Azex said:
Kevin Conroy might be able to fill those collosal shoes...but honestly no one can.
Also captcha is "can't have nice things"
I'm not quite sure I can deal with that much fanboi love for one man. Batman and Snake, that's just too much power!
OT: I'm really sad to see Hayter go, but it could be a cunning ruse yet, April 1st is coming up after all.
Otherwise, well... Richard Doyle voiced Big Boss in MGS4, so it was inevitable that it would come eventually, BB is getting old and he did just come out of a coma, so he could've sustained damage to his throat, changing his voice somewhat (?) i dunno if thats even possible in real life.
The real issue is that this could be the last link for Big Boss to Metal Gear 1 (the nes game), which means the snake story would be entirely complete, short of remaking MG 1 and 2, there's not much else they can do with the two Snakes. I know, port Portable Ops to a console so I can bloody play it!
Rogue 09 said:
Did anyone else notice that in Metal Gear Rising, Raiden also was doing the gravely voice? It was incredibly distracting, because whenever he did it all I could think was "They're just trying to copy Snake". With a Snake/Big Boss replacement, it is only going to be worse.
To be fair, I don' think they were doing to invoke Snake, just try and show Raiden totally losing his shit and it sort of fits with Raidens character, not only that he's almost entirely a cyborg at this point, so his vocals are likely synthesised, and Raidens "normal" voice (ala MGS2) is a bit too...soft, for him to impose any attempt at a threatening presence, I can certainly see Raiden putting on a gravelly voice. Plus he is a psychopath.