Wait till the publishers hear about it.
Apperently now instead of paying the artist you have to pay publishers AND microsoft extra fees
Zombie_Moogle said:
Let me make sure I've got this
A disc is good for 1 install on 1 500GB HDD. How many AAA games could 500GB hold? Eventually you'd need to delete older ones to install newer games; does this mean they're gonna try to charge customers to play the game that they themselves already bought brand-new at full price?
Forget resale. Can I even play the same game twice?
not 1 install. 1 account. the way it looks is that it ties to your xbox account, and if your not using internet they cant do squat about it essentialy you can reinstalle it as many times as you want if you are usign same xbox account. (or not using one? can you do that if your offline? my cousin is still "in account" even without it being connected to the net, dont own xbox myself).
death525 said:
Wait, it is tied to a single account. What about games that only allow for one save file? What are me and my brother supposed to do? Pay $60 for the game and then who knows how much more just so we can have two save files. Thanks Microsoft for turning me into a Sony fan boy.
wait, isnt one save file kinda died way back in 2005 or so? do they still actually use such crappy technique?
Aris Khandr said:
My question is more to "What about multi-user homes?" We've got a generation right now where every member of a household has their own account, with their own achievements, friends, and history. I don't think you'll entice too many people to buy the activation for each family member who wants to play the game you've already paid $60 for.
What about them? according to the companies, you should buy a new game for each machine.
scorptatious said:
And cost many many people their jobs in the process! YAY!
Seriously, why would anyone WANT the industry to crash?? Regardless of how you feel about things right now, that just seems incredibly selfish.
OT: Well, either way, I don't plan to buy this console. I'll probably just settle for the PS4 and possibly a better computer so I can get more into PC gaming.
Some companies need to go bancrupt so other, better ones may take their place. such is a nature of free market. sure, it costs peoples work in the process, but that is a casuallity we have accepted the moment we agreed to use free market system. a crash would actually be a good thing at this point despite the people loosing thier jobs. also there are some people that deserve to loose thier jobs if this is what they come up with.
And yes, it is selfish to want the company to go away and be replaced by a better one, because a better company will be better, you know.
Also, your not buying Xbone? then you want it to crash too, how evil of you (im joking ofc).
CJ1145 said:
I often take multiplayer games to my friends' houses so we can play them there. Since lugging my Xbox around is dumb as shit, I just carry the disk.
Someone care to tell me why this new system is screwing me and my friends over when we're using the product as (presumably) intended?
your friend has 2 xbox systems?
Gamegodtre said:
the difference is if i wanted a PC id buy a PC for 2 grand and never look back however for people who buy consoles it for the convience of not having to bother with the installs, the one time use games, and all the other rigmaroll that comes along with the PC.
what Xbone has done here is essentially made a PC and are now calling it a console, yet i cant swap graphics cards, ram, or anything else to improve its proformance and unlike PCs its not BC to older PC games which is bizarre cosidering i can play xp games on 8 and some 95 games
PC installs are easier than Console isntalls nowadays. One-time-games were a faield experiment and i only ever bought one that had something like that (FC2, shitty game). PC gaming is no longer a "you must know about computers" type of deal, its as easy as console gaming. it got streamlined years ago.
SonOfVoorhees said:
Thats nothing mate. I read on kotaku that the fee will be full price.....thats why ea is happy.
kotaku. and you believed it?
Nashidar said:
What IS an issue is the fact you have to pay again if you want to play with a second account on the SAME console.
That's where the screw over is happening.
or maybe you shouldnt be making a hundred accounts that are good for nothing but spamming? why cant people use 1 account?