Hey thanks again for answering my very hard question, and for you know, all the nice words and pretty pictures we get each week.Grey Carter said:Mass Effect 3: The movement
You dirty bird, Bioware, how could you?
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Note: Apologies for the typo in the news blurb. The rest of the Escapist staff appear to have fucked off to PAX, so no one is around to fix it.
I just have some more that have been in my head for a bit. Oh and anyone reading this who isn't Grey Carter like the one before, Fuck off!.....Ha ha just kidding. Anyone reading feel free to answer as you see fit.
Now I must warn you I may be working on bad/incomplete information. If anyone knows the whole story, tell me, and just answer the question as a hypothetical. Okay, the question set up.
Now as I have heard the story goes like this; BioWare had different ending to the one we have currently, (Now and forever. Oh well.), but they had to change it because a vague description of it got leaked to the web. Now I know what your thinking, and no this ending probably wouldn't have been perfect either (unless maybe they included an epilogue with it). Remember that dark energy stuff Tali said was probably nothing? Well it was suppose to be the reason the Reapers were killing us. Apparently making Reapers was suppose to stop the dark energy from making all the stars die thus dooming all life in the galaxy pretty much forever.
Now while I think that is waaaaaay better than "We kill you so others like us won't maybe in the future.", it on its own isn't perfect, and has a few plot holes itself. For example; why do they need (higher)thinking creatures to make a reaper instead of like cows or pyjacks, or what are they doing while they wait for us to evolve? Just sitting in darkspace instead of finding or making a new way to stop this without killing everyone?
Anyway now for the question. Remember if my information is off just answer as a hypothetical question.
So if this is so, then BioWare has already changed the ending of ME3 for the fans, I say "for the fans" because I don't see how people
knowing the ending will affect them personally except by some people not buying the game because they knew how it ends, but I would
like to hope BioWare did it just because, you know, they didn't want the ending to be spoiled for the fans. I mean what could go wrong.
The fans get a ending and BioWare doesn't have to worry about losing potential customers/future fans. Problem solved, and as one
famous team on our beloved Escapist once said many times, (Doomsday Arcade), I can see no other possible outcome. Hmmm. You
think maybe they said that outloud? Oh well, I digress. If they have changed the ending once before then why can they not do it once
again of their free will. Because yes while they have had a lot of people asking, telling, and downright demanding they change the end
they don't have to and seem to have chosen not to (if what we have heard about the up and coming dlc is true, and I think it is). Yes this
time we have people asking them to do it, but would that really change anything if they have already been taking action to change things
that would possibly upset us?
I will submit that even if this would not change a already made precedent it could make one stronger.
Also, if that question isn't to your tastes, how about the one after the next one? Or this one?
(This one will HAVE to be a hypothetical question sadly.) What if no one ever asked, told, or demanded in words "BioWare change ME3's ending."? All the talk about the ending being bad would stay the same, but no one would have ever talked about actually changing the ending. Except for anyone at BioWare, obviously. Would it then be ok?
Ok that's it for now thanks to anyone who read, even if you chose not to answer.
Have a good day.