Missouri Man Pleads Guilty To Possession of "Cartoon" Child Porn


New member
Apr 3, 2010
6th And Silver said:
1. If you are sexually attracted to children, you are a pedophile.

2. Pedophilia should be reported and "cured" to the best of our ability, and it should be considered a mental instability. (For the definition of pedophilia, see above)

3. In the absence of actual assault, it should NOT be answered with jail time. Because that's fucking stupid.

That's IT. I'm going to sleep now, goodbye.
I think you're very wrong. Being attracted to children is just another sexual fetish, albeit one that hurts and scars children. For this reason, child pornography is generally considered wrong and people that abuse children in this way are bad, I agree.

Looking at cartoon CP? I have no problem with that, in fact I even support it as it's the only way paedophiles can satisfy themselves without hurting actual children. Obviously there's going to be people out there who are mentally unstable and happen to be paedophiles, but being attracted to children isn't a mental problem itself. It's not something that I believe we can fix (similar to 'curing' homosexuality, it's just retarded).


New member
Jun 14, 2011
Not to mention, he might not even be getting off to these comics. By the letter of the law, just having had those images loaded on a page you visited once that later got saved in your history is enough for you to "have child porn on your computer".
This is beyond retarded. America, the promised land of moral panic.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Then I guess I'll take this oppertunity to plead guilty to carjacking, murder, hit-'n-run's, resisting arrest, animal cruelty, robbery, kidnapping, aiding and abetting, and any other crime I commited in GTA4.


Sailor Jupiter Woman
Jun 10, 2011
Eh, I'll let everyone else jump on how wrong that is.
I kinda know I'm not able to be objective on this kind of subject.
All I can think is `Gross`.


New member
Aug 2, 2008

Even if they guy genuinely wants to have sex with children, as long as he never does and never funds actual child pornography then it makes absolutely zero impact on anything.

Generations ago we were all banging 'children', and when I lost my virginity I was a 'minor' in America but not considered so in England so it's pretty hard to say something like this is a sign of objectively deviant behaviour.

Andy of Comix Inc

New member
Apr 2, 2010
6th And Silver said:
if he had child porn on his computer, that means he was sexually attracted to children.
Now, I don't know about you, but I have a whole heap of hentai on my computer. I'll admit to that much. And I'll admit to this: I haven't checked the ages of the characters in the hentai. If I knew they were underage, sure, I'd probably delete it; but I don't. So this being the case: what is "child porn" when it's drawn? Is it when canonically, a character is underage? This being the case, Dead or Alive is borderline child pornography. Or is it when the character represented has the characteristics of a child? ...because there are a whole ton of comics out there where a several hundred years-old character is granted, say, youth again. Is that child porn? When a child-like character has the brain and personality of a 500-year-old?

The point is then: I probably have child porn on my computer. I don't see it as child porn, if it were clearly marked as such I'd probably burn my hard drive because I fucking despise pedophilia and anything attached to it. But I'm also attracted to certain concepts that may unwillingly be attached to subtle "underage" characters, and I will plead ignorance until otherwise informed. The thing is, unless it's a photograph or video of a human child, it's a morally and factually grey area as to whether what I myself am fapping to can be considered pedophilia. I'm figuring its not because, hey, they all have adult-like features and seem fairly mature, but there are a few I'd say are "on the line," so to speak. And what then? Do I have child porn on my computer? Am I a pedophile now? ...no. No, I am not. My history and life experience pretty much dictates I can't be a pedophile. And yet, you'd have me condemned as one, by your logic.

If this man was a pedophile, I would appreciate whatever was found on his computer be judged detached from that fact. Because... well, fucking Dead or Alive is underage. How are we meant to bloody classify it? Oh right, we can't. Cos they're cartoons.


New member
Aug 27, 2012
6th And Silver said:
Mygaffer said:
To bring up my last point again, a close reading shows he may actually be into incest and not pedophilia. Part of the problem forming our opinions from these news sources is that often time details are missed or lost in the process.

Also, there is no crime called "pedophilia" rather different laws against sex with minors, lewd act with a minor, etc, etc. Being a pedophile is not actually a crime, it is the acting on those impulses that makes on a criminal.

But now that it appears he may be an incest fetishist does that change your opinion at all on this case?
OK, I know I just said I was going to sleep (I think I said that to you)...Well, fuck that. This one's pretty easy.

Anyway, yes. Yes it would. Because I'm not TALKING about incest, am I?
And that's the problem: If he was just googling "incest comics", and downloaded everything, some of it would contain children, but he is not necessarily looking out for it.

Or what if he is a heterosexual, yet he was looking out for the ones where young boys have sex with their mothers? Does that still make him a threat, even if it's not something that HE could do?

Assuming that the article is referring to hentai manga, it's also important to note that sexual attraction to that specific art style can sometimes be entirely separated from sexual attraction to 2D women.

Lolicon porn is often not trying to be a realistic depiction of children, but an exaggerated version of the already esablished hentai art style, with even bigger eyes, larger heads, behavior types, etc.

Even if we would have evidence that he was turned on directly by the underage characters appearing on his screen, that doesn't directly translate to pedophilia, he might just be attracted to bug-eyed, noseless moe figures.

Chaos Marine

New member
Feb 6, 2008
Nazulu said:
I will never find a right answer to this. I just don't know at all if it's right or wrong.

Is there any evidence that shows people who have fetishes for children hentai will become worse the more they see? Or is this the righteous opiniated going on a witch hunt?
There will always be a fringe group of people who go to the extreme in any situation. That's why you have religious zealots being, well, religious zealots that colour entire groups with negative connotations. I regularly visit a particularly bizarre fetish IRC chat room that is quite... brutal. Why? The people in there are some of the nicest, most well balanced people I have ever met online. For the subject matter, you'd expect them to be worse than your typical Youtube commenter but, aside from the odd troll, they're incredibly civil or if there is mud slinging, it just tends to be from friends who are just poking fun at each other like most friends do anyway.

And yes, I agree with the obscene act thing being bullshit. It's just drawings or animated videos. It's better a person gets their kicks on something fake rather than going out and doing it to an actual person.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Missouri... huh. I was expecting something more southern.

Also it is pretty damn funny that the one to report the man was his wife. I wonder if they got divorced during the trial.


New member
Mar 1, 2011
You think this is bad, try Britain's "Extreme Pornography" law. That takes this sort of idiocy to new lows, for example a still image from a perfectly legal film, or image of any range of perfectly safe and legal if unusual acts between consenting adults, or a drawing of a cartoon animal having sex with another cartoon animal can get you jail time and your name on the sex offenders register.
Aug 31, 2012
kuolonen said:
Missouri... huh. I was expecting something more southern.

Also it is pretty damn funny that the one to report the man was his wife. I wonder if they got divorced during the trial.
Given that they were incest comics I can see her reasoning. If I was married to someone who had comics or stories in which there was parent-child sex I'd probably freak the fuck out and get as far away as possible with my (hypothetical) kids.


Elite Member
Jun 24, 2011
United States
Andrew_C said:
You think this is bad, try Britain's "Extreme Pornography" law. That takes this sort of idiocy to new lows, for example a still image from a perfectly legal film, or image of any range of perfectly safe if unusual acts between consenting adults, or a drawing of a cartoon animal having sex with another cartoon animal can get you jail time and your name on the sex offenders register.
Why are modern societies so paranoid about sex and nudity?

Zykon TheLich said:
kuolonen said:
Missouri... huh. I was expecting something more southern.

Also it is pretty damn funny that the one to report the man was his wife. I wonder if they got divorced during the trial.
Given that they were incest comics I can see her reasoning. If I was married to someone who had comics or stories in which there was parent-child sex I'd probably freak the fuck out and get as far away as possible with my (hypothetical) kids.
Indeed and I bet you would get as far away as possible if you were married to someone who play played COD, imagine what would happen if he acted on those images?


New member
Mar 7, 2012
6th And Silver said:
Mygaffer said:
I actually said very specifically that we SHOULDN'T just lock him up.
Man, you must be really popular right now :D

While I can see what you mean and what your opposition means, I think this guy shouldn't be locked up. Should we let him go? Also not, because there are some tendencies in him. Maybe some sort of psychological screening process to determine is this guy an actual threat to children?

Lets thread a gray area now.
1.Ever played Katawa Shoujo? I did and really enjoyed it. Am I pedophile now?
2.My older brother had sex with 17 years old girl. At that time he was 18. Does it makes him pedophile? (if yes I'll tell to his wife- who is 2 weeks younger- that what they did in high school was wrong, I bet she will be entertained by this thought)
3.One of my peers from high school looks like 15y old girl (despite being 24y old), does it makes all her sex partners into pedophiles? Because they are attracted to someone who resembles minor. (to be honest, now things are a bit better, because in high school she looked like she was 8y old with breasts, and yes we often made fun of this fact)

See, in real life things aren't that simple. So it should be deeds that counts, not the thoughts.
But like I previously said such things should be taken into consideration as indicator that things might be going for the worse.


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2010
Quick! There are hapless, non-existent children who need our help! Let us make a victimless law that prosecutes thought crimes.

Protecting children, one thought at a time.