Well technically the joke is that Shepard's picture in the comic is a photoshopped stock image. It's a reference to the fact that Bioware used a photoshopped stock image for Tali in Mass Effect 3 instead of making their own image from scratch. It has nothing to do with memes. Although no doubt the whole Tali/stock photo thing will spawn a meme soon enough.McMarbles said:I don't get it.
...oh, it's a meme... uh huh... yeah, I suppose that its kind of funny in the way "arrow in the knee" was funny (i. e. not fuunny).
That joke really shouldn't have been as hilarious as I found it!Mr.Tea said:Major Kirrahe says: Hold the lime!
At first, I read that as how its suppose to be. Normal self auto-correct! Then I actually read it properly. That's just too good and hilarious, for some reason. I don't know why! But I am entertained nonetheless. Props to ya, good sir!Mr.Tea said:Major Kirrahe says: Hold the lime!Grey Carter said:Mass Effect: Stock Exchange
The Big Reveal
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If you are in a relationship with her, you don't have to kill her to get the pictureshrekfan246 said:Know what's hilarious? Since my Shepard managed to save both the Quarians and the Geth, I never even saw the supposed picture everyone got all worked up about. Imagine that. And even if I had managed to trigger it, I've got no clue where to look for it. And yet the Internet in its infinite wisdom needed to make a huge fuss over it. I've got a feeling that the in-game picture isn't even a high enough resolution to see well anyway.
Since memes are the topic of conversation in this strip, "Haters gonna hate."
There is also that subtle time traveling problem where the only time Tali would be outside in the sunlight like that would be before the Geth took over... And that's 300 years ago.Staskala said:The whole drama wasn't so much about the fact that they photoshopped a stock photo, but because that they did a really terrible job at it. If you look at her hand (the finger placement is completely different from the Quarian anatomy you see in the games, by the way) you can still see the 3rd knuckle from the ring finger.Valanthe said:Cute comic. I love Tali's excited pose in panel 2.
I remain one of those few people who actually isn't bothered by the whole "Stock photo" mess. I was actually a little dissapointed that they showed her face at all really, I liked the mystique my imagination brought to it, I guess it's kind of along the same lines as why I think women in more 'reserved' clothes are far sexier than those who walk around with it all hanging out.
That's why people accused Bioware of being lazy and such, because it looks like the creator was using photoshop for the first time in his life and did the whole thing in 15 minutes tops.
As Weirdguy said, you can get it without her killing herself (which I didn't even knew happened). Just keep talking to her and she'll tell you she left something in your room. Then it's on a frame by the bed. At least it was for me. It actually seemed to be a different image then the one you see if she does kill herself... at least I think. It was kinda hard to see.shrekfan246 said:Know what's hilarious? Since my Shepard managed to save both the Quarians and the Geth, I never even saw the supposed picture everyone got all worked up about. Imagine that. And even if I had managed to trigger it, I've got no clue where to look for it. And yet the Internet in its infinite wisdom needed to make a huge fuss over it. I've got a feeling that the in-game picture isn't even a high enough resolution to see well anyway.
Since memes are the topic of conversation in this strip, "Haters gonna hate."
But, if you do save her, doesn't she take off her mask anyways? I know she does on the Normandy depending on a few things too. Of course the image still doesn't make much sense overall... but meh. That's about how I feel about every ME3 controversy at this point though.Gather said:There is also that subtle time traveling problem where the only time Tali would be outside in the sunlight like that would be before the Geth took over... And that's 300 years ago.
I think you mean "unless," since it's rumoured, not confirmed. If there's a chance it doesn't come out....ravenshrike said:Well, it's the last part of the love affair until the rumored DLC comes out and we see which theories are right.
Ah yes, I remember reading about that // I think I was just a bit slow on the uptake with this oneRanD00M said:"Why can't I hold all these limes" is a stockphoto meme. It's a joke related to the fact that a picture of Tali is in ME3, and it's just a photoshopped stockphoto.Ohlookit said:I don't get it?