Microsoft: Halo Can Be The Next Star Wars

hamster mk 4

New member
Apr 29, 2008
Consider all the halo merchandise: board games, trading cards, action figures & vehicles, spartan halloween costumes, officialy licenced novels, and posters. Microsoft is certainly putting enough effort into making this an entertainment franchise. However there lies the problem of accessabilty. Anyone can sit through a movie and get the full Star Wars experience. Only Xbox owners with a good FPS skillset can get the full Halo experience. Untill the day where we all own Xboxes and have mastered the FPS console interface, Halo will never be as popular as Star Wars.


Mexican Fugitive
Feb 7, 2008
L.B. Jeffries said:
Sweet, so Halo 4 is going to be about the Arbiter's Life Day? Will it have celebrity cameos?
and Musical Numbers... and a freakishly animated first appearance of a new character.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
Why did you have to call out the Halo haters by saying something positive about Halo...?

Halo is different from Star Wars, but in terms of popularity, I'm far from counting it out. Halo is damned popular, for better or worse, but the only thing keeping it from reaching this mythic "classic" point is people who arbitrarily can't accept the possibility that Halo was good. Maybe they didn't like it, but that didn't make it trash.

I had a film professor who would rant and rave anytime someone called Star Wars a "classic" and took up entire class periods with well-intentioned, intellectual proofs of why Star Wars was not a classic. And yet, it IS a classic, none the less. Popularity isn't something that needs to be proven. It's one of the few things that just is. Halo doesn't need to meet a set of obviously stacked criteria to be great.

Now, it is NOT the "next Star Wars". But it will be a classic of games the same way Star Wars is a classic of film. They were both mass market, high impact media and were wildly successful. You can't deny that. They are classics that serve as a landmarks in their respective genre and media.

For the majority of these comments, please... please stop stacking the criteria so you can fulfill your irrational beef with Microsoft. Halo was a great series for it's target audience, and Microsoft-hating recipients of botched lobotomies aren't in their target audience.


New member
Jul 10, 2008
Its only a matter of time before Microsoft becomes self-aware.
Pretty soon you will all be eating Master Chief, drinking Master Chief, breathing Master Chief, wearing Master Chief and dreaming Master Chief. And most of all, playing Master Chief.


New member
Nov 8, 2008
Halo is the next Star Wars?
So they're going to constantly churn out ridiculously abysmal sequels, cheap, overpriced memorabilia and license LEGO: Halo?



New member
Jul 31, 2008
If by emulating star wars, you mean the new trilogy (taking everything we loved and pissing it down a pan by refusing to adapt to changing trends in entertainment), then yeah, yeah I see it happening


New member
Jun 7, 2008
Can an M-rated shooter video game popular mostly in the US compare to a family friendly movie that is also popular among adults and has worldwide acclaim? I am going to laugh if I ever meet the dude who said this.

And of course Halo 3 had the biggest opening in US entertainment(or was that GTAIV?). Video games cost more then movie tickets.

Anton P. Nym

New member
Sep 18, 2007
MaxTheReaper said:
Halo is popular to the frat boy demographic. You can say a lot about those kind of people, but saying people who didn't like Halo are as intelligent as someone with chunks of brain missing makes you look...well, like someone with chunks of brain missing.
Well, don't tell MENSA then... because they'd feel terrible about mistakenly shoving all that literature at me if they found out I actually enjoy the Halo series.

-- Steve


New member
Feb 25, 2008
The new Star Wars? So that's more, ever shonkier sequels, vast amounts of badly made merch, infinite book tie ins that contradict each other's timelines by separate authors at the same time, lunchboxes, phone covers and so on.

I can't wait for the cartoon mini series...


New member
Jul 18, 2008
I think microsoft are a bit full of it. Star Wars is much better (eps 3-6 at least) and has much cooler weapons.


New member
Mar 20, 2008
If the Halo movie is at least a bit like Haloid [] it would be awesome. But we all know this isn't going to happen, and the Halo movie will be some Starship Troopers clone.


New member
Jan 12, 2009
Uberjoe19 said:
Halo is as cliche as you can get.
oki note that many games copy halo as hell, i would more say that halo has created a cliche.
And due to the Internet we will never have another Star Wars thingy cuz every1 gets a free voice and therefore have to blast everything down like hell and talk about the things of the past (star wars the good parts) as heaven


New member
Sep 10, 2008
R.Nevermore said:
Microsoft definately has some balls to claim that their overrated franchise can even come close to something as culturally defining as Star Wars. They had a story to tell, and they told it.

Perhaps what they mean by this is that they intend to milk the Halo Cow until it is shriveled and dry, just like George Lucas has done.
That's pretty much what I got from this. The problem with their logic is that they're basing everything off of their current popularity, when almost all of that popularity is a popular first person shooter. The story is pretty forgettable, all anybody cares about is the multiplayer frag-fests.

Halo doesn't have any lasting appeal like Star Wars does, it'll be old news the instant a better FPS comes out.


New member
Jan 19, 2009
Gotta love the Halo hate. I for one love the game (especially the 1st one), and I am not a "frat boy" -- I'm independent thank you very much. I play many different genres and am also a huge Star Wars fan. No, Halo cannot be Star Wars, but it can come close. And for the record Microsoft was not saying that Halo is better than S.W. or that it will take it over the place S.W.s has. That is not possible. What is possible is for science fiction to find new adherents. Stop the bashing guys, different strokes for different folks. I don't bash games on these forums.