Microsoft Denies Core Gamers Hated Kinect

The Lugz

New member
Apr 23, 2011
i'm sure the fan-base would like it if it did not require an indoor basketball court to use with more than one person

and if motion controls were actually worth using, at all.

yep, i think you hit the nail on the head.. nothing offensive about the kinect except it's not really that great
so i guess M$ have a point, gamers do not hate kinect they just don't care it exists


New member
Dec 23, 2009
If what Kudo Tsunoda said is true, then all the people I heard during E3 say that Kinect was ruining XBox was just PS fanboys trying to get the upper hand...just something to think about

Personally, I own an XBox360, I own a Kinect, and I love it. I already own 5 games for it, and after watching E3, I believe my Kinect games library will double in a year because there are some really great game titles. Kinect, as well as other motion control, is the wave of the future, and that's where I see gaming going.

If there's one thing Back to the Future Part 2 predicted right about 2015...
"You mean you have to use your hands? that's like a baby's toy"

Flailing Escapist

New member
Apr 13, 2011
I don't hate the kinect. I just don't use it. But if that Star Wars game plays good I would definately be tempted to get it.


New member
Nov 28, 2010
I have kinect, I have kinectimals and I like kinectimals. While I enjoy that, I do not want to play gears of war, halo, mass effect and so on with kinect, i want to sit down and press buttons without yelling at my console...well yelling orders to my console.


New member
Mar 1, 2011
I can't say I've ever seen many people claim to 'hate' Kinect. Whats to hate about it. Its just the latest of decades of gimmicky peripherals that don't gain any penetration into the core games, rather existing in its own little subset of niche titles. Ignoring Kinect doesn't exclude you from anything you would have otherwise cared about. Sure its a significantly more interesting bit of tech than -say- the power glove, but thats about it.

Core Gamers don't hate Kincet, we just don't give a shit about it.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
Logan Westbrook said:
Kudo Tsunoda says that Microsoft never felt the need to defend Kinect from core gamers. In fact, the opposite is true, he says, and core gamers were actually excited about the motion controller and the possibilities that it offered.
Exactly, we were. Then you went and took a dump on the more hardcore crowd by catering to the casuals. Sure we don't blame MS for doing so, more money after all, but PAH.

Need a metaphor for something you were looking forward to, then you realised it wasn't aimed at you anymore.

Oh, yeah, DNF


New member
Apr 15, 2009
That's right games industry, Lie. What problem is there which can't be solved by outright denial? Even directly towards the people who's attitudes you're fictionalising in the first place.


New member
Apr 25, 2008
As a "core" gamer (as much time as I spend playing, I think I meet any definition) I can say I don't hate Kinect. I can say that after trying it, I have no use for it. I consider it impractical and annoying. Not enough to hate it, but I'm definitely indifferent to its success.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I started off with a neutral and uncaring feeling towards kinect, but as I've watched the last two Microsoft press conferences become the disgrace of E3 that just panders around the Kinect and almost nothing else, I have grown to hate it. I hate it because it keeps taking away from core gaming and tries to focus everyone's attention on Kinect instead of what I'm really watching for, which is real games.


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
I don't hate it and I actually think the tech is very interesting and I'm curious to see how that piece of tech will evolve in the next few years.

That being said, it doesn't appeal to me as a gamer in the sense of playing a game, and it has yet to make me think that I need absolutely need it in my living room. None of the stuff that they showed made me has yet to make me think oftherwise where it would immerse me further into the game. If anything, it would make me constantly aware that I'm playing a game and that there are certain things that I have to do, like voice commands and arm flailing, that would break the flow for me.

That's my two cents anyways.


New member
Dec 26, 2008
i played the kinect one time. it was fun to have a few drinks and play the kinect adventure game with my friends for a few hours. however thats all it was, i had no desire to purchase one or really to even play a second time. while i will admit that it is more entertaining than the move or the wii and the tech is interesting, i dont want motion control getting in the way of my games. i am more than happy sitting in my chair with my controller in my hand playing a good shooter or rpg, i dont need to jump around like an idiot and play mini games (except maybe in a drunken party setting)


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Well, I don't own a Kinect, but I really do think it is the best motion controller out there right now. I went over to my next door neighbour's house to try out the PS3 move and the Kinect thinking the PS3 move would just be a better Wii-mote and the Kinect a dysfunctional gimmick. However, when I was finished trying out each one I realized I had been horribly mistaken: the Move was a Wii-mote that never says that stupid "point the controller at the sensor again" but it does not have the same feeling a Wii-mote+Nunchuk had and the Kinect was a whole other story. I tried to make it fail at my movements as much as possible and waving my arms from behind the couch while my friend was playing but the smart bastard somehow knows what to do. That doesn't mean I didn't find any flaws because here are the ones I found (after much experimentation).
1. When you move your hand to move your "cursor" over the "squares" on the dashboard, it compensates and goes apeshit.
2. The voice commands suck and almost never work (I just can't wait to see it on Mass Effect 3)
3. There is no button feedback so you don't really know if your doing what you wanted to do right away (read Yahtzee's extra punctuation on 2011 E3 he explains that better than I can).

In conclusion, yeah it is a gimmick, but the best one at that.

P.S. Oh I almost forgot, 4. THE GAMES ON IT SUUUUUCK!(except for the Micheal Jackson one)


New member
Jul 5, 2009
I don't care about kinect one bit, it looks like a silly gimmick for simplistic games. The only way I would hate it if microsoft tries to shove it in games it don't fit and ruin them.
Voice commands on ME3? I'm mildly annoyed that probably it's the reason it got delayed.
And don't try and speak for me MS.

P.S. Whats with this kudo guy and sunglasses?


This space for rent
Jul 16, 2009
The.Bard said:
uguito-93 said:
honestly i dont really see the point of voice commands, especially in a game like ME3 which is gonna have quite fast paced combat.

1) It takes a lot longer to say a phrase than push a button
2) Responsiveness would be an obvious issue as saying clear, audible phrases would probably be harder than it seems when thinking solely about shooting.
3)Yelling at your TV will be immersion shattering as well as the fact that your room mates will probably think you're a lunatic.
Things to consider...

1) It may take longer to say a phrase than push a button, but you can say a phrase WHILE you are shooting. If you want your squadmates to change weapons or use any of their full abilities with a controller, you need to stop shooting, open a radial menu (dpad only lets you hotkey ONE), and THEN hit a button. Longterm, the voice control will speed the game up for me, as I will be pausing a LOT LESS.

2) For the most part, Kinect has read my natural speaking voice exceptionally well, even with noise in the background. I don't have to over-enunciate very often, and I don't imagine the concentration required to say the phrases will be a distraction at all. If we can hold conversations while driving, this is a non-issue.

3) Screw roommates.... my wife loves the story behind Mass Effect, but hates actually playing games. This way she can sit on the couch and read a book while I shoot things, and then engage directly with the interface when conversations come up, no controller necessary. This one feature is going to SAVE my marriage when ME3 comes out. XD

Given that Bioware was able to practically turn-key the implementation (Kinect does all the heavy lifting), I love them for adding this. Giving me new options for playing the game? YES. Ye Gods, YESSSS!
ok I can see why some people will think of it as awesome and i guess that the reason why I'm even more skeptical and pessimistic about voice control than most people is that the few times i've tried kinect it flat out refused to understand my accent. (To be fair it is an ungodly mixture of Australian and South American accents so that might be it).