Mass Effect 3: The movement

Blind Sight

New member
May 16, 2010
goliath6711 said:
Show me the numerous examples of the overwhelming majority of gaming journalists that are unfairly attacking those that are dissatisfied with the Mass Effect 3 ending because I don't see it.

Blind Sight said:
Krion_Vark said:
Blind Sight said:
Grey Carter said:
So, just to get this straight, you're calling me corrupt? That's a very poor way to start a conversation.
You infer that fans will perform blowjobs for Bioware employees for a 'happy ending' (which isn't really the argument being presented by most, it more has to do with the ending being terribly written and lacking complex choice) and then expect a positive response back? If you've just openly mocked and deliberately misinterpreted a group of people's opinion don't expect them to be nice in response.

To the comic: Clearly the fanboy is meant to be egoraptor, would've been an ok satire on the whole 'Retake ME3' movement if it wasn't just constructed of internet strawmen.
Just remember said group you are defending DONATED money to a CHARITY. Then DEMANDED said money back. I know its not everyone in the group but seriously if you want to go and defend a part of the group that was actually good you also have to remember that another part of the group is bad.
Where did I defend their actions in my statement? I didn't. Read the statement rather then what you want to hear. What I brought up was the complete hypocrisy of both expecting a civil debate after such a 'witty satire' and deliberately misinterpreting the arguments of a group, then calling them out for doing the same thing. I'm just highlighting the inconsistency of the whole thing, if you're going to present either side as some strawman that you can easily attack you can't then criticize them for doing the same thing. Your charity comment has nothing to do with what I actually said and completely misses the point.
You're right, you didn't defend them. You also didn't denounce them either. So what are we supposed to think?
You're supposed to have basic reading comprehension and determine that my statement was a criticism of the blatant hypocrisy in strawmanning either side and then damning the other side for the same action. Anyone on either side saying 'but we can have a civil debate' after openly mocking and misinterpreting the other is either oblivious or deliberately being snobbish. It's not difficult if you step out of your little biased bubble and read what's there, not what you want to see.

I didn't defend them and I didn't denounce them because I'm neutral. Thought the ending was terrible, but it should stand on its own as an example of truly awful writing and plot holes. The so-called 'debate' between the two sides is just growing more and more juvenile and simplistic, and it's largely the result of inane strawman arguments. Some of us aren't in your little 'us vs. them' pissing contest.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
RhombusHatesYou said:
Grey Carter said:
I think the biggest problem with the ME endings was their brevity. The actual core conceit: Reapers harvest advanced lifeforms so younger ones can have a chance at life, and the destruction of the mass relays, are both solid concepts that could, with the right amount of care, have made for an awesome ending. I think by expanding on these concepts, BioWare could potentially answer most of the criticism of the endings. Whether it would satisfy fans is a different question.
No chance it will now. Bioware and EA spent too much time being dick-splinters about it and pretending there was nothing wrong with the ending then pretending they misunderstood exactly what the nature of the complaints were (intellectual dishonesty on both sides of this argument). The fact that EA actively court controvery for free publicity and that Bioware's PR seemingly can't even take a piss without one of Drs Greg and Ray to hold their dicks doesn't help.

That said, you're pretty much right. If they'd bothered to expand and explain... well, pretty much the entire last 10 minutes of the game instead of going "Here's a bunch of new stuff. No, can't explain. Have fun... PS You are dead." I think half the rage would never have happened.

Personally I'm just glad my Shepherd didn't have to suffer such ignomy. He's forever stuck at the end of ME2 because fuck Origin... :D
I have to wonder how they'll explain the plot holes, lack of logic in GodChild's dialog and breaking multiple already established pieces of lore (like, there is no teleportation in ME, mass relays are instantaneous and can't be "outrun" by anything as show in cinematic, characters who died in Harbinger attack miraculously survive and end up on Normandy...) and of course, characters who were loyal to you for the past few years suddenly betray you and basically commit treason.


New member
Dec 16, 2010
Blind Sight said:
Grey Carter said:
So, just to get this straight, you're calling me corrupt? That's a very poor way to start a conversation.
You infer that fans will perform blowjobs for Bioware employees for a 'happy ending' (which isn't really the argument being presented by most, it more has to do with the ending being terribly written and lacking complex choice) and then expect a positive response back? If you've just openly mocked and deliberately misinterpreted a group of people's opinion don't expect them to be nice in response. It's really the commentary below the comic that's the problem, where you lambast gamers for misinterpreting journalists while doing it yourself to them.

To the comic: Clearly the fanboy is meant to be egoraptor, would've been an ok satire on the whole 'Retake ME3' movement if it wasn't just constructed of internet strawmen.
I'm pretty sure the phrase "Happy Ending" here is referring to the players' state of mind after the ending.

Blind Sight

New member
May 16, 2010
irishda said:
Blind Sight said:
Grey Carter said:
So, just to get this straight, you're calling me corrupt? That's a very poor way to start a conversation.
You infer that fans will perform blowjobs for Bioware employees for a 'happy ending' (which isn't really the argument being presented by most, it more has to do with the ending being terribly written and lacking complex choice) and then expect a positive response back? If you've just openly mocked and deliberately misinterpreted a group of people's opinion don't expect them to be nice in response. It's really the commentary below the comic that's the problem, where you lambast gamers for misinterpreting journalists while doing it yourself to them.

To the comic: Clearly the fanboy is meant to be egoraptor, would've been an ok satire on the whole 'Retake ME3' movement if it wasn't just constructed of internet strawmen.
I'm pretty sure the phrase "Happy Ending" here is referring to the players' state of mind after the ending.
Not so sure about that, one of the bigger journalists' criticisms of 'Retake ME3' is that they weren't satisfied with the bleakness of the ending and wanted a 'happy' ending. Considering that it's much easier to interpret the comic that way and without any qualification otherwise it comes off as such.


Elite Member
Mar 25, 2010
Abedeus said:
I have to wonder how they'll explain the plot holes, lack of logic in GodChild's dialog and breaking multiple already established pieces of lore (like, there is no teleportation in ME, mass relays are instantaneous and can't be "outrun" by anything as show in cinematic, characters who died in Harbinger attack miraculously survive and end up on Normandy...) and of course, characters who were loyal to you for the past few years suddenly betray you and basically commit treason.
*Sigh. Just because they didn't explain it to you in game doesn't mean it's a plot hole. Instead of complaining that you have to ask why things happened you could actually think about it.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
Phlakes said:
Abedeus said:
I have to wonder how they'll explain the plot holes, lack of logic in GodChild's dialog and breaking multiple already established pieces of lore (like, there is no teleportation in ME, mass relays are instantaneous and can't be "outrun" by anything as show in cinematic, characters who died in Harbinger attack miraculously survive and end up on Normandy...) and of course, characters who were loyal to you for the past few years suddenly betray you and basically commit treason.
*Sigh. Just because they didn't explain it to you in game doesn't mean it's a plot hole. Instead of complaining that you have to ask why things happened you could actually think about it.
Magic. Got it.

Garrus died in the assault, then he's magically on Normandy.

Joker decided to leg it from the most important battle in the history of mankind (and probably current galactic civilizations altogether).

He crashlanded, but somehow survived despite having freaking brittle bones.

God-AI claims that synthetics and organics can't coexist, and yet on Rannoch Geth and Quarians are living peacefully.

And they somehow managed to drop the "Dark Energy" theme in favor of philosophical bullshit that is contradictory as hell on at least two accounts. Synthetics didn't rebel against creators - they were either defending themselves or, IRONICALLY, being controlled by Reapers, Sovereign specifically.

Not to mention the fucking "Yo dawg" about killing organics to save us... And green ending is pure fantasy. Not even science fiction, just space magic.

The endings really aren't that complicated or deep. They're just rushed, unfinished and unpolished. And filled with multiple holes.


New member
Dec 16, 2010
Blind Sight said:
irishda said:
I'm pretty sure the phrase "Happy Ending" here is referring to the players' state of mind after the ending.
Not so sure about that, one of the bigger journalists' criticisms of 'Retake ME3' is that they weren't satisfied with the bleakness of the ending and wanted a 'happy' ending. Considering that it's much easier to interpret the comic that way and without any qualification otherwise it comes off as such.
I haven't seen it as one of the bigger criticisms. It's been a criticism of course, but only because that's what some people have complained about. There's not complete solidarity within Retake that I think a lot of people assume. There's a lot of different reasons people didn't like the ending, and they don't just boil down to

-our decisions didn't matter

I have seen comments even here on the Escapist of people who were mad because all their work was for naught and they didn't get a perfect, happy ending.

Personally, I laugh at the irony of so many people yelling at critical writers with the line, "It's not about the happy ending; they don't get it", when these people are either willfully simplifying the criticisms of Retake or they themselves just "don't get it".


Elite Member
Mar 25, 2010
Abedeus said:
Magic. Got it.

Garrus died in the assault, then he's magically on Normandy.

Joker decided to leg it from the most important battle in the history of mankind (and probably current galactic civilizations altogether).

He crashlanded, but somehow survived despite having freaking brittle bones.

God-AI claims that synthetics and organics can't coexist, and yet on Rannoch Geth and Quarians are living peacefully.

And they somehow managed to drop the "Dark Energy" theme in favor of philosophical bullshit that is contradictory as hell on at least two accounts. Synthetics didn't rebel against creators - they were either defending themselves or, IRONICALLY, being controlled by Reapers, Sovereign specifically.

Not to mention the fucking "Yo dawg" about killing organics to save us... And green ending is pure fantasy. Not even science fiction, just space magic.

The endings really aren't that complicated or deep. They're just rushed, unfinished and unpolished. And filled with multiple holes.
*Harder sigh. If you really can't come up with a reasonable explanation for those, it's not bad writing, it's you being ignorant.


New member
Dec 16, 2010
Abedeus said:
God-AI claims that synthetics and organics can't coexist, and yet on Rannoch Geth and Quarians are living peacefully.
I always hate that claim. "These guys are fine, therefore they can live together." It seems rather short-sighted.

They're living peacefully FOR NOW. But how long before another war is touched off between the two? Further, unlike two organics killing each for dominance, synthetics have no such need for symbiotic relationships with their natural environments. With synthetics as dominant life forms, there'd be no need to retain organic life form, as the synthetics aren't reliant on them. The argument could be made that Geth have been keeping Rannoch preserved, but if they're of the mindset of eliminating threats to themselves, there's no reason they wouldn't just eradicate all organic life with the idea that all organic life could evolve as a threat to them.


New member
Mar 6, 2011
Dr Jones said:
Qitz said:
TechTim said:
Antitonic said:
So what happens if you'd prefer more of a downer ending? They bring out the knives?

Also, is that Erin in panel 4? Her stripes vanished... SHE'S A WITCH!
Burn her? Don't you people know ANYTHING. To prove one is a Witch you must FIRST, weigh her against a duck. Then you can burn her.
Oh please! To tell a witch from a normal person: put it in water. If it floats it is indeed a witch. If she drowns then she was a genuine laddeh.

And there you have it.

if($witch.weight == $duck.weight) {
$witch.status == true;
}else {
$witch.status == $false;


New member
Sep 14, 2008
Phlakes said:
Abedeus said:
Magic. Got it.

Garrus died in the assault, then he's magically on Normandy.

Joker decided to leg it from the most important battle in the history of mankind (and probably current galactic civilizations altogether).

He crashlanded, but somehow survived despite having freaking brittle bones.

God-AI claims that synthetics and organics can't coexist, and yet on Rannoch Geth and Quarians are living peacefully.

And they somehow managed to drop the "Dark Energy" theme in favor of philosophical bullshit that is contradictory as hell on at least two accounts. Synthetics didn't rebel against creators - they were either defending themselves or, IRONICALLY, being controlled by Reapers, Sovereign specifically.

Not to mention the fucking "Yo dawg" about killing organics to save us... And green ending is pure fantasy. Not even science fiction, just space magic.

The endings really aren't that complicated or deep. They're just rushed, unfinished and unpolished. And filled with multiple holes.
*Harder sigh. If you really can't come up with a reasonable explanation for those, it's not bad writing, it's you being ignorant.
It's not for me to rationalize plotholes. If the storywrited does some stupid shit that nobody can explain without breaking lore (like, teleporting team members to Normandy while they were on Earth or dead a second ago, or running away from battle by Joker), then it's not the audience's fault.

Unless YOU can explain to me, how teleportation, Joker's sudden change from "To grave and beyond!" to "LOL IM OUTTA HERE SHEPARD MUST'VE DIED THERE LOL" and of course resurrection of team mates work...

irishda said:
Abedeus said:
God-AI claims that synthetics and organics can't coexist, and yet on Rannoch Geth and Quarians are living peacefully.
I always hate that claim. "These guys are fine, therefore they can live together." It seems rather short-sighted.

They're living peacefully FOR NOW. But how long before another war is touched off between the two? Further, unlike two organics killing each for dominance, synthetics have no such need for symbiotic relationships with their natural environments. With synthetics as dominant life forms, there'd be no need to retain organic life form, as the synthetics aren't reliant on them. The argument could be made that Geth have been keeping Rannoch preserved, but if they're of the mindset of eliminating threats to themselves, there's no reason they wouldn't just eradicate all organic life with the idea that all organic life could evolve as a threat to them.
Well right back at you, I hate this claim too. "Just because the God-Child once or twice saw AI being bad doesn't mean they can't live together." I mean seriously, that's like people killing off entire breeds or dogs (or people) because "some of them acted badly in the past". I'm pretty sure I don't like, bah, I hate when people judge my rottweiler as evil or beastly because they have an opinion of a rabid breed. But my dog is the sweetest beast I've ever seen in my life. So why should anyone judge her based on what a rottweiler did years before she was born?

Same here - Geth were never hostile on their own, without Quarian aggression. If you punish someone for "what they might do" it's like "pre-venge", i.e. completely pointless. Hell, that's why the entire war started - Quarians were afraid Geth will rebel, so they tried to destroyed them, and... Geth threw them out of Rannoch in self-defense.

Point is - God-Child AI said that AI always goes rogue and tries to kill synthetics. EDI and Geth are perfect proof that AI isn't different from organics when it comes to politics.

Dr Jones

Join the Bob Dylan Fangroup!
Jun 23, 2010
Qitz said:
Dr Jones said:
Qitz said:
TechTim said:
Antitonic said:
So what happens if you'd prefer more of a downer ending? They bring out the knives?

Also, is that Erin in panel 4? Her stripes vanished... SHE'S A WITCH!
Burn her? Don't you people know ANYTHING. To prove one is a Witch you must FIRST, weigh her against a duck. Then you can burn her.
Oh please! To tell a witch from a normal person: put it in water. If it floats it is indeed a witch. If she drowns then she was a genuine laddeh.

I banish myself to the southeast corner of the earth for not getting that reference the first time.. Though is it a deleted scene? I don't remember seeing it when i recently saw the flick :/

And there you have it.

if($witch.weight == $duck.weight) {
$witch.status == true;
}else {
$witch.status == $false;


New member
Jan 3, 2009
I suddenly remembered why I read Critical Miss.

It's because of strips like these


New member
Jul 13, 2010
On one hand: Another comic about Mass Effect? Seriously, just when I thought all the bullshit surrounding that game was dying down.

On the other hand: Okay, I admit, that one was actually pretty damn funny.


Mages Rule, and Dragons Fly!
May 2, 2011
United States
Phlakes said:
Abedeus said:
I have to wonder how they'll explain the plot holes, lack of logic in GodChild's dialog and breaking multiple already established pieces of lore (like, there is no teleportation in ME, mass relays are instantaneous and can't be "outrun" by anything as show in cinematic, characters who died in Harbinger attack miraculously survive and end up on Normandy...) and of course, characters who were loyal to you for the past few years suddenly betray you and basically commit treason.
*Sigh. Just because they didn't explain it to you in game doesn't mean it's a plot hole. Instead of complaining that you have to ask why things happened you could actually think about it.
Not really. Even if you do think about it and rationalise the Reapers whole "We must kill you so others like us won't possibly one day kill you.", (and yes you can think of a "good" reason why the Reapers are using circular logic, I came up with a few myself), that still doesn't make it good logic, and so it still doesn't make sense.

BioWare doesn't HAVE to change the ending of their story. However, using bad logic can't be dismissed simply because you, me, or someone not actually telling the Mass Effect story can come up with a better reason than "Well, just cause." BioWare are story tellers. Their job is to tell us (the audience) the story. If they say something that doesn't make sense, or isn't explained it is our job to call them on it.

They don't even technically have to explain it through the game even, that's just the most convenient (and NICE) way. They could just explain it to us through words straight from their mouths (or more likely keyboards). Yes, they have no legal obligation to do anything a all. They could send out a 20 second video on their site that just is a black screen with words in white saying, "We have nothing to tell ya.", but should they?

I don't see that as a good move. This is my view of the situation. You need never change yours.