ME3 Extended Cut Are You Appeased *Video Spoilers*

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
So in the Synthesis ending all organic life becomes all glowy. Wow, the merging of organic and synthetic life sure creates endless possibilities, doesn't it? By the way, does this include all the trees and the grass and such? *sigh*

Well, Bioware went rooting in what was already shit and made even more of a mess; Who couldn't have seen that coming?

The Great JT

New member
Oct 6, 2008
I thought the new endings were vastly superior. I never said ME3 was a bad game, just that it had a really bad ending, and now the ending is up to "positive."


New member
Jan 22, 2012
This is......not bad , Im at least a bit satisfied now. Honestly I really wasn't expecting them to salvage that ending but damn it they salvaged it. Makes me think that if these were the original endings then I would have been all right with it :)Hopefully Bioware will take this oppotunity to learn from their mistakes and improve their story telling skills to be just as good as their characterisation and dialogue.

And thus concludes the battle of the Rainmbow endings which brought the internet to its knees. In the aftermath what can we learn:

1)Will all the fans ever be satisfied with how you handle your franchise?

2)Will trolls and haters ever stop complaining about the ending just for the Lolz?
No but one can dream

3)Will Bioware take their narratives seriously and rethink coming up endings to their future trilogies literally 4 months before release ?
Hopefully yes but only time will tell

4) Should everyone in Bioware's PR department get a kick in the quad?

5)Did Bioware jeopardize their artistic integrity by making the new endings?
ಠ_ಠ......shut up

Evil Alpaca

New member
May 22, 2010
Yassen said:
Evil Alpaca said:
Just thought I'd drop in and point out there is now an unhappy ending. They added a fourth option, if you refuse all the Kids options, or shoot him once you gain control, the Crucible turns off. All the races are killed and the cycle goes on. There's a video of it somewhere.
Just saw that one. Thanks for the update.

Still seems like its lacking in the "screw up the universe option" like letting the council die did in the first one. Abandoning the council seemed like such a gratuitous act - yes more humans supposedly died if you didn't, but you never actually see the effect of those humans dieing i.e. humanity being weaker or less influential. I saw it as a way for Shepard to be a vindictive ass to the council in a manner that provided him with a thin facade to justify it.

I just kinda wanted more of an option to leave the galaxy a worse place in part because it would make the refusal more meaningful. Since every choice of the original three makes the galaxy a better place at no further cost, there isn't a reason to choose refusal other than morbid curiosity.


New member
Sep 11, 2010
Utter bullshit. They literally just gave me more of what I disliked. Practically no plot holes are answered, and even more are introduced. It is just as tonally disjointed as ever. They could not have gotten it more wrong. Some of the cut-scenes are nice. But Bullshit spray painted silver looks nice. It's still bullshit.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Okay Everyone, lets be honest. At this point, there is nothing Bioware can do to completely aleviate the damage done by the original endings. These are much better, but they (the original endings) will still remain in or memories.

Thats said, Im quite content with the endings... though kinda mad that the refusual ending basically is insta-lose, but hell, cant get everything you want, and they fixed the most glaring plot hole I saw in the originals (Star Kid).


New member
Nov 9, 2006
I am now happy with the new endings, just finished playing through all 4... The refusal ending was just perfect and exactly what my Shepard would have done. "Wait your the one controlling the Reapers... and have been so the entire time... Why the hell am I going to listen to you know... Boom..." Perfect. Yes everyone dies but they die fighting. And the next cycle is able to actually able to beat them due to having the advanced knowledge of their coming way in advanced. Plus I got to shoot Harbinger (the blue child) in the face, so worth it.

Geo Da Sponge

New member
May 14, 2008
I'd be lying if I said the extended endings didn't improve it at least a little bit, but they're still almost exactly the same for every person and there's still a fair few plot holes. ALso, now we have to replace a vague ending with philosophical condescension. As in, "You're not willing to pick one of three ways to play God? Wow, you must be some kind of idiot."

And as nice as the rejection ending can be, if you get it accidentally by shooting the Catalyst in the face like I did he just skips to the "SO BE IT" line and storms off. Which to me seems like he's saying "Well if you're not going to make the right philosophical choice then I'm just going to take my toys and go home!"


New member
Sep 13, 2010
Its better than the original endings thats for sure, but right now im still disdainful to bioware and i hope they burn to the ground.


New member
Apr 10, 2011
I think it's a definite improvement.

The epilogue by Shepard from the control ending literally gives me the chills, it's freaking awesome. Not sure if it's really suitable to my Shepard, I originally went with Synthesis.

Synthesis ending I also find better, I especially like how one of the attacking husks seems to regain consciousness after he's hit by the blast, just staring around in what seems to be puzzlement. Definitely not a mindless husk any more.

The destroy ending I'm still not a huge fan of. It just doesn't suit the Shepard I played (full Paragon) who always went out of his way to ensure the least amount of death and destruction possible, even for his enemies. I especially dislike the breathing scene as this kind of implies that there's more to this ending than the others.

The refusal ending is a nicely added option I think, especially with the voice change.

I still reject the very premise of the entire conflict, that's it's inevitable for organics and synthetics to wage war. I fully believe that a sufficiently advanced AI that can act as it's own life-form will be, in general behaviour, indistinguishable from organic life. We're all just Turing machines as far as I'm concerned.

But assuming that the Mass Effect universe comes with a standing "Kill all organics" line in every single piece of software then I think it's actually okay now.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
boag said:
Its better than the original endings thats for sure, but right now im still disdainful to bioware and i hope they burn to the ground.
Its posts like these which do nothing but make the gamer community look like utter douchebags. You don't like the new endings fine. Think ME3 isnt a great game, I personall disagree with you but hey thats cool to.

Trying.. no Succeeding in being a giant jackass with a "I hope they burn to the ground" comment.. What purpose does that have in this particular thread OR in any general thread except maybe a "I hate Bioware and hope they burn to the ground" thread.

Less "I wanna be the cool edgy kid talking smack" from the community (as a whole) would be much appreciated, because comments like this, just make me want to say..

"Hey, its past your bedtime kid"


New member
May 3, 2011
Great...nihislm and 'ARTistC INGERGEARUYOIDYBAKRJKLAWERASDKLFJ' is intact. Ending still sucks. I don't care anymore. Fuck you Bioware. But yes it's an improvement.


New member
Oct 30, 2011
well since the ending is still a last minute deus ex machina with no build up or foreshadowing, I would still say it's bad yes. Although I appreciate the extra scenes, I consider the endings conceptually bad, so expanding the concept wasn't going to do it for me. Ah well, I'll just be waiting for the price drops on bioware games from now on, they have certainly lost my buyer loyalty.


New member
Mar 20, 2004
1000x times better.

The only problems I had with the original was the lack of impact my choice made (green, blue or red, who cares?) and the lack of closure. Now I actually feel like I've made a difference in the Mass Effect universe, and I get to see that difference.


New member
Aug 3, 2011
Come on, people need to get over this now. Three was never any real freedom of choice in any of the game, nothing meaningful, just cosmetic stuff like conrad or the news lady. I knew this when these is a rachni queen in ME3 when i killed the last one in ME1. Stop moaning, the endings are what they are, feel gutted but accept and move on. I think 90% of game endings suck, in the ld C64 days all you got was a well done. Move on. Play something else or commit suicide. Either way just move on.


Answer Hazy, Ask Again Later
Jun 15, 2011
Uriain said:
That makes no sense to me. There is this big out cry that the original endings are bad (which they were) yet when they take the time to expand upon them giving more in depth information about each ending and how it plays out, they are still bad endings??

Sorry, but I have to heavily disagree. The Original Endings while bad, were bad because they didnt give us a bunch of information to go with each ending and were displayed in a poor way (same thing, different color). These extended cut endings do not change the endings (as they said they wouldnt) but expand upon each ending giving them a clear and unique ending for whichever you choose. That is a good move which should, frankly, be given a bit of a thanks for.
Well to be fair? They are still bad endings, just not as bad as what they had before. Quality isn't exactly binary, you know. The high concept for the endings was fundamentally broken from the get-go due to both the execution[footnote]Most notably the nature of the one giving you your options[/footnote] and the [lack of] build up. The options given still largely come out of left field, the choices available to you are still dictated by the series' Big Bad, and the central conflict is still put on the sidelines less than 10 minutes before the conclusion. It's like if SMT: Nocturne had never bothered to introduce you to the champions of the respective paths you have to choose between at the end of the game. Additionally, the options still feel contrary to the core themes of the game and the fact that many of the game's conflicts revolved around taking on seemingly impossible odds and overcoming them[footnote]This is best demonstrated in the tagline for Mass Effect 2 ("They call it a suicide mission. PROVE THEM WRONG" (emphasis theirs)), but is similarly represented with the Genophage, Rachni and Geth/Quarian subplots, as well as the reason for the Beacon which started off the story, the Crucible, the claim that no organics prior to this cycle have reached the catalyst, and the central conflict itself making it clear in no uncertain terms that though the reapers are undoubtedly a superior foe you will fight them anyway.[/footnote]. That theme is not upheld if the big bad of the series has to provide your solutions for you, nor is it upheld if the solutions offered are presented as workarounds to some other supposedly unavoidable conflict[footnote]Much less one that the series itself put a fair amount of effort into suggesting might be a red herring in the first place[/footnote]. Again, this still isn't a good ending, if only because it doesn't feel like it's a part of the same script. That said, it isn't nearly as bad as the original release was and is at least defensible now.

Acton Hank

New member
Nov 19, 2009
It's nice to see an improvment, and at least the writing when it comes to the conversation with the catalyst feels like some thought was put into it, and thanks for letting us tell the brat to fuck off.