Massive Mass Effect 3 Patch Coming Soon


New member
Jul 10, 2012
uro vii said:
crazyrabbits said:
The complaining about the people who hated the ending is just as bad, if not worse. I'm not debating semantics here, though.
The few people who defend the game are more annoying than the bandwagon of hate that turns up to throw a hissy fit any time the game is even mentioned? I think not.
As I've said before, there are extremists on both sides. Yet, by and large, the people who've criticized the game have been much more well-behaved and rational than the fans who come in and yell about what they perceive is complaining.

Again, no semantics, but I've watched the BSN since the game was released. We wouldn't have had the EC if it wasn't for the people (fans and regular players alike) criticizing the major problems. There are still issues that haven't been worked out, which is what I was hoping this patch would address (missing voiced lines in the campaign, the PS3 black-screen error, the general bugginess of the product).