this was IMO a terrible conference. most of the games they showed, showed nothing new (gears 3) or were just not interresting at all(almost all the kinect games). microsoft just proved that besides halo that they don't have soem good exclusives(i disagree, i think halo is boring and the other exclusives are better but those just not sell good like alan wake and such), so they release the first game in HD and make a sequel to a serie on which the original developer drawed a line.
i find it weird they release minecraft on xbox when it is still in fact a beta.
i found it weird that people where crying like the second coming of christ when they saw the weapon smith from ghost recon (to be said it is kinda cool, but really not THAT spectacular)
the only game they showed that really drew my attention was tomb raider(before i didn't really care) it looked pretty cool and started to show that the weren't fucking around, although it was weird to see lara still be pretty jumpy with that extra hole in her.
and wow, you can say the words instead of of using your thumbs to choose the converstation option in ME3, i'm so immersed right now. ok the feature is kinda cool in the fighting but still not game changing.
overall, they weren't showing anything that was really interresting.