Microsoft: People More Satisfied With Xbox 360 Than PS3


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Vivi22 said:
It's hard to really assess the gap in sales. They're in many more markets right now than we are. They're in 40+ markets, we're in 13. People have been more satisfied with the Xbox 360 than the PS3, so in that respect people have less of a need to upgrade in the short term due to regular updates for the Xbox 360. We could point to any number of things. That said, we've heard from a lot of our Xbox fans who say, "Hey look, I want an Xbox One, but at $499, I probably have to wait a little while before I can afford to get one." I do think we're going to get people now who move over, and then buy the Kinect later. So I do think the [price point] broadens the appeal and hopefully brings more people to Xbox One sooner.

First off, being in 40+ markets as opposed to 13 isn't going to explain that sales gap since the vast majority of sales come from Japan, North America, and western Europe. If you're in those territories, you're not losing by more than a million units because they're selling in other places.
It's even worse than that.

Sony's announced that they've sold well over seven million PS4s thus far. Microsoft's said they've only shipped just under five million Xbone's to retailers.

So best case scenario, Micosoft has sold over two million fewer Xbones than Sony's sold PS4s - excluding the dozen or so Xbones still sitting on the shelves at my local Gamestop.

That's not a sales gap that can be explained away simply by saying Sony's selling "in more markets".

Secondly; people are more satisfied with their 360's than PS3's? What else is a Microsoft shill going to say?
One would hope something a bit more...quantifiable. I'd never expect as much, but one can hope.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Zachary Amaranth said:
CriticalMiss said:
Like calculators? Yeah, fuck calculators and their stupid, affordable and easy to use buttons. Only a caveman would want to use buttons.
I can't even get my phone to recognise my girlfriend's name when I try and voice dial, and Microsoft thinks I'm going to want that on my computer?

Cue buzzer sound.
Have you tried not being so rude to it? Maybe it understands you, but decides not to comply?

OT: So basically people were so satisfied with their Xbox 360 tghat they don't want to buy another Microsoft console? See? I can spin this to mean what I want it to mean too.

I also think it's relevant to point out that the PS3 had a lower failure rate and by the end of the last console generation it outsold the Xbox 360.

The only conclusion is that people love their 360 too much. Not that the PS4 is cheaper. Not because the difference in games. Not because of preference of one controller and certainly not because the Xbox One is currently not released in large parts of Europe where the PS4 is the sole competitor (I love Nintendo, but they're not really running in this race). Microsoft, I did like you once, I did like a great deal of your products, but you made me seriously hate you at some point, then I just slowly started to feel apathy towards you. Don't make me go back to loathing again.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Vigormortis said:
It's even worse than that.

Sony's announced that they've sold well over seven million PS4s thus far. Microsoft's said they've only shipped just under five million Xbone's to retailers.

So best case scenario, Micosoft has sold over two million fewer Xbones than Sony's sold PS4s - excluding the dozen or so Xbones still sitting on the shelves at my local Gamestop.

That's not a sales gap that can be explained away simply by saying Sony's selling "in more markets".
The difference in sales in North America is less than 400 000. In Europe where the Xbox One is only released in a few countries the difference is almost 2 millions and in Japan there's almost 600 000 PS4s sold and the Xbox One isn't released there yet. Simply by judging the numbers the number of countries seem to be at least part of what hurts the sales.

That said, Europe and Japan have generally been more likely to pick Sony over Microsoft so it's not sufficient to judge, but saying there's availability isn't an important factor is too easy. If you want to make that claim you need to show me how much the PS4 have sold in total counting only countries where both have been released or you'll be doing the exact same thing Microsoft is doing. Saying something that you can't prove and just expecting people not to call you out on it.

Do you have any kind of proof? Or are you simply making claims you can't prove while also complaining about Microsoft spouting bullshit they can't prove?


New member
Jun 17, 2011
Is he saying "the xbone isn't selling well because people are satisfied with the 360 hence they're slow to move on from it, while the PS4 is selling well because people are not satisfied with the PS3, so they moved on to the PS4?"

Because that makes sense? "I didn't like the PS3, so I bought a PS4?"


If what he says is true, doesn't that mean:
1) the people "less satisfied with the PS3" were not enticed enough by the xbone, and instead moved on to the PS4
2) there isn't enough about the xbone to entice the "satisfied" 360 owners to move on to it just yet

Does anyone recall the press conference where apple said that people weren't moving on to the iphone 5 because they were satisfied with their iphone 4? Neither do I.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Yopaz said:
The difference in sales in North America is less than 400 000. In Europe where the Xbox One is only released in a few countries the difference is almost 2 millions and in Japan there's almost 600 000 PS4s sold and the Xbox One isn't released there yet. Simply by judging the numbers the number of countries seem to be at least part of what hurts the sales.
Care to share with the class wherein Microsoft has revealed these sales numbers? As far as I've seen, they've discussed only the number of units they shipped, not sold.

If you have these numbers please, do share. Otherwise...

Pot meet kettle.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Yopaz said:
Have you tried not being so rude to it? Maybe it understands you, but decides not to comply?
Don't be ridiculous. Samsung products lack a soul, and therefore cannot feel.


New member
Apr 25, 2011
It's -adorable- how they keep trying too claim that the Kinect will eventually be successful.
They're dropping it like a rock, and it's NEVER going too make a comeback, because it's no longer required. The only, and I mean THE ONLY reason anyone ever made a game with Kinect functionality, is because it was stapled onto the Xbone. Now that it isn't, why in the WORLD would anyone put Kinect functionality into a game? It's just an extra cost that limits your sales too the few people who will actually have a Kinect in a few years, most of them will have gone in the trash by then.

I'm calling it now, the Kinect is dead, it's done, it's over.

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011

Nope, I still don't see it.

OT: Are you guys really so desperate? I think it's clear Microsoft knows it's completely boned, and really screwed up a lot of things. People don't like the Xbone, and now they don't like Microsoft for its stupid choices. Now it keeps shitting its pants even further by trying to tell us everything is ok. No. It's not ok, Microsoft. You screwed up. You're back-peddling on almost everything you tried to do with the Xbone. What reason do I have to believe that you're all good?

Also, Windows 8 on consoles.

Shamanic Rhythm

New member
Dec 6, 2009
I think in five years, we will laugh at any computing device you can't walk up to and talk to.
Wait, what computing devices can't you talk to already?

I talk to my office PC all the time. Mostly our conversations revolve around me telling Windows Defender to sod off and Outlook to hurry the fuck up.


Supreme Evil Overlord
Jan 21, 2009
I don't know in some aspects I like my first gen PS3 better than my 360 and in others, I like my 360 better. That said, neither new console has had anything to entice me to upgrade(if I had the money to do so). Personally this entire article sounds like they're talking out their ass.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
That's pretty pathetic. Attributing less sales to contentment is beyond the realm of things Microsoft measures. Although admittedly, I don't see them saying at any point "We tried to push a bunch of shit on our playerbase that they didn't want and that may have contributed to the lost sales".

For the record though, voice control actually does sound cool. But detecting who is in the room is a bit creepy and using that to enforce DRM is atrocious.


I'm anticipating DmC. Flame me.
Jul 23, 2008
Keep on spinnin' Yusuf, keep on spinnin'.
I know a lot of people who bought a PS4 specifically because they didn't want to deal with Microsoft's shitty practices and Kinect.
We're in May and PS4s barely have time to hit shelves before selling out, while Xbones are readily available in pretty much every store. And while we're on the subject, PS4 "being more available worldwide" is your damn fault for treating smaller markets like shit, Microsoft.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Vigormortis said:
Yopaz said:
The difference in sales in North America is less than 400 000. In Europe where the Xbox One is only released in a few countries the difference is almost 2 millions and in Japan there's almost 600 000 PS4s sold and the Xbox One isn't released there yet. Simply by judging the numbers the number of countries seem to be at least part of what hurts the sales.
Care to share with the class wherein Microsoft has revealed these sales numbers? As far as I've seen, they've discussed only the number of units they shipped, not sold.

If you have these numbers please, do share. Otherwise...

Pot meet kettle.

These won't be 100% accurate and you're right. It doesn't specify shipped or sold, but this is some kind of source at least. Do you have any kind of source to back up your claim? Any at all? Even just a tiny one?

You are complaining about Microsoft making claims they can't back up. Then you make a claim you can't back up. Then you counter that by accusing me of the same thing.m Please do provide a source that can explain exactly what you claimed in your first post or I will disregard you completely as a hypocrite. You demand quantifiable proof for someone's claim, yet you fail to do so yourself. You demand to see a source yet refuse to provide one. You accuse me of being a hypocrite, yet my first two points in this line clearly shows you got nothing to stand on yourself.

If you don't provide a source I think I might nominate you for hypocrite of the year, because this is golden.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
Alex Co said:
For those who own both a PS3 and Xbox 360, which console are you more satisfied with?
Well I sold my Xbox and kept my Playstation; so score one for Sony.

Alex Co said:
And do you agree with Medhi's explanation that the reason the PS4 is outselling the Xbox One is due to it being released in more markets?
Why the hell is that such a shock to people? A device with basically the same (and in some cases, better) hardware is released in more markets with less restrictive/region locked content for a cheaper price? Hardly brain surgery which one is going to look more attractive.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Yusuf Mehdi, the master of spinning PR and not hicking up on his own lies. completely not biased either. its not like hes lead PR for company hes touting or something.

even before the release, PS3 sales proven that people were more satisfied with ps3, now when people realize that even 360 is better than Xbox Done hes spinning that line. Well of course people are more satisfied with 360, after all they dont want to downgrade.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Let's assume, for the sake of argument, what he's saying is true. My question to MS is:

So, if people love the 360 so much and you knew this, WHY DID YOU WASTE SO MUCH MONEY DESIGNING A NEW CONSOLE?

Oh, did I just mess up your entire argument? Sorry.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Alex Co said:
I think in five years, we will laugh at any computing device you can't walk up to and talk to.
Like this?

Sorry MS. Nice try. BTTF 2 is not an accurate predictor of the future. When I get my hoverboard, I might be inclined to take that seriously.


New member
Jun 17, 2011
Tradjus said:
Now that it isn't, why in the WORLD would anyone put Kinect functionality into a game?
I was going to answer "MS will demand that their first-party developers implement some kind of tacked on kinect feature," akin to Sony with their "touchpad" thing, but then I thought better of it. Reason being, MS put a kinect-less console out there because they've accepted the kinect isn't going to move units. They will make the argument "that it's still integral," but we all know that they're blowing smoke. Something isn't "integral" when you make it "optional." That said, would they have their first party developers waste resources with a kinect functionality that some of their player base won't even be able to use? They're going to the trouble of manufacturing kinect-less consoles in the hopes of selling them, so why would then then mandate resources to a feature that they've pretty much accepted will likely go unused?

This is quite a mess they find themselves in.

With regard to the voice features, has anyone been around someone that insists on constantly using those? It is annoying. The in work area next to mine is a programmer. Everyone's working only to be interrupted by him yelling at his phone "Call Jane Doe, Office." You then hear his phone reply "calling Jane Doe. Office." He then, sometimes, picks up the phone placing it to his ear. I've talked with others about it saying "Is yelling at the phone THAT much more convenient than using his thumb to scroll through the contacts?" It makes me think of those commercials that make the most mundane of activities appear to be terribly complicated:

"Everyone needs to make calls. But picking up your phone is such a hassle [shows someone feigning physical pain at the exertion of lifting their phone]. And holding onto it? What a chore [shows phones being dropped and broken]. And then taking the time to find the right contact? Forget it! [shows someone painstakingly scrolling through their contacts]. Well no there's SIRI. The handsfree way to dial anyone in your contacts, without having to pick up your phone."

The first time this hit me was when I walked into the room and witness my wife, phone in hand, saying "SIRI, set alarm for 7am." I thought:

1) You were alone in this room. Being alone in a room and shouting at your phone makes you look like a crazy person. Let's all take a step back and imagine ourselves alone in a house, yelling instructions at our devices
2) You're not alone, so yelling makes you an annoying, disruptive, asshole.
3) One of the beauties of my current setups is that I can play a video game in the middle of the night while other sleep, undisturbed. That goes out the window if in order to play my game, I have to turn on lights (so that kinet can see me), and yell commands due to some shoehorned voice feature. To that end, the voice features don't help me. I can't walk into the living room at 1am while others are sleeping and yell "Kinect! Play Titanfall!" I mean I could, but that would make me an inconsiderate ass.

I just don't see the appeal of voice commands outside of handsfree dialing while driving.