Michael Bay In Final Negotiations For Next Transformers Film


New member
Mar 4, 2011
Terminate421 said:
More explosions.

I don't really care despite growing up with the franchise. I hate the people who demonize Micheal Bay for no reason. He's not directing master pieces. Its just eye candy, which I don't mind either.
but after 4 bags of skittles i get a bit tired of them... ya know?


New member
Dec 5, 2008
...And it will make money. And as far as everyone responsible is concerned, that's the only thing that matters.

Guys? Go see The Muppets again. Go see any movie that cost less than a hundred million dollars to make, though preferably a good one. Don't see this movie when it comes out. It's the only way they'll get a clue.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009

why not

then after that he do the next Star Trek and Star Wars movies, no sense is just pissing all over my favorite bit of sci-fi


New member
Mar 31, 2010
The only way I would see this is if it had Unicron in it. I mean, what villains do they have left anyway?


New member
Jan 15, 2009
not that i mind the movies, i still enjoy them but i thought he doesnt do them anymore. well, i have to see if i will watch it.

found this and i pretty much agree with him. uwe boll is the worst director. the rock is also one of my favorite action movies since die hard 1.


New member
Aug 18, 2009
Toast-asaurus Rex said:
I hope It's as bad as the last one, but with actually entertaining action.

I had so much damn fun mocking that movie, you have no Idea.
If you hit yourself in the head with a brick for the first half of the movie, you MIGHT be able to forget about it and enjoy the second half. WINGSUITS DON'T LET YOU FLY, MICHAEL! THEY JUST SLOW YOUR FALL!

Formica Archonis

Anonymous Source
Nov 13, 2009
I'd hate him, but I can't hate someone who indirectly gave us My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. As long as the suits keep thinking that franchises are more popular when run by a single individual rather than a marketing board, we'll at least have something interesting to watch.


Robot in Disguise
Mar 22, 2010
cthulhlu said:
want to erase the memories of the terrible mess bay made? look up transformers prime, it GLORIOUS!
human characters that aren't stupid/annoying/useless
Megatron really threatening!
A rich and varied mythology, but hinted at and explained!
starscream a sycophantic butt kisser in public, actively trying to murder megatron in private!
Original voices!
robot designs that dont look like someone threw up on a pile of wire and called it good!

God i love that show!
I agree, except for the no stupid human characters. Every second episode Miko runs through the bridge to see the action and ends up causing a ton of trouble for the Autobots.

OT - Michael Bay can make whatever he wants, doesn't mean I have to subject myself to it.

Beautiful End

New member
Feb 15, 2011
See, the problem is that he's using the name Transformers for all of his movies. If this was a stand alone project about robots who turn into vehicles and house appliances and go out and fight aliens and save the world at the end of the day, then sure, it would be a good movie. Not awesome, just good. But because he's using the Transformers shield, people can't help but draw comparison between the original story/sage/characters/whatever and...THIS.

Here's an example: Anyone like FF? Anyone watched The Spirits Within? Yeah, the movie was okay. But for FF fans, they were expecting Chocobos and magic and swords and spikey-haired people and fights and stuff like that. Instead we got...none of those. So the movie flopped. But the movie is alright if you try not to take it as a FF-based movie.

Personally, I'll admit they're fun. Not awesome, just...fun. But I'll also gotta say enough is enough. One movie was fine. The second one...ugh, alright. Third one? Alright, getting better, but just stop that right now. Fourth?! Come on, do we NEED another one? At this point, they're just messy and dumb and have lost track of the original story (I know it's not like it ever had a good track on it) and even the main human characters are gone. So what now? More buttrape?

I gotta give Shia kudos for leaving, though. He did what Michael should have done after the first movie. So props, sir. You've gained some respect points from me. Now you need 99 more points to go back to neutral.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
OutrageousEmu said:
Sixcess said:
From everything I've seen on the subject Bay doesn't even like Transformers. Why does he bother?
I think its clear from the designs he cares a lot. Whether you like them or not, only the most blind fanboy would say he didn't put more effort into them than the people who made the series.
Designs? The Transformer designs? You do know that there are other people who do it for him?


New member
Jul 18, 2011

You're not cured yet little Alex...

EDIT: Okay I can't see my own video embeding so I'll just give the link to you guys


SecretAlienMan said:
or that Ironhide was black?
Didn't mind that. I do mind cool cartoons being turned into dumb movies with explosions errywhere.