InterAirplay said:
Treblaine said:
InterAirplay said:
For christ's sake, I wasn't talking about what I think war is actually like, I was just trying to explain my view on the morality of it all.
Well I think your morality is contradictory and shallow.
Also, can you explain why our own troops dying is more of a blow to the human race than one of the enemy dying? what entitles us to disregard the effect of the death of a misguided extremist, but to regard the death of one of our own as a far greater tragedy?
Err, because they are misguided extremist! Why else?
These extremists are enemies of any human who disagrees with their delusions (which is most humans including most Muslims). These extremists endorse and practice premeditated murder of children who are taught in any school other than one that teaches their oppressive delusions. They are oppressors of humanity. If they get their way, humans suffer. They will suffer for generations.
And these UAV attacks don't attack the young who are told lies, they target the originator of the lies, those who give the order to burn down a school full of children. Those who give the order to execute the jewish journalist. Death comes to those who give the order for others to go on suicidal shooting sprees while they sit where they assume they are safe from any repercussion.
Our soldiers are fighting against that. It IS a tragedy when each one of them is killed by those sick fuckers and their death cult.
It is a death cult. All of human life is nothing but a means to an end of their delusion that "god will sort it out" the revel in how if everyone died they will go to heaven and everyone else will go to hell.
That's the moral dimension to using Unmanned Bombers.
I don't agree with the Taliban by any means, and I would rather see the Taliban wiped from the face of the planet.
But not the MEN. No, the Taliban is a construct based around ideas, which are fed to some gullible and deluded people. I try to justify the war by pointing out the protection of innocents, and I can agree with your sentiment, but it's still tragic that they have to die. after all, these are ordinay men, led astray by propaganda, hatred, ignorance. Only a select few of a group like that, the manipulators who start them, can be said to be bad to the core (although I'd still debate that). The death of a man is no less tragic if he died because he was misguided, or he died because he was protecting innocents. I guess that's my own ultra-lefty side showing there.
Anyway, All I'm saying is that a peacekeeping operation should remain exactly that. If we use excessive force to intentionally attack and eliminate insurgents, then fair play, we can protect civillians.... but then, that's the kind of military action that causes grieving relatives and unintentional collateral damage, leading to the creation of more extremists....
I guess you see where I'm going there. I suppose I used the worst wording I could have possibly chosen when I tried to argue in favour of "equal footing" that doesn't make sense, granted. I should have used a different argument.
But still, I don't think we can remove our own men from combat that much, as a matter of some ill-defined principle I'm trying to work out just now. *thinks hard*
Damnit, I KNOW there's a reason I beleive this. I guess my view that the death of a man is no less tragic regardless of what he did or stood for is the prevailing factor in this belief. I don't think we have the right, even if we're doing the right thing. "we're justified in removing humans from the fight, but they are not" just doesn't fly with me, not in the slightest.
This death cult is fuelled my more than delusion, it is fuelled by sadistic bloodlust. These individuals love to kill and to send their victims - as they see it - to burn in hell. And it doesn't matter who. Anyone. And they are delighted that THEY PERSONALLY will have fantastic rewards in death. No altruism. No collective ideals. That is not deluded to think what they are doing is right, it should be apparent to any moral person that deliberately sending someone to burn in hell for eternity is wrong thing and to kill others justified by your own eternal reward is pure selfishness.
These are not good people led astray. These are BAD people motivated to do HORRIFIC things.
Excusing the murder of children, believing they will be sent to hell, for personal benefit of (as they believe) a glorious afterlife? Utter selfishness in the EXTREME!
"peacekeeping operation should remain exactly that."
The war in Afghanistan was never a "peacekeeping operation" it was a War Winning operation! Destroy Al Qaeda. Defeat the Taliban. Forever. Taliban soldiers cannot hold their OWN LIVES to ransom when they are running offensive operations, they must be removed from the fight at every opportunity either through death or surrender, and considering the stakes the onus is on THEM to surrender.
"Damnit, I KNOW there's a reason I beleive this."
I think the problem might be how you try to rationalise the death of our own soldiers in universals absolutist and purely objective terms.
"we're justified in removing humans from the fight, but they are not" just doesn't fly with me, not in the slightest.
Stop trying to look at this as if both sides are right to fight. Stop acting like you can rationalise with the Taliban and that somehow you are above all this and can look at it without any stake in it, that you can detach yourself and isolate just one life ending on either side. No. Taliban and Al Qaeda practice as a death cult. A death for them means one less agent of fear and destruction.
Get this into your head, they are The Enemy.
Do you understand what The Enemy is?
I think this understanding is an inevitable result of simultaneously the media's dogmatic commitment to being pedantically "neutral" and the military's utter refusal to use any kind of propaganda, even a marketing department to set the vocabulary. So in case you haven't figured it out, let me spell in out for you:
Al Qaeda is The Enemy
The Taliban are our Enemy
Enough with these pedantically neutral terms like "an insurgent" or "a gunman". It's The Enemy!
-Enemy forces hold that town
-an enemy agent assassinated the Colonel
-the enemy was seen in the area planting a roadside bomb.
Journalist know full well if they get captured by the Taliban they'll get executed live on the internet, yet they keep referring to The Taliban and Al Qaeda in neutral terms like "insurgents". It's like they are preparing themselves for an almost inevitable withdrawal, no conceit that we should (or even should not) be fighting this war, just that THEY are fighting. And if later they aren't, so what?
Be GLAD when your enemy is defeated. And have no delusions that The Taliban and Al Qaeda are not your enemy, because YOU are their intended victim! They are the enemy of everything that you stand for.
You mourn the Death of a British Soldier morn than that the old man who passes away in an old folks home because that soldier fought for you, he fought for every free person against the tyranny and wanton death of the Taliban and Al Qaeda. He died for something that The Taliban so bitterly resists, that their death cult is evil.
Even objectively, The Taliban are not honourable in the least. In the highest level of negotiations they sent their top representative to the top Afghan politician, and assassinated him with a bomb planted in his Turban. Can you get any lower? They assassinated the chief Democratic agent for peace in an utter betrayal of trust in peace. Can it be any more obvious that the Taliban are beyond any level of reason? So many claims of defection have been nothing but cruel assassination plots with suicide bombs, the closest thing to negotiating with the Taliban turned out to be a con man who ran off with a load of money.
You Do Not Negotiate With Terrorists
It's not a dogmatic rule, it's advice against futility.
Negotiating a surrender or compromise is impossible. The Taliban don't want either. They want death. For everyone. Don't be under any delusions that these are somehow not bad people. The only way to defeat them is through war, and that means killing them and capturing them in the few cases where you can.