Microsoft: Halo Can Be The Next Star Wars

Keane Ng

New member
Sep 11, 2008
Microsoft: Halo Can Be The Next Star Wars

Halo is popular, duh, but can it be Star Wars popular? Microsoft sure thinks so.

"We as a studio view Halo as our Star Wars," Halo franchise lead producer Jason Pace said in an interview with VideoGamer []. "We want it to become that culturally pervasive."

Sure, Halo 3 had the "biggest day in U.S. entertainment history []" when it launched, but "Star Wars" was an ephocal, culture-defining moment that had, and continues to have, deep commercial and cultural presence on a global scale. For Pace, the potential for Halo to exist as that kind of mega-franchise certainly exists in the Halo property. "This is a vast universe, it extends back thousands and thousands of years, it's huge, many different worlds, races that we haven't even met yet," Pace said. "And so we view the future of the franchise in the same way that we would view any cross-cultural entertainment franchise property, which is we hope to tell many different stories in many different ways, capture the hearts and minds of new generations as we go forward."

Asked whether or not Halo could ever become as popular as Star Wars, Pace was more than optimistic. "Depending on how you measure it we have a very good shot," he said. "If you look at how the franchise has grown, and just the number of people who are aware of it, we're certainly comparable to the major cultural touchstones, or at least well on our way." He went on to cite the example of the success of the Halo novels as evidence of how the franchise is diversifying and branching out beyond the realm of videogames.

So many franchises have touted themselves as the next Star Wars, isn't it about time that people stop trying to turn properties into replicas of Star Wars' success and start trying to find new ways of creating the kind of cultural shift that Star Wars engendered? Star Wars is Star Wars because it was the first entertainment property to well, be an "entertainment property." With Halo, Microsoft have a new form of entertainment in a videogame, so maybe they should start thinking about what they can do that's new. Don't just chase George Lucas, Microsoft. You don't want to go there.



New member
Dec 16, 2008
Once the movie comes out(if it ever does), Microsoft will see they were mistaking in thinking that there was even a remote possibility of Halo becoming that successful.


Sexually identifies as Tiefling
Sep 13, 2008
no it cant be starwars i hate halo anyway and starwars is much cooler then space spartans


New member
Mar 28, 2008
Microsoft definately has some balls to claim that their overrated franchise can even come close to something as culturally defining as Star Wars. They had a story to tell, and they told it.

Perhaps what they mean by this is that they intend to milk the Halo Cow until it is shriveled and dry, just like George Lucas has done.


Mexican Fugitive
Feb 7, 2008
Halo won't likely become the next Star Wars, it just doesn't have the means. Star Wars has the big advantage of being a "fairy tale" in space. Halo is just a War Story with some Philosophical and Religious Overtones. It's not a BAD story, but it doesn't have the same mythic and childlike appeal that Star Wars does.

Avatar Roku

New member
Jul 9, 2008
I don't see this happening, mainly because so many people are, for good or ill, diametrically opposed to Halo (the fanboys don't help), whereas SW is more universally liked.


Blatant Narcissist
Mar 31, 2008
Halo is going to be the next Star Wars. Cute, real cute.

I can say with a degree of confidence that I doubt this will ever happen. I'm siding with Pedro on this one:

PedroSteckecilo said:
Star Wars has the big advantage of being a "fairy tale" in space. Halo is just a War Story with some Philosophical and Religious Overtones. It's not a BAD story, but it doesn't have the same mythic and childlike appeal that Star Wars does.
I've never been sure if Halo has the story that can really compare to Star Wars. I've only played the original for the PC, so I'm not too specific on some of the finer details in the overall story, but the characters and universe just don't feel as deep. I don't remember ever hearing why the Covenant is so hell-bent on killing all of humanity. In the first game their motives are never fully explained. We don't know jack/crap about them.

Personally, the only franchise that's come out in the past year or two I could consider being on par with Star Wars is Mass Effect. The entire universe, ranging from the different races to individual characters is really well thought out and explained. Then there's the story, which I think is on par with Star Wars (and is a hell of a lot better than Halo). Even then, the chance of even that IP reaching "Star Wars levels" is kinda slim. Microsoft can whore out Halo until their heart's content, but I still don't think that's going to make it happen.


New member
Jul 2, 2008
They could make a movie trilogy out of it if they sidelined Master Chief to a walk-on cameo and focused on the history of the Covenant, the epic wars between the alien races, the Prophets' discovery of the Halos and the misguided path they then took. The tragedy of the Arbiter, the realignment of the Elites with humanity against the Brutes, etc.

It could be made to have contemporary resonance with the Jihadist/Colonialist conflagration in the Middle East and attacks on the USA. It is far more interesting to present this from the point of view of the "enemy" as that makes their motivations transparent (though foreign/alien) and the actions of humanity (who represent 'The Democratizing influence of Capitalist Western Globalization') as culturally insensitive to this ancient non-consumerist theocracy and perhaps, a little gung ho.

They had a script being worked on by Alex Garland at one point, so it is not as if they're not prepared to get a good writer on board.


Mexican Fugitive
Feb 7, 2008
Vanguard1219 said:
Halo is going to be the next Star Wars. Cute, real cute.

I can say with a degree of confidence that I doubt this will ever happen. I'm siding with Pedro on this one:

PedroSteckecilo said:
Star Wars has the big advantage of being a "fairy tale" in space. Halo is just a War Story with some Philosophical and Religious Overtones. It's not a BAD story, but it doesn't have the same mythic and childlike appeal that Star Wars does.
I've never been sure if Halo has the story that can really compare to Star Wars. I've only played the original for the PC, so I'm not too specific on some of the finer details in the overall story, but the characters and universe just don't feel as deep. I don't remember ever hearing why the Covenant is so hell-bent on killing all of humanity. In the first game their motives are never fully explained. We don't know jack/crap about them.

Personally, the only franchise that's come out in the past year or two I could consider being on par with Star Wars is Mass Effect. The entire universe, ranging from the different races to individual characters is really well thought out and explained. Then there's the story, which I think is on par with Star Wars (and is a hell of a lot better than Halo). Even then, the chance of even that IP reaching "Star Wars levels" is kinda slim. Microsoft can whore out Halo until their heart's content, but I still don't think that's going to make it happen.
Mass Effect is closer, but still a little to militaristic to really equal Star Wars. Military Stories don't appeal to your inner child, stories about Hero's and Princesses do, and that's exactly what Star Wars is.


New member
Jul 22, 2008
Hey, it can be like Star Wars! Oh, they're talking about original Star Wars, not the shriveled used condom the series has become that makes me feel my childhood was wasted. But cheer up Microsoft, I can already see Halo: The Phantom Menace, Halo: Attack of the Clones and Halo: Revenge of the Spartans coming to screens in the near future.


New member
Jul 14, 2008
It could be... if we are speaking SW eps 1-3 here.

The Halo games are just mediocre. As are the prequels.


Blatant Narcissist
Mar 31, 2008
PedroSteckecilo said:
Mass Effect is closer, but still a little to militaristic to really equal Star Wars. Military Stories don't appeal to your inner child, stories about Hero's and Princesses do, and that's exactly what Star Wars is.
True, but there is one thing that Mass Effect has that's important: a clear antagonist. In Mass Effect we know who the bad guys are. Your enemy is Saren, his second in command is Benezia, and the puppetmaster of the whole thing is Sovereign. The story gives you a person to hate and later feel sorry for, just like Star Wars did with Vader.

I haven't played a Halo game past the first one, so someone is going to have to enlighten me if there's an actual particular villain in the story other than the Covenant as a whole.

Eldritch Warlord

New member
Jun 6, 2008
Vanguard1219 said:
I've never been sure if Halo has the story that can really compare to Star Wars. I've only played the original for the PC, so I'm not too specific on some of the finer details in the overall story, but the characters and universe just don't feel as deep. I don't remember ever hearing why the Covenant is so hell-bent on killing all of humanity. In the first game their motives are never fully explained. We don't know jack/crap about them.

Personally, the only franchise that's come out in the past year or two I could consider being on par with Star Wars is Mass Effect. The entire universe, ranging from the different races to individual characters is really well thought out and explained. Then there's the story, which I think is on par with Star Wars (and is a hell of a lot better than Halo). Even then, the chance of even that IP reaching "Star Wars levels" is kinda slim. Microsoft can whore out Halo until their heart's content, but I still don't think that's going to make it happen.
Actually the Halo universe is very well explained. That's really why it can't be like Star Wars.

In Star Wars there is enormous history, thousands of years and in that time very little technological advancement has been achieved. Knights of the Old Republic is set a thousand years before the movies but is still very definitely Star Wars.

In Halo there is definitely history, but that history isn't definitely Halo. Star Wars is about a father and son shaping the galaxy. Halo is about the Human-Covenant War.

Mass Effect being on par with the Star Wars universe has nothing to do with how detailed it is or how good the story is. It's because Mass Effect is similar to Star Wars.

Vanguard1219 said:
I haven't played a Halo game past the first one, so someone is going to have to enlighten me if there's an actual particular villain in the story other than the Covenant as a whole.
The Prophet of Truth and the Gravemind. Who are unaligned by the way.