Mass effect "hot" chicks


New member
Aug 3, 2009
xXxJessicaxXx said:
Their race of slaves became sentient and so they didn't like that and tried to genocide them so the Geth, understandably, fought back and now they are vilified for trying to survive on the world they were created on. What utter bastards.

Also the Quarians can't possibly settle on another world 'becuase the current generation wouldn't be able to live outside our suits...'


So you don't think that maybe some of you could make a sacrifice for your future generations? Or are you that selfish?

I think it's the perspective you look at it from. I am not going to give up my principles just because someone is cute, quiet and geeky...
Those "slaves" were robots. Those robot workers became sentient and then the Quarians realized that when robots consider their existence is the sole purpose to work, they would revolt and they thought the best idea was strike first at deactivating them, especially since true Artificial Intelligence is illegal. Unfortunately for them, those robots were smarter than they intended and fought back and continue to butcher any living creature, Quarian or not, for the last 300 years. Then after years aboard ships in a sterile environment there immune system is so weak that they would all die off it they were to take their suits off. The "sacrifice" would be mass suicide. Taking off their suits just to reproduce is risky, even when taking the precaution of using antibiotics and medicine to boost their immune system, even while in a mostly sterile environment.

To give more perspective from my point of view, I hate Tali.

Simeon Ivanov

New member
Jun 2, 2011
Makon said:
Simeon Ivanov said:
Wuggy said:
Agree with you on Miranda.

The weird thing is that Miranda is modeled after (and voiced by) Yvonne Strahovski, or as I like to call her, Yvonne Strahotski:

And yet they made her out to be this weird, big-headed Michael Jackson look-alike.
This. This! Yes, this! How did they manage to fuck her up in the game? IRL she's hot!
The earlier concept art that Bioware had of her was a lot better than what came out of it. Her hair was blonde, like irl, and she had more to her outfit than a skinsuit.
Is it just me or can you actually see Miranda's cametoe in the opening of ME2 ... classy Illusive man, classy


New member
Mar 26, 2010
The person she's modeled after is hot but Miranda isn't really hot. I always thought that she looks kind of weird, let alone that I can't stand her, personality wise. Ashley is a similar case. The way she behaved always annoyed me and I didn't think that she looks weird like Miranda does but I never thought that she's particularly good-looking.


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May 6, 2011
ABLb0y said:
I did like Kasumi, though, but she was kind of ruined by that haiku she wrote about Jakob. You know the one.
Yeah, good thief clearly does not mean good poet. Plus, the whole quasi-racist LOL SHES JAPANESE ALL JAPANESE PEOPLE RITE HAIKUS RITE? angle was not doing them any favors either.


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Jun 5, 2008
Ascarus said:
PickledMonkey said:
Jack is more attractive and she's bald.
yeah, right. so miranda and jack both proposition you and you are going to choose the bald, tattooed, small breasted boy.

that is a poor choice.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder....


New member
Dec 8, 2010
Miranda has some real nice pixels, but then she is modeled after Yvonne Strahovski.
Dont get peoples dislike.


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Jan 29, 2011
It's the Uncanny Valley effect, and I totally agree, it can get downright creepy. It helps if you don't look them in the face :) Their cold, artificial, blank face.


New member
May 17, 2011
I pissed miranda off by siding with jack in their cat fight, and i thought how she turned into a whiny little girl and wouldn't talk to me after that was massivly annoying. also the fact that she was the cerberus ***** made her seem like an unlikable person. I boned tali before the omega 4 relay btw cuz well you know, best characterization i felt and baldy wouldn't do it.


King over my mind
Mar 29, 2011
Tin Man said:
Makon said:
Tin Man said:
Horses for courses man, I think Miranda is mad hot, but Liara is the one for me. That said, on my first ME2 playthrough I did the full relationship thing with Jack because she is pretty hot and her character was very interesting to me.

I disagree about the game forcing you to fancy Miranda though, her character has some pretty deep flaws that some people can't stand...
The way her suit if proportioned, along with one of the very first things you see is a shot of her 'backside', the game does try to say "Looky! Booty!". Her issues are noticeable, yes, but they still don't seem to redeem her in nearly as convincingly/greatly as Jack's do, or Tali's for that matter. Miranda, to me, just feels like a broken character by design, not by intent.
Fair enough, I can see what you're saying there because she DOES have a few sexual-isms in her physical design, but then again that argument can be made for Jack(wearing a belt strap where her top should be), and Samara(boobs).

I have to ask though, how can design differ from intent?

Her resolution may not be as fulfilling as others, but I think that's because her issues aren't as deep. Jack has deep scars caused by child abuse and Tali has to face down possible extradition from her entire race. Compared to that, some regular old daddy issues don't really rank...
It's kind of ironic, I thought Jack looked much better when she finally got a shit.

OT: I never could even begin to like Miranda, her personality got in the way too much. Her face was ok at best.


New member
Nov 6, 2010
I always got the impression that Miranda was intentionally designed by Bioware to evoke the Uncanny Valley.

The whole thing about being genetically constructed to be physically perfect is that, of course, no one is actually supposed to appear genetically perfect. So there's just something completely off about it.

In short, got made so perfect that it went all the way back round and ended up imperfect.

And annoying.


New member
Nov 5, 2009
Ashley Williams isn't really good looking. I guess they might have been trying to sell you on her personality, but she was two dimensional. And I realize that Miranda is supposed to be hot, but she sometimes falls into the uncanny valley.

I've seen Yvonne Strahovski from a distance, and she's so gorgeous looking at her is like trying to stare at the sun. It's like the opposite of a hideous Lovecraft monster, where your mind can't comprehend the beauty; which is why people that were too close started having seizures [/exaggeration].


New member
Jun 29, 2011

Yeah I can't unsee this so yeah miranda is ugly to me. No real opinion on Ashley's looks, but I dislike her for trying to make me get rid of Wrex.


New member
Mar 5, 2008
Makon said:
Miranda: King of....freakish, in appearance. The RL actress who they based her off of and did her voice? Awesome. Miranda? Not. Terrible personality and the body is just 'off'.

Ashley: She's kind of got that 'plain'ish charm in the first one. Sure, she's got a xenophobic problem, but not nearly as much of one as a number of Cerberus personnel. That, and from the scan in ME3, she looks pretty awesome. Enough so that I'm replaying as DudeShep to see where that goes, ;).

Tali: She has that quirky, naive, kind of innocent charm. That, and the fact that you honestly have no idea what she truly looks like adds a layer of interest to her.

Jack: Sure, she's violent and angry at the beginning. Advance that relationship, however, and you have someone who is truly broken trying to start putting the pieces back together. It's an interesting relationship.

Liara: I never truly cared about Liara tbh. I only really ran with her on my main FemShep simply because she beat out Kaiden. Her personality, her looks, ect. Never truly cared for her. In the first one, Ashley wins every time for DudeShep.

Samara: Kind of interesting...but no, not THAT interesting. Sorry.
I'm just quoting you because I agree with... pretty much all of this. Though I didn't think Miranda was ugly, and actually romanced her first time through the game, but when the sex was more like a business proposal than an actual romance I was extremely disappointed. Before ME3 I plan on going through 2 once romancing Jack and once romancing no one so I can continue with Ashley in 3.

Also, I'm tired of people hating Ashley because she's racist. Character arc, people. Her background explains why she's like that, and by the end of Mass Effect she is no longer like that if you continue talking to her about it. It's like complaining because Luke Skywalker is whiny: he was in the first one, a bit with Yoda in Empire, but then he's just an incredible badass in Jedi and onward. Hating a character for starting off a douche displays nothing if not a complete disregard for basic storytelling.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
Magicman10893 said:
xXxJessicaxXx said:
Their race of slaves became sentient and so they didn't like that and tried to genocide them so the Geth, understandably, fought back and now they are vilified for trying to survive on the world they were created on. What utter bastards.

Also the Quarians can't possibly settle on another world 'becuase the current generation wouldn't be able to live outside our suits...'


So you don't think that maybe some of you could make a sacrifice for your future generations? Or are you that selfish?

I think it's the perspective you look at it from. I am not going to give up my principles just because someone is cute, quiet and geeky...
Those "slaves" were robots. Those robot workers became sentient and then the Quarians realized that when robots consider their existence is the sole purpose to work, they would revolt and they thought the best idea was strike first at deactivating them, especially since true Artificial Intelligence is illegal. Unfortunately for them, those robots were smarter than they intended and fought back and continue to butcher any living creature, Quarian or not, for the last 300 years. Then after years aboard ships in a sterile environment there immune system is so weak that they would all die off it they were to take their suits off. The "sacrifice" would be mass suicide. Taking off their suits just to reproduce is risky, even when taking the precaution of using antibiotics and medicine to boost their immune system, even while in a mostly sterile environment.

To give more perspective from my point of view, I hate Tali.
If they had handled it differently perhaps the Geth wouldn't have reacted in the way that they did. Genocide is genocide. They were also incredibly irresponsible for pushing them that far in the first place. The Geth are not to blame for thier own existence or their fear of living creatures the Quarians are.

Also you misunderstand, I don't mean go to a new planet and take thier suits off...

Shpeard asks Tali why the Quarians don't go to a new planet instead of fighting over their old one and existing in space? She said that if they did that nobody of her generation would be able to watch a sunset outside thier suits.

Eventually the Quarians would adapt to a new homeworld and their immune systems would build up again. They have no immune system becuase they have been existing in the sterile environment of space.

To me it seems incredibly selfish to future generations to put aside a plan for a new homeworld just becuase you personally wouldn't be able to exist without your suit on which you are stuck inside of anyway for the forseeable future.


New member
Jul 9, 2008
Thaius said:
Also, I'm tired of people hating Ashley because she's racist. Character arc, people. Her background explains why she's like that, and by the end of Mass Effect she is no longer like that if you continue talking to her about it. It's like complaining because Luke Skywalker is whiny: he was in the first one, a bit with Yoda in Empire, but then he's just an incredible badass in Jedi and onward. Hating a character for starting off a douche displays nothing if not a complete disregard for basic storytelling.
Exactly. If you pursue Ashley as a character in 1, you can see that it's not that she hates or dislikes Aliens, but that she's initially more Pro-Human. Even that, however, was due to her being stuck Groundside at Alliance bases and postings, so she never had any opportunity to serve alongside other species really. A good case in point about her was...

When you could assign her to the Salarian STG group on Virmire.

Not once did she show any sign of resentment or aggression. You could also see her grow to like Tali and Garrus as the story went on. She started off 'rough' yes, but she smoothed over. Now, I am really interested in seeing who she has become in ME3.


New member
Aug 24, 2009
i totally agree with you on Miranda. Miranda is just some (too big) tits squeezed into spandex, and above that is a rather angular jaw. the rest is pretty uninteresting, be it the rest of her looks or her character.

Ashley imho actually is pretty hawt. weirdo. :p

now, that Tali is bestest (interesting personal background, interesting people's background, she's a tech-genius, not girly, smart, and has some pretty strong convictions. and hot xD ) humanoid female evar i's common knowledge, so i will skip that ^^

Wuggy said:
[...] And yet they made her out to be this weird, big-headed Michael Jackson look-alike.
yes! michael jackson; exactly what i thought when i saw her.
eww xD


New member
Jul 7, 2011
The main thing that put me off Miranda was her almost obsessive loyalty towards Cerberus. She had her reasons, but it still biased me against her slightly. My Shepherd never accepted the IM's justifications. Looks wise, I think she strayed close to the uncanny valley, but for me she was still on the right side of it.

Right from the first game I liked Tali. I went with Liara because she threw herself at me, but I always took Tali along with me on missions. Liara was a fling, but Shepherd was in love with Tali. She died in the suicide mission, though, and Shepherd will be a bitter and broken man through 3.

Ash was a soldier first and foremost. I flirted with her a bit early on but that relationship was more brother and sister.

I think Jack was a really interesting character, and her flaws and scars, combined with the way she struggled to overcome them made her one of the most human characters. There was definitely a spark of attraction there. I'd probably go for her on a second playthrough.

The justicar (I could never remember her name) came along too late in the story. I felt like her and Thane's stories and loyalty missions were too rushed, after I had got to know the rest of the crew. I think it would have worked better if all the characters were introduced earlier, with some more storyline before the suicide mission. This is my main complaint with the storyline of the game.

I was shocked when Morden thought I was propositioning him (as DudeShep). That genuine surprise was one of the high points.

OT, it shows what a well written game it was that so many people got so attached and had such different experiences. I'm really looking forward to 3

chaos order

New member
Jan 27, 2010
i think the reason i found tali the most pleasant was her goddamn voice, i loved that voice and that accent was icing on the cake. i mean her background is really interesting and she is actually a very nice character, but i loved that voice :p

i considered miranda but she was too much of a cerberus fan girl.

jack.... well i felt sorry for her but she was too harsh

i fail to see the attractiveness of samarra or any asari for that matter i dont really liker them


New member
Jul 26, 2010
It's all up to you, how you look upon games this in ways of character appeal.
I don't think they are directly asking you to think "Hey check this chick out! So hot! We want you to get in bed with her!".
And I also don't believe that they'll put in a character in a game just for the audience to drool upon.
You are not at all SUPPOSE to think she is hot.