Misanthropes: I don't get you.


Ep. VI: Return of the turret
May 7, 2009
If you're talking about the people on this forum who call themselves douchebags and claim that no-one loves them, they're just saying that to make themselves feel unique. I expect they never actually do anything unpleasant to real people that they can see.


New member
Aug 6, 2011
Hoplon said:
retyopy said:
Oh, sure, on a higher level, I do. Humans suck, life is pain, etc. But on a more practical level, you just make no sense to me, and heres why: Life is so much nicer if you have a positive outlook! Just go out into the world, be a nice person, and do something fun. What's the point of hating humanity? Wheres that going to get you?

This forum helps a lot.
Well, if you don't like it, why be here? To give yourself something to rage about?


Jabbering Fool
Mar 31, 2010
Well, if you're going to hate humanity you might as well find the very finest to hate.


New member
Aug 6, 2011
Hoplon said:
Well, if you're going to hate humanity you might as well find the very finest to hate.
Oh, well played, I applaud you, truly. But considering that the majority of our fine community seems to be misanthropes, would you hate those who agree with you?


New member
Oct 14, 2007
'Misanthropy' as it is used by the OP is stupid nonsense that only people with too much time and resources have the luxury of dabbling in.

What? People are too stupid, greedy, 'fake', dumb, mean spirited, et cetera? Really? And what makes you think you are any different that deserve to be held to a higher standard?

Nobody is perfect, but some people should just grow up.


Jabbering Fool
Mar 31, 2010
retyopy said:
Hoplon said:
Well, if you're going to hate humanity you might as well find the very finest to hate.
Oh, well played, I applaud you, truly. But considering that the majority of our fine community seems to be misanthropes, would you hate those who agree with you?
Of course, who is worse than them? everyone else is only guilty of ignorance, They and by extension me, are guilty of inaction.


New member
Nov 8, 2010
Personally, I think you should have a mix of misantrophy and philanthropy, both can give false views of the world, having both reduces that somewhat.


New member
Dec 6, 2007
I'm a bit of a misanthrope, but I follow the policy of letting individuals prove themselves against my general philosphy. Plenty of people prove it wrong, but on the whole it is still proven right more than I'd like. I wasn't always bitter about how bad humanity is, but in the past decade it's gotten much worse. Between the constant signs of corporate greed, to the fact that there are people that make things like Hostel 2 and A Serbian Film, or the sick fucks that make the real life versions of horrible things like those.

Sure, there are some respectable people out there, but there are far more detestable ones I want nothing to do with. And usually those are the people that become famous for one reason or another.


New member
Jul 11, 2011
ing people seems too much of an effort, probably why i fail as a misanthrope, i just dont trust the lot, including me ^^


New member
Aug 6, 2011
Hoplon said:
retyopy said:
Hoplon said:
Well, if you're going to hate humanity you might as well find the very finest to hate.
Oh, well played, I applaud you, truly. But considering that the majority of our fine community seems to be misanthropes, would you hate those who agree with you?
Of course, who is worse than them? everyone else is only guilty of ignorance, They and by extension me, are guilty of inaction.
Ignorance is bliss. Inaction is guilt.


New member
Jan 31, 2011
we don't like you either. get off our lawn.

OT: I don't think there are many true misanthropes. too much effort, no reward. Lots of irritable introverts though.


New member
Sep 14, 2011
sumanoskae said:
So you're calling me arrogant for looking down on people and all the while you're looking down on me for my opinion?.
I'm not really getting ivolved with any of this nonsense, just this particular sentence. I mean, it doesn't make sense. It makes it seem like he's looking down on you for a reason, while as you said, you're just generally looking down on people. That...does seem sorta arrogant.


New member
Aug 6, 2011
aashell13 said:
we don't like you either. get off our lawn.

OT: I don't think there are many true misanthropes. too much effort, no reward. Lots of irritable introverts though.
Who made it YOUR lawn, huh?


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Who says you can't hate humans and still be a positive person who likes to have fun? I mean it doesn't mean you hate life itself right?


New member
Sep 14, 2011
Hatchet90 said:
It's not that I hate people; it's that I feel a general distrust toward them. My philosophy in life is that everyone's an asshole until proven otherwise, and I don't think it's a bad way of looking at things.

It just seems that walking down any street in America, you're guaranteed to find that 99.9% of the people walking are egotistical and snobby. Just listening to the vapid conversations when waiting for my college class to start or when someone's on their cell phone. Especially conversations that go on in the hallways and hangouts around college. It just seems that everyone is just... STUPID. None of them seem to care about anything, but their own little problems, and none of them want to ever have an intelligent conversation, EVER.

I don't know, everyone has their problems, including me, and maybe this comment is making me look like an elitist. Please understand that I've found some great friends in life; friendships that I want to keep. I've also met people that are unbelievably narcissistic and have no handle on what's going on outside their perfect little bubble.

I dunno, this is what I get due to four years of dealing with assholes in high school.
Sorry to say, but that is the definition of elitism. I mean absolutely no offense by this, but you sound like the kid who ate lunch by himself, mad because the cool kids won't talk to you. That kid who calls the head cheerleader a ***** because she won't go out with you, despite the fact that you never even asked her out to begin with.

Again, I mean no offense and am only saying what your post sounds like. I have no idea what you are like at all, and am not trying to judge you. To be honest, you seem like a very friendly person.

But back to the quoted post, that does inded sound very, very elitist. Who are you to judge their phone conversations? Maybe a few of them are indeed intellectuals capable of deep conversations...but are also interested in other things outside what you feel as important. Their own little problems are probably bigger than you would guess - you wouldn't know, they aren't your issues. Did you try to engage them in intelligent conversations, or are you judging them based on what you feel is worthy for their personal convos?


New member
May 26, 2011
bakan said:
retyopy said:
Oh, sure, on a higher level, I do. Humans suck, life is pain, etc. But on a more practical level, you just make no sense to me, and heres why: Life is so much nicer if you have a positive outlook! Just go out into the world, be a nice person, and do something fun. What's the point of hating humanity? Wheres that going to get you?

You know that misanthropes don't have to be arrogant and can even be altruistic, only the extreme cases live a secluded life - they just kinda despise humans in general for various reasons, like being greedy, destroying the earth etc
while they buy stuff that takes from the earth more then it replenishes like everyone else...


New member
Dec 7, 2007
BiscuitTrouser said:
sumanoskae said:
BiscuitTrouser said:
sumanoskae said:
Saying an emotion or opinion doesn't have a point is like getting angry with someone because they have cancer. You don't take up emotions on purpose or to work towards a goal, an emotion or opinion is an involuntary reaction.

Why do I think people are shit?, not because it's easy, just look at them. They're rude, ignorant, close minded, selfish, stupid, greedy, evil degenerates. There are exceptions of course, but they're not common and either end up trying to fit in and becoming idiots themselves, or they become misanthropic and lonely, and it takes time to pry them from their shells.

Pretending otherwise won't change anything, and ignoring a problem won't make it go away.

Besides, valuing everyone really just means that you value no one, and I'm not wasting my time on idiots when I could be spending it with the few exceptions.
The arrogance... it HURTS US.

Who ARE these idiot filth scum you think are so rubbish? Me. My parents? My friends? I dont understand why someone could feel so much better than everyone for no reason. Its just jugdemental and pretentious. Eugh. I dont really have words. Yes you are special, you are better than everyone, everyone else is a dirty filth drinking animal who should be euthanised but because you have that magic hate for them you are better for some arbitrary reason. Congratulations?

This further reinforces my misanthrope leper colony plan outlined above. Send em all away to live with the rest of the "enlightened" who believe themselves so much better than everyone. That way we all win. You can look down on us from afar still and we can be merry.

Misanthropy is looking to be another word for pretentious arrogance and a way of feeling better than everyone else by assuming you are one of the chosen none douches in a world of scum. What a shitty outlook. Also horrifically offencive, jugdemental, presumptuous and wrong.

Signed, A loving degenerate. Im sorry my claws couldnt reach my computer made of childrens crushed hopes and dreams. Sometimes i cant pour enough of my own evil into the fire to get it running.
First let me make one thing clear, I'm not saying everyone is stupid, evil and psychotic, I'm saying most people are either stupid, evil OR psychotic.

So you're calling me arrogant for looking down on people and all the while you're looking down on me for my opinion?.

You talk about misanthropes like they're some kind of disease to be eradicated, like their the few stains on an otherwise shinning world, all the while you make the assumption that I have no experience with any of this in real life.

You're assuming a lot more about me then I'm assuming about you.

I knew a guy who broke his kids leg, another guy who held my father at gun point, someone else who knocked my grandmother out, numerous people who tried to steal from my mom, and some guy who killed my dog.

It would be bad enough if I just couldn't relate to them, but I've met precious few people who've ever held by any degree of loyalty or compassion when it stopped being convenient.

P.S: The ability to judge is a function of intelligence. Being able to judge the safety of a situation is just being smart. Understanding people is just being smart. Having and opinion is just proof that your brain works.

If you don't posses the intellect to analyze and form an opinion, you're not a kind or accepting person, you're just blind.
I know i assumed a lot. Im sorry, this topic really rubs me the wrong way. I just dont like the idea of viewing everyone else as rubbish and assuming i or a group of people are better. It is wrong to look down on you. I know. I apologise, i was angry, thats no excuse. Misanthropes just hit me as pretty arrogant. Who are these people who suck? I dont see anyone who deserves that title, and from the wording used a lot in this thread it seems to be everyone that isnt a misanthrope. I dont look around on the train and see this:


I see real people. Its sad to think that we are so bad at relating now a days we assume everyone sucks. Even poor randomers who have done nothing to offend you and would more than likely stick their neck out for you. I know i would for a stranger.
Thank you, you're much more polite then the last guy I argued with.

Look at it this way, you agree that people have trouble relating, yes?. Wouldn't that make them pretty lonely?, perhaps resentful of their fellow man?.

Most people will stick their neck out if it's convenient, it's just that it's never convenient when it matters. Pretty much everyone I've ever met agrees that there are some things wrong with the world, but none of them are willing to go to the extreme heights to improve it.

But that's not really my problem with them, after all, "Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?". No, what bothers me is that those same people then have the nerve to say "No, it belongs to everyone".

People are either to dumb to realize the full extent of their actions, or smart enough to realize but not possessing of the sheer brilliance and indomitable will required to improve the situation.

Anyone who can see the world for what it is would have to be a monster not to be disgusted by it. And they would have to be inhuman if they didn't have some way of dealing with it.


New member
Dec 7, 2007
simple64 said:
sumanoskae said:
So you're calling me arrogant for looking down on people and all the while you're looking down on me for my opinion?.
I'm not really getting ivolved with any of this nonsense, just this particular sentence. I mean, it doesn't make sense. It makes it seem like he's looking down on you for a reason, while as you said, you're just generally looking down on people. That...does seem sorta arrogant.
I have many reasons to despise people. I'm not calling him out for looking down on me, he can look at the world however he wants. I'm just calling him out for being a hypocrite, assuming that my reasons are fallacious and looking down on misanthropes in general without really understanding them, which is exactly what he accused me of doing.