someone, anyone, anyone at all, tell me of a single personalized ad (such as the many on teh internetz) thats ever positively affected your opinion of the product. cause honestly, the best experience ive had with ads is complete indifference, and at worst boycotting the product for the sheer reckless douchebaggery to play an audio ad while im on a webpage.
i really, really, do not understand the advertising industry; at best, the ad is for a product i already buy on a regular basis regardless, but most of the time the sheer stupidity and annoyance of the ad will greatly reduce the likelyhood of me buying it.
the free internet and tv channels is nice and all, and is definitely worth sitting thru a few ads; im not complaining.... i just cant understand why companies so doggedly try with such vast sums of money to do absolutely nothing to influence me to buy their product. can SO MANY people truly be so much more easily influenced then me? my opinion of the general public is pretty low, and even i cant believe how most ads could actually be worth it...
these people willingly paid for kinect, yet realize the potential for a company to bombard them with ads and speak out agaisnt just doesnt add up.