Microsoft Files Antitrust Complaint Against Google


New member
Mar 21, 2008
Is this a joke? Honestly, this is the pot calling the kettle black. The reason people use google over Bing is because Bing isn't very good. Improve or die, Microsoft (I never thought I'd type that sentence).


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Callate said:
You know, I was really ready to dismiss it for the same reasons many of the other posters have- Microsoft? Complaining about someone else's monopoly? Filing an anti-trust suit? Yeah, it sounds like a joke.

But, reading over the article- Microsoft kind of has a point.

When MS was getting its own rear end handed to it in court, it was largely over bundling its browser with its ubiquitous operating system. Since then, there's been a massive expansion of the browser market, and a lot more consumer choices. Heck, I have three web browsers installed on my computer right now, not counting the ones on my consoles.

When you move forward to today, the market has changed considerably. Yes, MS is still the OS king, but an increasing number of people are accessing the Web with smartphones instead, and one of the major web browsers people are using comes from the Web's reigning king, Google.

Now, yes, Google is a great search engine. I even like a lot of what Chrome has to offer. That doesn't mean I feel they should have a right to lock other competitors out of their services, or that I trust them so wholeheartedly that I don't think they should have any competition in their (expanding!) markets. I wouldn't be okay with it if it was some smaller company being shut out of accessing YouTube; why should that stance waver just because the aggrieved party is the big "M"?
Nice to see that someone actually gets it.

Microsoft or no, it's still wrong to block out your competition from accessing your web services. Microsoft's beef isn't that Google products are better than MS's. It's that the Microsoft products don't even have a chance. Honestly, even if it were the greatest invention ever, who's even going to look at a Windows phone when a massive chunk of the internet is blocked?

Anyone who ever supported net neutrality should see how this can set a bad precedent.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
TheEvilCheese said:
Google owns the market because it's easy to use, fast and above all: Familiar.

I hope Google Counter-Claims against Internet Explorer. That'd be some poetic justice right there.
Actually, Internet Explorer has already been the center of attention in EU competition law claims a while back (recieving one of the largest fines ever given out under EU competition law) and has since conformed with EU law.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Smith also calls Google out on blocking Microsoft's Windows Phones from accessing all of YouTube's features, though it implements full YouTube functionality for Google's Android phones and Apple's iPhones. Microsoft has a YouTube app ready to go for Windows Phone 7, but says Google hasn't given it permission to access YouTube as it has with other companies.
This is what is known as a half truth.

Only some youtube videos can't be played on windows phones, those same videos also can't be played on droids or iphones.


New member
Feb 8, 2009
I use Bing.

I like Bing.

I don't know why... hypnosis maybe? Google are the new mega-giant company, therefore are the 'evil powa 2 fight'.


New member
Mar 4, 2009
Bing is shit, and whenever I'm forced to use Internet Explorer I will always go to to search for stuff.

Is this Microsoft's business plan? Attempt to hijack Google, then turn on it when found out?


New member
Jan 13, 2009
1. Bing is useless.
2. it steals results from google, so Microsoft can prepare for the Supreme Court Banhammer.

Microsoft are already money-grubbing assholes with no sense of humor (unlike google, who made a great april fool´s and their icon switching on their site), whereas google dont complain about other companies and dont go for completely ridicolous ways to make money.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
Enkidu88 said:
Maybe Bing can't compete because it's complete crap? Just a thought Microsoft.
^This. Google also doesn't cram it's search function into my computer with various products. I wish I could say the same for Bing/Ask and all the other bullshit out there that tries to creep it's way into my browser every time I install something.

And heads up, if you wanna compete, you gotta actually have something to compete with. Putting 0 inclination for someone to consider your product over another one, with your product having a good number of downsides in comparison to that product, is not a good business idea.


New member
Jan 5, 2009
google proved that bing was stealing there search results.
its not much of a search engine.
more of a mirror site of google itself under a different name

this was all proven by the magical word "hiybbprqag"

Tiger Sora

New member
Aug 23, 2008
They're getting mad because Google won't let their phones n such access youtube.... well Google owns it and can decide who can access it. And Google's search engine came out latter than any Microsoft one. So now they make a new one, Bling, and it can't compete because Google has established itself already as the best. It's the peoples choice though Microsoft to use things so Google really isn't responsible because the people want Google and not you. Go eat some paste Microsoft.

The Rockerfly

New member
Dec 31, 2008
Weren't Microsoft sued during the 90s for a similar business process of not letting anyone into the software market?


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Slavoc said:
They're getting mad because Google won't let their phones n such access youtube.... well Google owns it and can decide who can access it.
Actually, they can't, because that would be an unfair use of their search engine monopoly to ruin their competition in the smart phone business. (It would also violate Net Neutrality, but that's another story) It would be as if Microsoft programmed Windows to not allow people to access Google or use Chrome. Since Windows is so ubiquitous, it would all but destroy Google.

Same story with Google. Since Google and YouTube are so ubiquitous, not blocking them on Microsoft products unfairly hampers Microsoft's ability to compete.

In other words, you can't use a monopoly on something to push something else. The product has to stand on its own merits.


New member
Apr 3, 2011
aesondaandryk said:
This site is turning into Digg. Too many kids who blow smoke about a topic they know nothing about.
Joined just to say how accurate this statement is, especially on this topic.

Regardless of the irony of the situation, Microsoft and the companies they're working with have a very legitimate point. Google has created a situation in which it's a terrible business decision to enter the search engine market. These are textbook anti-competitive business practices that they're performing.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
although i have no real love for microsoft
I do feel its high time someone smacked google with the proverbal rolled up newspaper of fair play

*puts on conspercy hat*
plus google is eeeevilll!


New member
Sep 15, 2008
Lol, I love this :D "Wah, Google's really popular and everyone uses it!" So give people a reason to use your search engine? Just a thought.

With regards to Google blocking/frustrating access to YouTube, they might well have a point, but honestly with the sorts of anti-competitive shit Microsoft's been up to in the past they can fuck off and make their own video hosting site and block Google from accessing it (lol, gl with that ;) After all, there's a market for a video hoster that doesn't give a shit about copyright - maybe that's a niche they could look at exploiting? ;)


New member
Sep 15, 2008
Utrechet said:
Notice how original of advertising Google did there? If you can advertise AND interact with your customer, you will increase profits. I guarantee it.
Lol, that's fantastic; my first call of 'space laser' actually worked (well, close enough XD), and amusingly enough "wild animal" unleashes an angry wife on the laptop - not sure what the thinking behind that one was, but damn funny association! :D :D