotic death on his asshole teacher when he was a teenager. Most of the dislike aimed at Kaiden (purely my own observation) is from male gamers. I think he is a character there is still much to learn about, like how he stayed faithful to a dead woman for two years, kudos to him! Just saying...... :)
I don't hate any of them but wouldn't take them in preference to my old team. Jack is a pain in the ass and Jacob is as boring as (shall I do it? I think I might you know..... Yeah, I'm gunna) Tali!!!! How do you like them apples male gamers? ;-) I don't mean it btw, but I equally don't 'get', the Tali thing either.
I like best Thane and Mordin's personalities and Thane, Mordin, Jack and Samara's battle skills. Jacob can respectfully 'do one'! ;-)
Oh and Amen to putting clothes on Jack!
EDIT - Oh, how I love Legion, it makes the geth very interesting.
He killed his teacher with a biotic smash to the head... yet managed to make the telling of the story boring. That's how dull he was. He had no sense of humour or moments of real comradery with anyone.

I love Legion too, that was such a brilliant moment
seeing him and Tali making peace, a little ray of hope between the Geth and thier makers

As for putting clothes on Jack... I will always do her help mission first now in order to cover her up as soon as possible!
Tch, you're such a male Shepard! ;-) I wasn't bored, Raphael Sbarge may not be the most attractive actor in Hollywood but he sure has a lovely voice. And that was remorse in his voice, so prrrfffft to you. And if you say any more mean things I shall put my fingers in my ears and go ''Lalalalala, not listening'' (I'm 44 you know, real mature, me!)
I am really curious as to where BioWare will take the Geth for ME3, they can't go back now, can they....
The other thing about Jack is, she's more of a ***** AFTER you do her mission, WTF?!

New member
Dec 8, 2009
My 3 favorite characters are definitely Mordin, Legion and Zaeed. All of them have interesting stories.
I didn't like Jacob and Jack didn't seem to fit in the team...


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
Jenova65 said:
Tch, you're such a male Shepard! ;-) I wasn't bored, Raphael Sbarge may not be the most attractive actor in Hollywood but he sure has a lovely voice. And that was remorse in his voice, so prrrfffft to you. And if you say any more mean things I shall put my fingers in my ears and go ''Lalalalala, not listening'' (I'm 44 you know, real mature, me!)
I am really curious as to where BioWare will take the Geth for ME3, they can't go back now, can they....
The other thing about Jack is, she's more of a ***** AFTER you do her mission, WTF?!
Haha it's nothing to do with being a male Shepard... I hated Ashley too, and thought she was boring as hell... and Liara was so bloody monotone and dour...

I much preffered the characters in ME2, though I always liked Wrex, Garrus and Tali.

As for your question on why all the lads seem to love Tali, I think it's because she reminds us of nerdy girls, she's obsessed with tech, and she stammers when she's nervous which is kind of adorable.

Plus there's the whole 'oooh what does she look like' mystery.

And the thighs...


New member
Oct 3, 2009
MiracleOfSound said:
Jenova65 said:
Tch, you're such a male Shepard! ;-) I wasn't bored, Raphael Sbarge may not be the most attractive actor in Hollywood but he sure has a lovely voice. And that was remorse in his voice, so prrrfffft to you. And if you say any more mean things I shall put my fingers in my ears and go ''Lalalalala, not listening'' (I'm 44 you know, real mature, me!)
I am really curious as to where BioWare will take the Geth for ME3, they can't go back now, can they....
The other thing about Jack is, she's more of a ***** AFTER you do her mission, WTF?!
Haha it's nothing to do with being a male Shepard... I hated Ashley too, and thought she was boring as hell... and Liara was so bloody monotone and dour...

I much preffered the characters in ME2, though I always liked Wrex, Garrus and Tali.

As for your question on why all the lads seem to love Tali, I think it's because she reminds us of nerdy girls, she's obsessed with tech, and she stammers when she's nervous which is kind of adorable.

Plus there's the whole 'oooh what does she look like' mystery.

And the thighs...
Ahem! ''Lalalala, not listening''! Lol
Thanks for explaining the Tali thing, I still don't 'get', it though, since nerdy girls would be the first to admit men are not hammering on their doors in droves. I'll just put it down to the hips and thighs then *sighs and tuts WHILST shaking head*
I think they should do a bit of a mix and match for 3, Wrex over Grunt any day for example, but Samara is very useful I thought and the justicar issue makes for potential storylines/sidequests. It will be interesting to see what they do with 3 and no mistake :)


New member
Oct 3, 2009
Archangel357 said:
Favourite: Legion. I love the whole idea, and how the geth finally get their own arc, distinct from the usual "Borg/Cylon machine people" stereotype.

Tali and Thane are up there, as well, though. I love me some krogan, but Grunt could have been fleshed out better. Hell, the krogan/asari couple had more depth than he did.

Least favourite: Jacob. So generic, his blandness actually clashes with the rest of the game. Jack's a bit overdone imo, but that might be because I play as a female and you cannot pursue a romantic interest and get to know her better.
I really hope that BioWare are reading the forums like they did after ME1 for input and get rid of Jacob, he is tedious. And Jack should still be interesting even playing female, romance is just one aspect of human interaction, I find her difficult and not likeable, useful though.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
Jenova65 said:
Ahem! ''Lalalala, not listening''! Lol
Thanks for explaining the Tali thing, I still don't 'get', it though, since nerdy girls would be the first to admit men are not hammering on their doors in droves. I'll just put it down to the hips and thighs then *sighs and tuts WHILST shaking head*
I think they should do a bit of a mix and match for 3, Wrex over Grunt any day for example, but Samara is very useful I thought and the justicar issue makes for potential storylines/sidequests. It will be interesting to see what they do with 3 and no mistake :)
Yeah... that would be cool. Wrex and Samara would have great banter.

I liked Miranda too, once she opened up and stopped being a hardass. The end of her loyalty mission was kinda moving, I felt a little tear well up when she
went to talk to her sister

I know, I'm sad.