Microsoft Files Antitrust Complaint Against Google


New member
Feb 24, 2010
Am I the only one that finds it hilarious that MicroSoft is the one that's complaining that it's hard to compete?


New member
Dec 31, 2010
Google is just easier to type than most search engines...and it isn't utter S**T...nuff said

Microsoft is being a *****:


New member
Apr 28, 2010
The irony of Microsoft filing an Antitrust complaint is funny. But if the claims of access denial and others are true it does seem like google is not playing fair. Having said that Bing is still total rubbish.


New member
Mar 31, 2010
I'm not about to say I like Microsoft, but google is really killing the internet. Google's dominance of the internet has basically turned search optimization farming into an industry, and their attempts to curtail it with their algorithm has only made it a more skilled field. As it stands, the internet is turning into a reeking pile of trash website after trash website made for no reason other than to metagame google, and the complexity of modern search engine optimization is choking out small businesses.


New member
Mar 31, 2010
I'm not about to say I like Microsoft, but google is really killing the internet. Google's dominance of the internet has basically turned search optimization farming into an industry, and their attempts to curtail it with their algorithm has only made it a more skilled field. As it stands, the internet is turning into a reeking pile of trash website after trash website made for no reason other than to metagame google, and the complexity of modern search engine optimization is choking out small businesses.


is a trap!
Nov 22, 2010
aegix drakan said:
unacomn said:
Oh man, that was a good one. Funniest April fools so far today.

Wait, it's not a joke?
Microsoft filing an anti-trust suit for control over the internet is like Doctor Evil filing a suit against... well anybody, for trying to take over the world.

Aah, my brain stopped short of making that metaphor funny.
Kinda like Magneto suing Doctor doom for taking over the world?
And this was the defense used?


New member
Dec 5, 2008
You know, I was really ready to dismiss it for the same reasons many of the other posters have- Microsoft? Complaining about someone else's monopoly? Filing an anti-trust suit? Yeah, it sounds like a joke.

But, reading over the article- Microsoft kind of has a point.

When MS was getting its own rear end handed to it in court, it was largely over bundling its browser with its ubiquitous operating system. Since then, there's been a massive expansion of the browser market, and a lot more consumer choices. Heck, I have three web browsers installed on my computer right now, not counting the ones on my consoles.

When you move forward to today, the market has changed considerably. Yes, MS is still the OS king, but an increasing number of people are accessing the Web with smartphones instead, and one of the major web browsers people are using comes from the Web's reigning king, Google.

Now, yes, Google is a great search engine. I even like a lot of what Chrome has to offer. That doesn't mean I feel they should have a right to lock other competitors out of their services, or that I trust them so wholeheartedly that I don't think they should have any competition in their (expanding!) markets. I wouldn't be okay with it if it was some smaller company being shut out of accessing YouTube; why should that stance waver just because the aggrieved party is the big "M"?


New member
Mar 31, 2010
Bing doesn't suck. It's pretty much equally nice to use as Google these days (leaving aside things like familiarity). I use them both.

That aside, this is about anti-competitive practises as Google is showing here. They are using their dominance to block competitors. Meanwhile about 90% of this thread has read a single line from the OP and posted the moderate-to-above content post equivalent of "LULZ". For all Google's claims of playing nice and being open, they're happy to close something up on a whim if they feel threatened. And you act like Microsoft are the only bad-guys. Google were nice for about 3 years or so, but now they're one of the scariest companies out there.


Elite Member
May 29, 2009
As far as I see it, Google earned their share of the market, by MAKING THE BEST SEARCH ENGINE!
Pretty straight forward as far as I see it...
And dude, they OWN Youtube, they can do whatever the fuck they want with it, amirite?


Elite Muppet
Feb 15, 2009
I find this amusing since the few times I've used Bing, its layout is so identical to Google that I thought I was using Google.

Also I'd be able to care more if Bing didnt keep setting itself to default search and installing its toolbars with other unrelated microsoft products. Hint, I dont like you Bing, because you try force yourself onto me.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Maybe Microsoft should concentrate on their software, console and whatever other markets they're currently involved in? Trying to compete in the web searching department is like slamming your head against the wall, a pointless waste of effort. Not to mention, Bing doesn't work and couldn't look uglier if a five year old designed it.


New member
Jul 31, 2009
You had your chance Microsoft, and you blew it. Remember when you didn't bother to buy Google when you had the chance?

Kinda biting you in the ass, that one.


New member
Nov 24, 2008

bing is shite, windows is shite (although being the lesser of evils i still use it, damn u microsoft!!), IE is shite.

even word is pretty shite and that's just a glorified typewriter. Microsoft are not very good at making software there just good at business and marketing so no one else bothers to try and compete in most areas except apple who are just as shit at the important stuff and good at marketing.

the only decent thing microsoft ever did was dos and they nicked that!

even the 360 is shite (dont get me wrong there are a lot of good games but looking at my library i dont think many if any are actually made by Microsoft)sometimes i feel like my 360 is made from sticks held together with spit.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
Microsoft, just problem solve.

1) You know that new search feature on Google where it loads the page as you type? That APPEALED to Americans who have an average 7 second patience time online. Why not try appealing to other countries other than with a fancy background on your search engine?

2) The more you are exposed of taking Google's search data, the more you look like a child. Gather your own sites.

3) Offer benefits to joining Bing over Google, for example: "Every search you do on Bing, we give $0.00001 (1/1000th of a penny)to some charity, in this modern day Haiti or Japan. (Note: Though each search is small in amount, there are alot of searches every day. Do some math.)

4) Stop complaining about Google's successes. It makes you look like a whining sniveling crybaby. Instead, post your successes and try to invest some of that Console profit into something more like this:
Notice how original of advertising Google did there? If you can advertise AND interact with your customer, you will increase profits. I guarantee it.

*These are all just suggestions. All better than you marketing strategy.
Jan 27, 2011
Firehound said:
aegix drakan said:
unacomn said:
Oh man, that was a good one. Funniest April fools so far today.

Wait, it's not a joke?
Microsoft filing an anti-trust suit for control over the internet is like Doctor Evil filing a suit against... well anybody, for trying to take over the world.

Aah, my brain stopped short of making that metaphor funny.
Kinda like Magneto suing Doctor doom for taking over the world?
And this was the defense used?
I haven't see that site in years....Thanks for the laugh!


New member
May 21, 2010
Microsoft: "bing is failing to gain market share in Europe, and as we all know the only reason Microsoft ever fails is because of someone else! solutions?"

Microsoft employee: "what if we filed lawsuits until we win?"

Microsoft: "excellent idea!"

Meanwhile, in Customer Land: "uh, we don't use Bing because it's a crap product and Microsoft are evil."

that about it?