Microsoft Files Antitrust Complaint Against Google


New member
Sep 15, 2008
Steve the Pocket said:
A lot of talk about irony in this thread. I recall Google bitching that Microsoft shouldn't be allowed to have a file search feature in its own operating system because it was unfair to Google's Desktop Search app. Same shit-flinging, different side. Anti-trust and anti-monopoly laws are a good idea, but in practice the companies that use them tend to sound like kids squabbling in the back seat of their parents' car.


You do realize that "giving a shit" about the LAW isn't exactly optional, right? Even for a company as big as Microsoft. They might be able to kick a little company like Netscape to the curb, but not the entire entertainment industry.
I'm confused - were you on Google's side the first time then? Lol, seems like you're playing both fields ;)

Other people have commented that Microsoft's complaints are half-truths; that the blocked youtube vids are universally unavailable on smart phones for whatever reason, but the majority of the content is unaffected, for example.

I'm not "not giving a shit about the LAW", I'm saying I don't give a shit about Microsoft's bitching because it's likely petty, founded on half-truths and could even just be a play for more publicity for their search engine! As you pointed out yourself, slinging these sort of accusations around can be common practice in this industry, and most of the time they're just bullshit.

I seem to recall Microsoft happily soaking up anti-competition fines levied against them over the refusal to release the Windows source after its copyright expired, and then when they finally did the manual for it was absolutely garbage - just another level of sabotage to prevent anyone actually using the code. Let's say my levels of sympathy for the mega corporation are preeeety low when it comes to them chasing a bigger slice of yet another market.


New member
Jul 8, 2010
I laughed. Someone should go over to Google and tell them to stop being so amazing. Then Microsoft should sue Apple because people aren't buying their Zunes.

Steve the Pocket

New member
Mar 30, 2009
Wicky_42 said:
I'm confused - were you on Google's side the first time then? Lol, seems like you're playing both fields ;)
OK, this right here? Needs to stop. This attitude that we're supposed to be playing favorites for some reason instead of calling 'em as we see 'em. I've seen shades of it in this thread already, and I'm sick of it.

Wicky_42 said:
I'm not "not giving a shit about the LAW", I'm saying I don't give a shit about Microsoft's bitching because it's likely petty, founded on half-truths and could even just be a play for more publicity for their search engine!
I was talking about the "video site that doesn't give a shit about copyright" thing.


New member
Feb 19, 2009
You guys know where this comes from, right?
If you run Chrome OS, you're not buying Windows and you're not buying Office. It may seem like Google was just there, being awesome, and MS came asking for trouble, but I'd say the initial blow was dealt by Google.
But this, combined with their paying billions to Nokia to PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD use their software just stinks of desperation. Evolve or die, fellas.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Microsoft's complaints about it's market share are silly, what search engine I choose to use is my decision. However, it is a legitimate concern if Google is hampering other search engines from accessing content on Youtube and some of the other issues, because then that discriminates against me, the consumer.


Echappe, retire, sous sus PANIC!
Apr 24, 2008
Yes, Bing is inferior...but I don't think Google should be allowed to restrict sites so that other search engines *can't* link to them. Isn't that illegal? I mean, how is any search engine supposed to compare to Google when it can't access stuff - even if, say, it offered a better service in other areas (hypothetically). Isn't that an antitrust issue?

<-- knows very little about this kind of law.


New member
Jan 23, 2009
While they do have a point about the content blocks, it's still ironic that these complaints come from Microsoft of all things. Not that i would change search engines even if they get access...


Elite Member
Aug 19, 2009

Sucks to be you, Microsoft.

I guess you'll just have to be content with the vast majority of the PC operating system market, the gaming console with the best third-party support, the most ingenious control device ever developed that's being used for everything but its intended purpose (Kinect), and the de-facto standard of business productivity software (MS Office).

Not that Google necessarily deserves a monopoly on search engines and user-created video distribution, but they're just doing it better than MS does. While I'd agree that MS has a point regarding Google not letting Windows phones access YouTube with an appropriate app, they are barking up the wrong tree with their search engine claims. Maybe if Bing actually worked better than Google, or had some features that Google didn't, then more people would use it, but from my experience it works only as well Google. Why make a change to something less-familiar if it's not better?

MS had better pray that Google doesn't come up with a PC OS to compete with Windows, because if they do, Microsoft will be out of business within a decade.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
Because google is awesome and their engine will fail.
They can't complain that because Google's product is superior they can't enter the market, it's anti-capitalism. Even if they have a monopoly in that market it's because they filled a gap and supplied the demand for a reliable search engine at the time.
If you want to sue someone, sue the public for relying on google too much.


New member
Apr 4, 2011
So...let me get this straight...Microsoft states Google is ruining search engines, because it's too good?! Am I the only one thinking MS is just trying to get back for all the lawsuits they got, for IE and such?


New member
Mar 17, 2010
Well, Bing is pretty shitty, so it's not exactly a great loss that no one uses it :p

Does it seem to anyone else that Microsoft is bitching that Google is too good, and that to make the market fairer, it should become crappier?

Chrysocollus said:
I like Google.

I'm writing this in Chrome.

I like to type in "google" in Bing.

And I don't think that Google should be blocking Microsoft. Really...they don't NEED to. I'll be surprised if they actually are. But if they are, shame on you Google, you're better than that.

But if you stop, we'll let it slide this time. ~*
Considering that Google actually *owns* Youtube, this seems fair enough.

On the topic of Google having a monopoly, so what?
A monopoly is only bad for consumers when the company in question jacks up prices and offers inferior service. I'd say that Google has done exactly none of that.
Aug 25, 2009
Even if Microsoft is not a company of puppies and rainbows, if Google is truly doing what they say, then there are regulations being flouted here simply because Google is the biggest and knows it can probably get away with it.

People file suits against Microsoft for this sort of business practice, it is only right that Microsoft should file if Google is not on the up and up, and it clearly isn't.


SEGA fanboy
Jun 2, 2009
Bing is good, but google is better.

however as for the windows phone app I agree that Goggle is being a ***** there and should let them have a good app.


New member
Sep 15, 2008
Steve the Pocket said:
Wicky_42 said:
I'm confused - were you on Google's side the first time then? Lol, seems like you're playing both fields ;)
OK, this right here? Needs to stop. This attitude that we're supposed to be playing favorites for some reason instead of calling 'em as we see 'em. I've seen shades of it in this thread already, and I'm sick of it.

Wicky_42 said:
I'm not "not giving a shit about the LAW", I'm saying I don't give a shit about Microsoft's bitching because it's likely petty, founded on half-truths and could even just be a play for more publicity for their search engine!
I was talking about the "video site that doesn't give a shit about copyright" thing.
Steve, you gotta lighten up, man. The first comment was because your tone when describing Google's previous search engine lawsuit sounded dismissive of Google, whilst you then seemed to be ragging on Google here for allegedly dicking on Microsoft whilst lecturing me on obeying the law, thus seeming to side with Microsoft no matter the side of the law they were on, and made ironic by your little lecture. Which makes you comment here seem even more ironic, though I'm sure it's just cause of misinterpretation somewhere along the line, lol.

The second thing was a joke, as you should have discerned from the liberal 'lol' punctuations.


New member
Sep 15, 2008
Bobbity said:
Well, Bing is pretty shitty, so it's not exactly a great loss that no one uses it :p

Does it seem to anyone else that Microsoft is bitching that Google is too good, and that to make the market fairer, it should become crappier?

Chrysocollus said:
I like Google.

I'm writing this in Chrome.

I like to type in "google" in Bing.

And I don't think that Google should be blocking Microsoft. Really...they don't NEED to. I'll be surprised if they actually are. But if they are, shame on you Google, you're better than that.

But if you stop, we'll let it slide this time. ~*
Considering that Google actually *owns* Youtube, this seems fair enough.

On the topic of Google having a monopoly, so what?
A monopoly is only bad for consumers when the company in question jacks up prices and offers inferior service. I'd say that Google has done exactly none of that.
To be fair all around, if Google really was monopolising its position to prevent others from searching its content I'd be against them in a flash. This here is just Mircosoft being dicks, but of there was much substance to their claims then it would begin setting a dangerous precedent for closing off the web; if you treat your content as proprietary and limit it's access, its a small step to commercialising websites, and then having entrance fees as standard. That's a future I'll fight against ;)

The other thing is whilst we might not directly suffer if one company had a monopoly in internet advertising, it has consequences for advertisers and people hosting the adverts through fixed prices and low returns - the whole problem of no competition. Not saying that that's happening, but that that's the danger and that we probably wouldn't see it coming.

Jacksaw Jack

New member
Mar 17, 2011
Poor Microsoft, maybe if your web browser and search engines weren't total ass, I won't be using Google Chrome and the Google search engine. Rich bastards.


New member
Sep 24, 2008

*sniffle* We wanna have a search engine people actually use! *sniffle*