Ah......well.strum4h said:There is actually an entry in the public to do list about thisGamingAwesome1 said:I'm going to jump in here and state that some blocks (sand and gravel) do have realistic physics, water and lava both flow like you'd expect them too aswell.dathwampeer said:And now he has a giant team working with him. It's still not been fixed.Hafrael said:Lazy? You're arguing that a single person is lazy for creating this game? He's put in more work into this than most major developers do.dathwampeer said:You're arguing misguided semantics. It's part of the physics engine, which is part of the gameplay. not the graphics... do you see the difference? Understand the terms before making a retarded argument.Scars Unseen said:dathwampeer said:No. Because you're talking out of your ass.
What I described would be an engine whore or something. Big parts of the game play like the physics and the tools don't falll under graphics. I'm certainly not a graphics whore.
3DS max (along with maya) is the most powerful 3D tool out there. Good luck importing sewing or some furniture into a game.seeing the leaves still hovering up there with a big chunk missing from the middle... It was kind fo a deal breaker.Big parts of the game play like the physics and the tools don't falll under graphicsseeing the leaves still hoveringBig parts of the game playseeinggame play
See the mismatch here? Just because your complaint involves physics does not mean that it is not related to the visual representation of the game, i.e., graphics. Unless you want me to believe that falling leaves would somehow improve the game such as to elevate it from a "deal breaker" to a "must have." And for the punching trees part of the complaint... sorry, I'm just not seeing it as an immersion breaker in a world made out of identically sized blocks. Heck, one of the most well known and popular games of console history involves a man who jumps on turtles and punches through brick walls. And he does it in one hit, unlike that Minecraft pansy.
As for that last comment... once again, you missed the point. I don't think poorly of programs like 3DS max, and I have respect for those who have mastered them. I'm just saying that anything can be dismissed with a one liner by those who haven't experienced it. An ignorant person could just have easily taken it further and said that sewing and cabinetry are also pointless due to the existence of Wal-Mart.
To me. having an object be suspended in the air when you remove it's support is just bad engineering. It adds nothing to the game and is simply lazy. And being able to punch through wood and rocks is just another level of retarded.
And again, you're making a moot point. What is the justification of minecraft when you can just open 3DS and make something twice as impressive twice as fast?
He could also have used an existing engine to work the physics.
It's intended that blocks don't have physics except for those few, it's what makes those blocks unique.
It's not a bug, it's a feature!
"Perhaps all floating chunks of blocks should fall down, except for a special block (obsidian?) that can be used to make floating things. Floating islands would need obsidian veins to stay afloat."
That shut me up!