Microsoft Grabs Rise of the Tomb Raider in Xbox Exclusive - Update


News Room Contributor
Apr 18, 2011
Microsoft Grabs Rise of the Tomb Raider in Xbox Exclusive - Update

Microsoft revealed at Gamescom that Rise of the Tomb Raider will be an Xbox exclusive.

Update: Phil Spencer, head of Microsoft's Xbox division, confirmed Rise of the Tomb Raider will be a timed exclusive for Xbox. [] It will launch holiday 2015 for Xbox 360 and Xbox One. After the exclusivity deal ends, publisher Square Enix is free to do what it will with the game and the Tomb Raider franchise. Spencer did not comment on how long this exclusivity deal will last.

Original story: Rise of the Tomb Raider, the upcoming sequel to the rebooted Tomb Raider, will be an Xbox exclusive, Microsoft revealed this morning. The announcement comes from Gamescom as a surprise as many assumed the sequel would be available on multiple platforms like its predecessor.

Developer Crystal Dynamics released a statement explaining why the studio believes an Xbox-only release "is the best thing for the Tomb Raider sequel." Crystal Dynamics head of studios Darrell Gallagher wrote, "Our friends at Microsoft have always seen huge potential in Tomb Raider and have believed in our vision since our first unveil with them on their stage at E3 2011. We know they will get behind this game more than any support we have had from them in the past."

Gallagher later stated Crystal Dynamics doesn't mean to walk away from Tomb Raider fans who only play on PlayStation or PC. He indicated Lara Craft and the Temple of Osiris will be available on PC this December, and Tomb Raider: The Definitive Edition is available on PS4 in addition to Xbox One.

This is a good steal for Microsoft, as it looks like PlayStation's getting the leftovers; however, this is unfortunate news for anyone without an Xbox One who was looking forward to Rise of the Tomb Raider. Crystal Dynamics nor Microsoft have revealed if this will be a timed or permanent exclusive. It wouldn't be the first or hardly the last time for a company to fudge what "exclusivity" means. The move is a strange one, considering Square Enix stated Tomb Raider the PS4 version of Tomb Raider had double the sales over the Xbox One [] version in the UK.

Rise of the Tomb Raider launches on the Xbox One for the 2015 holidays. The game was first announced at E3 during Microsoft's presentation. []

Source: Crystal Dynamics (Tumblr) []



New member
Sep 30, 2009
Most likely timed exclusive. Well its a property war right now. Seems both Sony and Microsoft are snagging up as many exclusive deals as they can.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
If this isn't a timed exclussive I'm ready to officially declare Square Enix mentally insane. Unless Microsoft gave them the biggest shitton of money, and for a lower tier IP like Tomb Raider that seems doubtful.


New member
May 19, 2013
ok so tomb raider have a cross platform fan base and now they go exclusive to xbox. how those that make sense beside the money from M$


New member
Jan 30, 2014
This better be a timed exclusive. I really enjoyed the last Tomb Raider and was looking forward to this one.

Microsoft,man. So annoying.


New member
Jan 1, 2011

I wonder what they all have in common?



New member
Jan 25, 2010
I have seen some utter bizarre and bonkers decisions that just baffles the mind in it's making. But this has to be right up there with vibrating harry potter broomstick for the under 10's.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
Developer Crystal Dynamics released a statement explaining why the studio believes an Xbox-only release "is the best thing for the Tomb Raider sequel."
Any statement that doesn't mention how much Microsoft is paying them isn't explaining why they think it's "the best thing for Tomb Raider."


New member
Jun 15, 2013
Time to hold another game hostage again.

This is seriously getting ridiculous now. Buying a whole new system just for a new game. Is this another "sin" in the gaming industry?


New member
Jan 18, 2013
Sounds like a great idea to hit those sales targets, halving your market means double the sales and doubling your sales means ten times the profit. 5 million units sold, guaranteed!

I really do hope this is timed and not Squeenix making a massive fuck up that they will later blame on PC piracy or something.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
I'm looking forward to playing this as "Rise of The Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition" on my PC.


New member
Aug 13, 2009

Wave bye-bye to your sales targets then. Even if it's a timed exclusive this will still cost them.

Nowhere Man

New member
Mar 10, 2013
luvd1 said:
I have seen some utter bizarre and bonkers decisions that just baffles the mind in it's making. But this has to be right up there with vibrating harry potter broomstick for the under 10's.
Lmao wat?

Yeah people are freaking out over this (kinda like how they freaked over Bayonetta 2) but in this case even if Crystal Dynamics won't hint at future plans I'm confident this will see a PC and Sony release. There's just too much money at stake and Square Enix was already anxious enough with the first Tomb Raider bringing in cash. I rarely get new games at launch anyway so it makes no difference to me.

youji itami

New member
Jun 1, 2014
luvd1 said:
I have seen some utter bizarre and bonkers decisions that just baffles the mind in it's making. But this has to be right up there with vibrating harry potter broomstick for the under 10's.

My bet is like with Dead Rising 3 the only reason Rise of Tomb Raider is being made is that Microsoft is helping fund it quite heavily and they want their money's worth in a timed exclusive before other platforms see it.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
So presumably Microsoft have got their cheque book out and handed Squenix enough of the development budget for them no longer to care about the final sales number in regards to whether or not the game makes them a profit.

Considering how well this went with Titanfall (as in, not very at all) it seems odd that Microsoft are so keen to try again, with a single player game that will no doubt be ported to everything else in a couple of years time (see: Mass Effect). Although this time they seem to have gone full possessive little brother and banned Tomb Raider even from PC land, which might help?


New member
Mar 1, 2014
I've heard it might be so Microsoft have someone to fight Sony's client Uncharted at next years Summerslam or whatever time they'll both be releasing. If so than it'll be sad considering how experienced a performer Tomb Raider is to see them get jobbed out to Uncharted like that, heck it may well be a squash.

Tomb raider helped get Uncharted over when they were together, but now what was the least popular performer of the two is going to make the other tap out at every encounter (So Tomb Raider is Cesaro, Uncharted Swagger?).
Taking Microsoft as a manager is just a big mistake as Uncharted has a better manager who won't suck all the interest in you away and make you plummet down the card.

Anyway, its a timed exclusive as everyone and their moms know at this point. They'll suffer bad sales and put it on the PC, if not the PS4 within the year they release. Sony to be spiteful may well do that policy where they'll require the game to be "upgraded" in some way just to spite Enix and Microsoft.

Shadow-Phoenix said:
Boy I can't wait to see Sony or someone do this with Sony and no one call them out on it.
There would at least be some logic behind a decision like that, not so much here.

Brian Tams

New member
Sep 3, 2012
After Ryse and Dead Rising 3, I doubt this will stay an exclusive for very long.

I also doubt Square Enix would ignore the much bigger PS4 install base.

EDIT-I'm watching the Jim live stream on the main page, and he just erupted in a stream of "fucks" when he heard this news XD