Microsoft Bashes Blu-Ray

Jul 22, 2009
KeyMaster45 said:
It's a news post dude, they can tend to overlap with user made threads. You're not going to get a badge for pointing it out in the first post.
I wanted to point out the fact we already have a debate going on with a lot more posts than this, then maybe we could get more people in that thread rather than have a debate spread out over multiple threads.

Nice assumption.


New member
Dec 9, 2008
A physical medium will always be wanted by people. I look forward to seeing Blu Rays successor in the future. People only download due to the price but lets face it, you don't really own digital data and with a physical copy you own it, it's in your hand and can do whatever you want with it. I for one would love to buy every game I've downloaded as a proper physical copy. I don't mind paying extra for a physical copy of a game and if gaming goes completely digital distribution then I'm out! Gone! I've been gaming for as long as I remember and if I can't have a physical game in the future I'll just stick to my old games while the next generation lives on cloud gaming and digital games they will never own.

I am a proud gamer and I think digital distribution is a good idea, but should never replace the physical medium and if it does then possession will no longer exist. You will never own anything because 1. no one will be able to afford it and 2. an illusion is more profitable then giving people something for real. Call me a pessimist but it's kinda already started with morgages and financing and this will be video games version of those things. Also if everything goes digital the we won't need the Xbox digital distributio machine because the PC will take over and someone will find a way to crack those games to work on PC and it's the physical medium that saves console gaming from being destroyed. An if the next Xbox is digital distribution only (which it won't I guarentee) then they'll need to sell it with a 2TB HDD as a minimum storage space console do they can still make large blockbuster games to fit on it without losing half or most of the HHD space. See my point? Digital Distribution will kill console gaming, the PC will rise again and only Microsoft will be laughing because the own the PC market.

Do not be fooled by them! They just want to monopolise gaming by convinceing gamers that digital distribution is the way to go and it will kill gaming for the most part. Some of you already think I'm crazy but it's the truth and once you realise it you'll think twice about that XBLA purchase... and then purchase it anyway because we don't have the choice if we want it, we got to buy it as digital data.

I am a passionate gamer and proud of it! And yes I do download a fair few games but as I said earlier if I had a choice, I'd got with a disc over that download!

[EDIT] Also if I get probation or banning for this it was well worth it!


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
1.2-1.5mB/s is 10-12 mb/s (10000-12000 kb/s)(completely asinine that the ISP's make it sound like their connection is so much faster by using a smaller denomination of speed.)

1.5mB/s is average cable broadband speeds.


Dapper Fellow
Apr 21, 2010
Streaming Blu-ray videos at Blu-ray quality?

I use netflix, and even when my network if free and clear (usually capping 1 mb/s) it still takes forever to get the movie, and Netflix rips up the quality a bit for the sake of constant streaming.

Trying to stream a Blu-ray would probably involve me getting up, making a sandwich, reading a book, discussing said book at a book group where I would meet the love of my life, having 2.5 beautiful children, getting that promotion, sending the kids off to college, moving into a "home", and perhaps then watching the first half of the movie.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
OH is it possible to stream uncompressed audio? Didn't think so. BLURAY > DD

(Well I'm sure its possible, but I haven't see it happen yet)

Of course I'd want a physical copy of all my favorite movies anyway. I don't want to waste my time downloading, or risk streaming some garbage quality.

APOCALYPSE NOW on BLURAY soon! Can't wait.


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
GamesB2 said:
DTWolfwood said:
keep cost low?! wtf where? arent the 2 systems are the same price?


give it up man you've lost and stop being a stubborn ***** and get with the program!
Xbox 360 S Console with 250GB HDD

Sony PlayStation 3 PS3 Slim Console with 120GB HDD

Close... but no cigar...
D: that sux dude

$299 for both consoles in the US last i checked >.<


Dapper Fellow
Apr 21, 2010
ultimasupersaiyan said:
[EDIT] Also if I get probation or banning for this it was well worth it!
My my my, aren't you full of yourself.

Marmooset said:
So, if HD-DVD had prevailed, would they now be saying that it, too, is obsolete?
No, then Sony would be calling it obsolete. :D


New member
Jan 25, 2009
Schlagwerk said:
I absolutely agree. Simply put, if your video games can't fit on a DVD then
a) Your assets are needlessly uncompressed (see MGS4), or
b) Your game is too long (see FFXIII).

Even then, it's not a big deal to put it on 2+ discs. When you can stream HD content through Netflix anyway, having a Blu-ray drive for a console seems pointless.
Needlessly uncompressed? I have yet to play a game with better quality of media (crisp textures, amazing sound, in game graphics that look better than most cinematic efforts by studios).


New member
Mar 29, 2009
KeyMaster45 said:
GamesB2 said:
We already have a thread about this where there is a fair amount of debate going on...
It's a news post dude, they can tend to overlap with user made threads. You're not going to get a badge for pointing it out in the first post.

D0WNT0WN said:
I think Blu-Ray is one of the best things to happen to the industry. Proper fast digital distribution is quite a while away and I would rather not pay for a game and spend a few hours (my connection is that bad, 1.5Mb p/s) downloading a game that I can just as easily go outside and pick up a physical copy.
1.5Mb/s is pretty damn good speed to be downloading something; its enough to turn a multi-gigabyte file download from a 6-12 hour download into only maybe 1-2 at max. Do you mean 1.5Kb/s?

OT: Blu-Ray is nice and all, but it still requires a seperate player and I mean I litterally had just finished changing my library of films from VHS to DVD and now they want me to start switching everything to Blu-Ray. Oh sure I can pay out the ass for a dual drive player but what's the point? DVD does just fine for me when it comes to movies. In terms of games, however, if games are becomming so large in file size that they require the memory storage given by Blu-Ray I say Microsoft should stop being stingy about it.
no he meant hes connection speed is 1.5mb p/s with that your download speed would be about 250kbs p/s. I got a 2.5 mb connection which gives me a total download rate of 360kbs which is garbage to download anything over 10 gb big . on max speed of 360kbs it takes me exactly 1 hour and 10 minutes to download 1 gb and for a 20 gb hd movie and 10-50 gb games would takes a few days if the speed is consistent, which it never is.

More Fun To Compute

New member
Nov 18, 2008
Marmooset said:
So, if HD-DVD had prevailed, would they now be saying that it, too, is obsolete?
Microsoft didn't have enough faith in it to make it standard feature in the 360 so they probably would. Internally, at least, if it wasn't wise for them to annoy their partners by making a public statement.


New member
Oct 27, 2009
Don't be a sore loser on this one Microsoft, you wish you had bluray.
Or did your fans enjoy playing FF13 over 4 discs with crappy resolution?

BluRay is the current way to go, complete digital distribution is way off.
Until every household in the modern world has internet speeds capable of downloading 20GB games in 10 minutes, and every game console comes with an in-built 10TB harddrive I don't see that changing. It's impractical and currently impossible.

The only advantages of digital distribution is that it takes up less physical space, and is slightly cheaper (assuming that companies will lower their prices just because they don't have to burn it to a disc). Pretty weak reasons.
What if I want to take my game and play it on my friend's console? Yeah good luck, they'll be copy/fun protected.
And the amount of HD space required would be insane! Not to mention if your system crashes you lose every single one of your games with it....and i hope you have an extremely large monthly download limit.

Which console was the first to attempt distributing games solely through online download? The PSP GO, one of the stupidest creations of SONY ever, and it died for 2 reasons: 1. It was about as comfortable for gaming as a mobile phone, and 2. It didn't have a UMD tray.

I don't know why everyone is so hell-bent on digital distribution, in my eyes it sucks. And if one of the next gen consoles comes out with just digital distribution for its games, I will be staying as far from that console as possible.


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
Argument works only if you have cable broadband.

Sorry but streaming 1080p movies on a regular 1.2-1.5mB/s line doesn't it cut it for me. too choppy. :(

Until i get a 50mb up and down, im not convinced a high capacity disc isn't needed.


New member
May 16, 2010
i am sure if microsoft had won the hddvd thing they would be saying how storage media was the future, that the quality of audio and video was better than streaming. and of course they see a bright future ahead for their physical hd format. but being that sony won the hd storage wars.......

and for the record the blu ray copy of the dark knight came with a free digital download. and it looked like crap there is no comparison between a blu ray movie in 1080 and a dd movie, visual or audio. and it will be years before people will have the bandwidth to make streaming blu ray quality stuff over the net at 20 to 40 gig a pop a reality.

just more petty sniping by microsoft to rile up their fanbois so they can say see blu ray sux ms pwns. and there has been quite alot of it wonders if the ps3s sales numbers are picking up and making ms sweat a bit.


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
GamesB2 said:
DTWolfwood said:
D: that sux dude

$299 for both consoles in the US last i checked >.<
God damn it man look harder D: TO GOOGLE WITH YOU!
lol u can get for $275 but retails for 299 :D

I know the Slim retails for 299 too. (yes i am aware you get the 250GB 360 over the 120 PS3)


New member
Jan 13, 2009
so they bash blu ray because DVD isnt as good? makes total sense.

and microsoft isnt using digital distribution that much, so argument lost before it was even started.