Mass Effect 3: Casey Hudson's Largest FUBAR


New member
Mar 12, 2012
Monster_user said:
Shepard is the CATALYST!!! *MIND BLOWN*

Mr Goostoff:, the image makes more sense to me than your post. They both say the same thing, the image just breaks it down into simpler terms, and points out the fallacy of the logic. These Reapers are Synthetics, they are DESTINED to wiped out EVERYTHING. Not just the "higher" organics that they were designed to reap.

Which is why I subscribe to the indoctrination theory.

Same here. And if Shep was a catalyst, he/she would not have changed in the entire process.


New member
Feb 18, 2011
If this is true (I'm skeptical about everything ME related now), this brings me some peace of mind. Tsk, oh Casey...


New member
Jan 17, 2011
The Abhorrent said:
From the Article:

The stuff with the Catalyst just... You have to understand. Casey is really smart and really analytical. And the problem is that when he's not checked, he will assume that other people are like him, and will really appreciate an almost completely unemotional intellectual ending. I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it.
Ladies and gentlemen, it seems that the ending to Mass Effect 3 could be a textbook case of "Viewers Are Geniuses []"; especially when you consider that they were also deliberately going for a divisive and thought-provoking conclusion. They did just that, quite successfully I would say.

... Unfortunately, it seems someone forgot to mention that an ending which is too sophisticated is even worse than one which isn't sophisticated enough in the eyes of the average person.
That would be fine if the ending was sophisticated at all. It seemed more like it was written by the schizophrenic guy down the street from me who is convinced that aliens are invading his mind through fluorine-"infected" water.


New member
Jun 1, 2011
*Comes to thread because friend's DnD character is named Fubar*

*Leaves because it's just another ME3 ending thread*


New member
Jul 14, 2010
anthony87 said:
dreadedcandiru99 said:
anthony87 said:
dreadedcandiru99 said:
anthony87 said:
(additional snip)
Well if the comments of the article are anything to go by then that's where a lot of people stopped, myself included only to be hit by torrents of "Oh, well if that's where you stopped then you're missing the point of the article and just showing how whiney you are" and the like. Mind you, I did give it a read eventually and....well it's the same nonsense we've been hearing up to now saying we're acting spoiled, holding the industry back, "artistic integrity" and so on.

So it seems that even so-called "journalists" who haven't even touched the ENTIRE SERIES let along experienced the ending of the third game have a greater say on the whole matter than we do.

There's no bloody winning with these people.
This reminds me, I need to find that Reddit thread where somebody posted a screenshot of Jim Sterling and a bunch of other guys having an ever-so-classy Twitter shit-fit about the guy who writes the articles for Forbes. You know, Forbes? The business magazine that's been pwning these gaming journalists with surprising regularity since this whole mess started?

Right, that Forbes.

EDIT: Oh, another thing, about these unceasing cries of "artistic integrity": where were they a few months ago, when a Mass Effect novel came out that was so utterly awful that Bioware wound up agreeing to have it rewritten?
Awh man, why would Jim be bashing Forbes? I thought he was one of the few who actually understood why people were pissed off?

Oh well, at least we've still got Shamus not jumping on the "whiners" bandwagon.
Jim turned full hypocrite the moment people started getting pissed about the ending. I stopped going to Destructoid altogether from how absolutely retarded they were acting about this.


New member
Jul 14, 2010
Devoneaux said:
80Maxwell08 said:
anthony87 said:
dreadedcandiru99 said:
anthony87 said:
dreadedcandiru99 said:
anthony87 said:
(additional snip)
Well if the comments of the article are anything to go by then that's where a lot of people stopped, myself included only to be hit by torrents of "Oh, well if that's where you stopped then you're missing the point of the article and just showing how whiney you are" and the like. Mind you, I did give it a read eventually and....well it's the same nonsense we've been hearing up to now saying we're acting spoiled, holding the industry back, "artistic integrity" and so on.

So it seems that even so-called "journalists" who haven't even touched the ENTIRE SERIES let along experienced the ending of the third game have a greater say on the whole matter than we do.

There's no bloody winning with these people.
This reminds me, I need to find that Reddit thread where somebody posted a screenshot of Jim Sterling and a bunch of other guys having an ever-so-classy Twitter shit-fit about the guy who writes the articles for Forbes. You know, Forbes? The business magazine that's been pwning these gaming journalists with surprising regularity since this whole mess started?

Right, that Forbes.

EDIT: Oh, another thing, about these unceasing cries of "artistic integrity": where were they a few months ago, when a Mass Effect novel came out that was so utterly awful that Bioware wound up agreeing to have it rewritten?
Awh man, why would Jim be bashing Forbes? I thought he was one of the few who actually understood why people were pissed off?

Oh well, at least we've still got Shamus not jumping on the "whiners" bandwagon.
Jim turned full hypocrite the moment people started getting pissed about the ending. I stopped going to Destructoid altogether from how absolutely retarded they were acting about this.
What makes it so crappy is that Shamus is the only person from the other side that even makes an effort to say "okay I know where you guys are comming from, I even sympathise, but this is what I think." From everyone else it's just a mound of "Stop you're whining you entitled brat!"On that note, I hope the avengers movie has the worst ending in cinima since the Star Wars prequels so that When Moviebob starts whining I can call him out in the comments section.
I honestly think there's some mass corruption going on here between all of the ads for ME3 on roughly every website in existence and not one website until recently saying that they didn't like the ME3 ending. The one that when Bioware had a poll of people's thoughts on the ending over 90% said they didn't like the ending. Then we get into huge companies also owning gaming websites and developers but never speaking of the conflict of interest. If I remember correctly there was the person from IGN who gave DA2 a great review score there and then got a job at Bioware. Yeah that doesn't look even remotely seedy.

Mr Goostoff

New member
Aug 14, 2008
Monster_user said:
Darkcerb said:
Mr Goostoff said:
ruthaford_jive said:
rhizhim said:
ruthaford_jive said:
Shepard is the CATALYST!!! *MIND BLOWN*

Mr Goostoff:, the image makes more sense to me than your post. They both say the same thing, the image just breaks it down into simpler terms, and points out the fallacy of the logic. These Reapers are Synthetics, they are DESTINED to wiped out EVERYTHING. Not just the "higher" organics that they were designed to reap.

Which is why I subscribe to the indoctrination theory.
That is absolutely untrue! The Reapers do not wipe out all organic life, and the fact that you're arguing that they do just proves how unqualified you are to be arguing this.
It is stated in the game that the Protheans were studying the evolution of humanity from Mars, and the timeline would support this (the Protheans were wiped out 50,000 years ago, when primitive humans existed). That proves exactly what I said, and disproves what you said.
The Reapers wiping out the Protheans meant the end of the Protheans, NOT the end of humanity.
And humans went on to become the new dominant species, which shows that what they intended to do (allow other species to rise up) happens, and works.
Now please, know what you're talking about before trying.
And for the record, I too believe in the indoctrination/dream theory.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
*sigh* It's at moments like this i wish that they'd just gone with their original idea for one of the alternate endings.

OT: Ok, so i can definitely see what's wrong with the endings and the fact that it seemed to have been the result of a communications block (I would call it breakdown, this is literally a block) on the part of two of the writers doesn't surprise me. Anyone else feel a bit of dejavu over all this to the Kotor 2 ending situation minus the 'time constraints' problem?


M-f-ing Jedi Master
Dec 19, 2009
dreadedcandiru99 said:
Personally, I might (and I cannot emphasize that "might" strongly enough) have been willing to accept the Star Child scene, but if the Reapers absolutely had to go from "incomprehensible Lovecraftian horrors from beyond space and time" to "we turn organics into organic-killing synthetics to stop organics from creating organic-killing synthetics," then that crap had to get a lot more explanation. They'd also have to explain why, if the thing that made the Reapers has been living in the Citadel the whole time, Sovereign's role in ME1 was even necessary.

As for the ending, I still kind of think something like this [] would be the simplest way to fix it.

(And seriously, Bioware needs to fire whoever's responsible for this travesty.)
I mostly agree, though I never liked the "incomprehensible alien abomination" angle some stories took as, to me, it leaves a giant gaping maw the size of the Mariana Trench. That's how I've always saw the Reapers: plot devices with bizarre designs and awesome voices.

And to be honest, I'm more upset at how the whole "Galactic Readiness" factors into the campaign when, within the context of said campaign, it doesn't. From what I could tell, there's no point whatsoever on rallying up all those assets. It'd make more sense if that had a direct impact on the progress of a certain device (e.g. more assets means it gets done faster, resulting in not having to do as many side missions); as it stands, it's just seems randomly thrown in and poorly cross-referenced in an effort to give it relevance. And if anyone else is reading this, yes, I did try the multiplayer mode and frankly, I was not impressed.

So yeah, some parts of the ending if not the entire series are poorly written (the aforementioned Reapers), but I don't think the ending is as blasphemous as most fans make it seem; I've come across far worse endings from games that sat very firm on either end of the quality spectrum. Then again, I only invested so much interest into the series, exacerbated by the fact that my FemShep was "ported" from a universe of my own making, so most of the events in-game she wouldn't have handled in that fashion anyway (if only because you can't make Shep say "fuck" and punch people at will).

Besides, worst case scenario I can just make some shit up myself, right? Like my FemShep and Sam (Traynor) in a lavish apartment on Illium, basking in the warmth of a quiet sunset and each other, for example.

P.S.: That got pretty long-winded. Sorry about that.