Microsoft Files Antitrust Complaint Against Google


New member
Sep 3, 2008
Why on earth would you expect to be able to compete in the search market against a company whose name has become a verb to describe the act of searching the internet?!

Common sense is not actually all that common, it would seem...


New member
Apr 20, 2010
TheEvilCheese said:
Google owns the market because it's easy to use, fast and above all: Familiar.

I hope Google Counter-Claims against Internet Explorer. That'd be some poetic justice right there.
They can't really do that, though. I mean, almost nobody I know uses IE anymore. Hell, computers at my school have had IE taken off due to security issues; we only use Firefox now.


This is ridiculous. Microsoft's just a spoiled rich kid crying to his mommy about how Big Mean Google's not letting him play with his Youtube, when really Microsoft just wants Google punished for not Microsoft use his search engine. Boo-fucking-hoo. If Microsoft was competent, they wouldn't need to do this kind of thing, but their search engine is just poor quality.


New member
Jul 28, 2010
Utrechet said:
Microsoft, just problem solve.

1) You know that new search feature on Google where it loads the page as you type? That APPEALED to Americans who have an average 7 second patience time online. Why not try appealing to other countries other than with a fancy background on your search engine?

2) The more you are exposed of taking Google's search data, the more you look like a child. Gather your own sites.

3) Offer benefits to joining Bing over Google, for example: "Every search you do on Bing, we give $0.00001 (1/1000th of a penny)to some charity, in this modern day Haiti or Japan. (Note: Though each search is small in amount, there are alot of searches every day. Do some math.)

4) Stop complaining about Google's successes. It makes you look like a whining sniveling crybaby. Instead, post your successes and try to invest some of that Console profit into something more like this:
Notice how original of advertising Google did there? If you can advertise AND interact with your customer, you will increase profits. I guarantee it.

*These are all just suggestions. All better than you marketing strategy.
Google has the goods for advertising. The company truly knows how to draw someone's interests while remaining fun and approachable. How people react to Google compared to Microsoft shows the dichotomy in how one is accepted over the other. Google parodies, for instance, more often take a similarly fun approach, poking more fun at the results of Google search rather than some flaw with the search. Windows? Blue Screen of Death, Error Report, Animated Clippy that manages to piss everyone off, more BSoD... Microsoft is already starting out rough from the gate and needs to change things up a bit.

Microsoft really can't do an ad like that, either, because that's pretty much what every Windows user has wanted to do at some point with their PC. I think my last time was actually a couple days ago, no less...

Look at the Windows 7 advertising campaign with that "I made Windows 7!" nonsense; how does that do anything to instill interest in the OS if a bunch of clowns claim to have made it? A smarter marketing maneuver would have been "Totally, unequivocally not Vista!" They just have a lot of work to do, a LOT of work...


New member
Nov 8, 2009
First off, wouldn't it be anti-monopoly laws (preventing a single corporation from dominating a field) rather than anti-trust laws (preventing a group of corporations from conspiring to dominate a field)? And aren't those laws mostly concerned with with money (for example, anti-trust laws preventing a group of corporations from setting a minimum price for a product (as opposed to each company setting their own prices and attempting to undercut each other) forcing consumers to pay more than they would in a truly free market)? Given that both Google and Bing are free to use, how do anti-trust laws (or anti-monopoly laws) even apply here?


New member
Mar 29, 2010
wow Microsoft way to be a sissy ***** about it Google should be able to do what ever they want with there property no?


Wandering Umbrella Fiend
Sep 7, 2009
I like Google.

I'm writing this in Chrome.

I like to type in "google" in Bing.

And I don't think that Google should be blocking Microsoft. Really...they don't NEED to. I'll be surprised if they actually are. But if they are, shame on you Google, you're better than that.

But if you stop, we'll let it slide this time. ~*


New member
Mar 15, 2011
The only reason Bing is able to take 25% market share is because of people using Internet Explorer. The kind of people using IE don't tend to change default settings like browser search engines. Also, IE makes it quite complicated to change its search engine settings (deliberately obviously) so IE noobs like YOUR MUM can't be bothered to mess with it.



Pastry avenger
Jan 8, 2010
Wow it's word for word digital Atlas Shrugged. Rand may be a bit nuts, but if Rearden makes a better metal, you can't really just take it, you could always make a better one though, eh Microsoft?


New member
Oct 25, 2010
you can take legal action for a business using unfair practices to keep itself at the top?! when did this happen? i though unjustly hoisting oneself into a position of power was kinda the status quo in the business world.


New member
Jan 8, 2011
Oh dear, looks like capitalism is a harsh cruel world eh microsoft? Honestly, ever since Coke took over Innocent Smoothies I'm just waiting for the day Wall-E happens and EVERY STORE EVER is just the same brand globally, so much so they're our last hope for survival. Either that or the apocalypse will happen, sort out our population growth and get rid of the majority of company giants so that the little guys can take a stab at the market without fear of being bought out...


New member
Jun 20, 2009
Well, Google is just... better?

TheEvilCheese said:
I hope Google Counter-Claims against Internet Explorer. That'd be some poetic justice right there.
That would be awesome. Please let it happen.


New member
Nov 22, 2009
if google loses this case, i will :a) cry myself to sleep every night for the rest of my life, and b) lose what little faith i had in the existence of justice or common sense

teh dark

New member
Nov 14, 2010
This story made me lol but to add to it.

I just had too google the page for reseting my hotmail password because i couldent find it on the hotmail or microsoft website

and they wonder why no ones using there products


New member
Mar 19, 2010
The only reason Bing has 25% of the US is because they had to start paying people to use it via Microsoft Points.


New member
Mar 21, 2010
How nice, now Microsoft knows what it feels like to be bullied around by other companies that are better than you.

Steve the Pocket

New member
Mar 30, 2009
A lot of talk about irony in this thread. I recall Google bitching that Microsoft shouldn't be allowed to have a file search feature in its own operating system because it was unfair to Google's Desktop Search app. Same shit-flinging, different side. Anti-trust and anti-monopoly laws are a good idea, but in practice the companies that use them tend to sound like kids squabbling in the back seat of their parents' car.

Elijin said:
I find this amusing since the few times I've used Bing, its layout is so identical to Google that I thought I was using Google.

Also I'd be able to care more if Bing didnt keep setting itself to default search and installing its toolbars with other unrelated microsoft products. Hint, I dont like you Bing, because you try force yourself onto me.
Apparently you don't remember back before every browser had a built-in search bar and Google bundled their own toolbar with virtually everything, including several non-Google products. I do. They mostly stopped when Chrome came out; now they just put ads for Chrome on every page of every site they own.

Wicky_42 said:
With regards to Google blocking/frustrating access to YouTube, they might well have a point, but honestly with the sorts of anti-competitive shit Microsoft's been up to in the past they can fuck off and make their own video hosting site and block Google from accessing it (lol, gl with that ;) After all, there's a market for a video hoster that doesn't give a shit about copyright - maybe that's a niche they could look at exploiting? ;)
You do realize that "giving a shit" about the LAW isn't exactly optional, right? Even for a company as big as Microsoft. They might be able to kick a little company like Netscape to the curb, but not the entire entertainment industry.