Metro: Last Light Developer Dumps on Wii U


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Call me all sorts of names but I can't be the only one who was most shocked by the fact that Homefront is getting a sequel. Medal of Honor was critically and, I think commercially a greater success than Homefront 1 if I'm not mistaken and people thought it killed Medal of Honor (before Warfighter happened and killed the franchise for real or so I've come to believe)


New member
Sep 3, 2008
So...he complains its weak and still develops for the 360 which is definitely weaker than the WiiU?

Is there some sort of logic to this I'm missin?


New member
Sep 28, 2012
shintakie10 said:
So...he complains its weak and still develops for the 360 which is definitely weaker than the WiiU?

Is there some sort of logic to this I'm missin?
THANK YOU. Thats really all im saying here. Its not fanboyism, its just the fact it doesn't fit logically.


New member
Jun 18, 2012
So to translate: We don't like the Nintendo system because when we saw preliminary specs that put it slightly slower then the systems we were developing for. We just stopped looking at it even though those specs have changed, and are not only on par, but actually better then (in output potential) then the system we are developing for, and IT'S JUST HARD"

Xan Krieger said:
Darmy647 said:
Im curious about something, and im Defidentally sure the escapist community would be happy to fill me in, but isn't the wii u cpu on par with the 360 and ps3?? I have not been keeping up, pc gamer elites and what-not.
It should noted that the Wii U is a new system so having hardware equivalent to last gen's systems is nothing to be proud of.

OT: Just means they can focus more on the PC version which I am very much looking forward to. Also I love how blunt he was.
no it is not equal to last gen systems it actually exceeds them in both processor, and graphics (which are large bottle necks for both of those systems), so in essence it is a next gen console because it is better then the best of the current generation (depending on which of those you believe it to be). So please stop listening to these "experts" who don't understand what they are talking about that are calling the Wii-U equivalent to current gen systems.


New member
Nov 10, 2007
A lot of this is the fact that the Wii U is new, and will take developers a little more effort to learn.

But also it does have its foibles, although it has more memory than either the 360 or PS3, memory access is quite slow except to the eDRAM, which is only 32MB, so some things are harder to do with it than they are with other consoles where main RAM can be used for them (noticably, Batman: Arkham City has lower quality shadows, and some games lack antialiasing).

In time, Wii U versions of things may well be better than both of the previous generation HD consoles, but not yet. (Mass Effect 3, for instance, runs at a consistently lower framerate than the Xbox 360 version).


New member
Sep 28, 2012
Anybody remember Half-Life on PS2? Remember how it was? Then remember when you popped in shadow of the colossus? Yeah. Thats exactly what will happen.


The Light of Dawn
Feb 21, 2009
Darmy647 said:
shintakie10 said:
So...he complains its weak and still develops for the 360 which is definitely weaker than the WiiU?

Is there some sort of logic to this I'm missin?
THANK YOU. Thats really all im saying here. Its not fanboyism, its just the fact it doesn't fit logically.
More powerful than a 360? Hardly.

360 wins.


Level 2 Lumberjack
Jul 17, 2009
Eri said:
Darmy647 said:
shintakie10 said:
So...he complains its weak and still develops for the 360 which is definitely weaker than the WiiU?

Is there some sort of logic to this I'm missin?
THANK YOU. Thats really all im saying here. Its not fanboyism, its just the fact it doesn't fit logically.
More powerful than a 360? Hardly.

360 wins.
Your link says Cinematic are for the Wii U, and that it's mostly equivalent to Xbox 360 in actual gameplay, with some minor issues. That doesn't sound like the 360 wins... If anything, it says it's a tie with 360 and WiiU, and the PS3 in last.

Also, take a look at this:

Make sure your on 1080p though, cause then the differences really stand out. The WiiU version of Black Ops 2 appears to be the best looking version of the game.


New member
Apr 10, 2011
Darmy647 said:
Uh...i wasn't opening debate. Im on epic pc, so I dont really care. Just an odd statement to say they dont care about wii U period and more about Last gens consoles. It doesn't exactly add up if the cpu is on par.
If the Wii U follows the trend most PCs follow then it will probably have a CPU worse than last gen consoles, it'll just have more of them.

3Ghz dual cores were pretty standard a few years back. Right now 2.5Ghz quad cores seem pretty common.

Except it being a console and therefore having to be cheap it'll probably be at 2Ghz or even lower.

Having more cores works great for multithreading. But some things you can't multithread, sometimes you can't start doing thing #2 until thing #1 is finished. And is such a case having worse CPUs but more of them doesn't help at all, it'll only go slower.

The Wii U's specs aren't fully known yet I believe so I don't know if this is actually the case, but it would be a very valid argument for not even looking at the platform.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
Eri said:
Darmy647 said:
shintakie10 said:
So...he complains its weak and still develops for the 360 which is definitely weaker than the WiiU?

Is there some sort of logic to this I'm missin?
THANK YOU. Thats really all im saying here. Its not fanboyism, its just the fact it doesn't fit logically.
More powerful than a 360? Hardly.

360 wins.
Did you not read your own link?

Choice quotes.

the Wii U and Xbox 360 ran at virtual parity for much of the run of the play
Screen-filling effects work causes noticeable frame-rate dips on the Microsoft platform, but Wii U appears to be relatively consistent - even on the more open, challenging battlescapes of Palaven.
Even the parts that show it to have issues is explained away in the last bit.

it also is worth remembering that Mass Effect 3 on Wii U is both a port of a game made for other machines and a day-one game on Wii U. Usually developers can wring way more out of a console in year three or five than they can in year zero.
Learn to read yo.


New member
Jun 9, 2008
Mr.Mattress said:
Your link says Cinematic are for the Wii U, and that it's mostly equivalent to Xbox 360 in actual gameplay, with some minor issues. That doesn't sound like the 360 wins... If anything, it says it's a tie with 360 and WiiU, and the PS3 in last.

Also, take a look at this:

Make sure your on 1080p though, cause then the differences really stand out. The WiiU version of Black Ops 2 appears to be the best looking version of the game.
Meh, on the BLOPS2 video only the textures looked better for me (most noticeble at the end in the clothes of the soldiers), the rest were just different colors (I dont get why the gun is green in the Xbox/PS3 version lol).

The thing is are people buying WiiU's just to play games they can already play but that look slightly better? Pay a whole system just for that? This seems to be the kind of tech that should have been released at least 2 years after the launch of the PS3 or something


Level 2 Lumberjack
Jul 17, 2009
josemlopes said:
The thing is are people buying WiiU's just to play games they can already play but that look slightly better? Pay a whole system just for that? This seems to be the kind of tech that should have been released at least 2 years after the launch of the PS3 or something
Fun fact: A Consoles Graphics improve dramatically over time. Here's an example:

This is one of the first launch titles for the Xbox 360, Condemned. Notice at how terrible it looks: It looks just like an Xbox/Gamecube/High Graphic PS2 game. Plus, it's impossible to run this game in 720p, something the Xbox 360 can do quite well. Compare it to Condemned 2:

Looks so much better, doesn't it? Characters eyes move, the graphics can be in 720p, the characters are more expressive, there's better use of the areas (Debris, coloration, etc), hair looks real, and the enemies are much more expressive/creative.

With time, the WiiU will go from "Looking slightly better then PS3", to "Holly Crud! These Graphics are so beautiful!!"


New member
Sep 3, 2008
FelixG said:
Legion said:
Two things that I glean from this:

1) Developers need to grow the hell up and stop trash talking like they are still in the school yard.
There is a difference between stating a fact and trash talking.

shintakie10 said:
So...he complains its weak and still develops for the 360 which is definitely weaker than the WiiU?

Is there some sort of logic to this I'm missin?
The part you are missing is the fact that it is easier to port a game from PC onto Xbox than it is to port it over to WiiU or PS3.
Except that whole PS3 bit. The PS3 has been proven to be decidedly harder to port to than the 360 and, by all accounts, should be harder to port to than the WiiU. It, based off of evidence show so far and based off of whatever little information we've gleamed from people tearin WiiU's open, is also weaker than the WiiU in terms of sheer power.

Either he's full of shit or this was the easiest answer he could say without goin into specifics.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
shintakie10 said:
Except that whole PS3 bit. The PS3 has been proven to be decidedly harder to port to than the 360 and, by all accounts, should be harder to port to than the WiiU. It, based off of evidence show so far and based off of whatever little information we've gleamed from people tearin WiiU's open, is also weaker than the WiiU in terms of sheer power.

Either he's full of shit or this was the easiest answer he could say without goin into specifics.
I wouldn't preclude "full of sit," but it's probably going to be easier to port for a 6 year old console simply due to familiarity. WiiU is infant technology, whereas the PS3 is well-traveled road at this point.


Level 2 Lumberjack
Jul 17, 2009
Mcoffey said:
Isn't it different though since the Wii U is using tech similar to the 360/PS3? It's not like the transition from the last gen, where console devs hadn't had anything of that caliber before. Slight differences aside, the Wii U is really just another current gen console. Devs are already straining under those limits; I doubt there's gonna be much more they can do with the Wii U.
No; From what I've heard, it is using more recent components. Not as recent as a 2012 Custom made Gaming PC, but definitely ahead of the 2005/06 Consoles. The WiiU will, in a few years, have games that look as great as Modern day PC games (By the time PC games look way better).

Also, the only "Dev" that is straining under the WiiU's limits is this company that had a hard time making a game on the Xbox 360, and who is owned by a company that is going bankrupt. A lot of companies have been praising the WiiU's capabilities; Ubisoft [], Activision [], Team Ninja [], Gearbox [] and even Valve [] (Yes, the Valve) have praised the WiiU in terms of Specs. We don't have to worry about Specs.


New member
Sep 28, 2012
See, im a hardcore pc gamer myself. I just kind of smell the bullshit here is all. Porting is a whole nother topic. The main topic is how he's talking down to a cpu were not even entirely sure is capable of entirely yet. We got ideas but thats really it. Also, i made this comparison earlier. Look at GTA3 on the ps2. Then look at GTA San Andreas. Holy shit right? It just takes time is all. So its currently at its baby stage and looks a little better than a ps3 and 360. Who says it cant improve when developers actually tap into it? Also, Refer to Jim sterlings videos. Its totally possible the next gen ps3 and 360 successors will either be on par with the wii U or a little better, as they are focusing on other draw-ins than the Core firepower of the system. Its a different field thats panning out folks, this is one we actually cant predict too far ahead yet.