Missouri Man Pleads Guilty To Possession of "Cartoon" Child Porn

Nalgas D. Lemur

New member
Nov 20, 2009
Proverbial Jon said:
Grey Carter said:
What you did there, I see it.
I'm a little disappointed that everyone else was too busy arguing to see it until three pages in. "The Treachery of Images" is so amusingly appropriate for this story on more than one level.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Next, they'll start arresting people for witchcraft and heretical texts.

Hide your Lovecraft books.


New member
Sep 1, 2011
I guess there is someone moving to Sweden after 3 years in jail?

Well a difficult matter.
On one hand allowing fantasy based child pornography is granting paedophiles a platform to express their fetish. This could be dangerous as it leads inevitably to some people thinking it might actually be tolerated.
Making it outright illegal in any form on the other hand criminalises people for a not actually lived fantasy. In the end looking at drawn pictures (for which there were no models) does not really hurt anybody.

Human sexuality is complex and strange and I don't even dare to suggest I may know how it works. But I imagine most people fantasize about forbidden topics (rape, incest, etc.) at least at one point or another but do not act on it.

Prison for owners of Hentais with characters of doubtful age? - No... but if it gets out of hand, e.g. having some GB full of it, maybe some counselling... at least for a threat assessment.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
dystopiaINC said:
wtf. seriously. WTF.

ok yes that shit can get pretty bad, but god damn it, it isn't real.

Or perhaps to put it in a way that makes the immorality of these laws a bit clearer: there was no victim here. At least not unless you count the man being sent to prison for looking at pictures of things which don't actually exist in the real world, where no child was harmed in making them.

But honestly, what else should we expect from countries where there are a disturbing number of criminal offenses where there is no actual victim? This is basically government approved and enacted thought policing and kidnapping.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
So the dude is a pedo? Since i'm a guy who thinks every pedo should be rounded up and executed (possibly via carnival shooting gallery of sorts), I can't say I care. Hopefully this takes some heat off of a couple people in this thread.


Elite Member
Jun 24, 2011
United States
yundex said:
So the dude is a pedo? Since i'm a guy who thinks every pedo should be rounded up and executed (possibly via carnival shooting gallery of sorts), I can't say I care. Hopefully this takes some heat off of a couple people in this thread.
Ah so you want kids to murder people at the carnival?


New member
Feb 11, 2011
So those people who like gore porn and stuff should be jailed as well? And furries, too, because that's bestiality, right? Oh yeah so this one time, there was a loli spray in AND a furry spray in TF2, so I guess everyone who was on that server because they saw it and our now animal fucking paedophiles.

Loop Stricken

Covered in bees!
Jun 17, 2009
This just further justifies destroying my PC whenever a police officer gets within twenty feet of the front door.


New member
Nov 27, 2010
This is just a disgusting case of authority abuse from focus groups and the fact he's prosecuted over a fictional drawing now opens up a can of worms. It's the start of a slippery slope of if this cartoon/drawing etc. of a fictitious event is considered harmful where will the ball stop rolling, will those who downloaded the child killing mod for skyrim be prosecuted for acts of violence upon a minor because these self rightous groups cannot distinguish between fiction and reality? how about gta with killing the hooker thats clearly abuse against women. where will it end? maybe x-com when killing infested civilians after all your soldiers are killing an unarmed civilian (ignore the fact that an egg has been implanted in them and they're dead anyway). This list could just keep going on and on.

Assassin Xaero

New member
Jul 23, 2008
Wow, that is sad. That article is actually from the city I live in, and this is the first time I'm seeing this... shows how much I pay attention to the news.


New member
Aug 31, 2010
FelixG said:
TopazFusion said:
Loop Stricken said:
This just further justifies destroying my PC whenever a police officer gets within twenty feet of the front door.
I know someone who has a thermite bomb permanently on top of their hard drive.
In the event of a raid, all he needs to do is light the thermite, and bye-bye data!
wouldn't...truecrypt be cheaper?

there isn't a computer made that can break the encryption from truecrypt and its free.

Plus there have been a few rulings that say you can not be compelled to give up the unlock key.
Rulings in America. TopazFusion is from New Zealand, aka the land of the "If the Americans tell us to raid you then kiss your liberties goodbye"

Captcha: "One Way Street" - HAH, it knows about megaupload too


New member
Aug 3, 2011
Ok, i get that its only drawings of child porn. But if your buying this stuff dont you think it might lead to attacking or atleast stalking real children? Its obvious he has a thing for kiddies. He is already playing to a fantasy already and these things will lead to another.

Prison sentence is wrong though, atleast get him in front of a psychiatrist, someone that can make the medical choice whether he is a threat or not. Prison is wrong though, seems like they did it to keep the public happy than do whats best for this man and kids.


New member
Feb 2, 2011
I just scribbled two stick figures

One stick figure is humping the other

I then wrote "five years old" and made an arrow to the stick figure being humped.

Am I a criminal now?

...oh wait, you're saying that it has to look like a child too? So my art isn't good enough to constitute porn?

Give me a break.

This is legislating taste, pure and simple. Are they going to go after people who play CoD for murdering virtual people?


New member
Dec 24, 2008
It's cartoons.

We have Ancient murals depicting sexual acts with children or what we now consider minors. Are we going to destroy those to? Just because it depicts children in sexual acts.

Now child porn is bad. Why? Because a child is easily manipulated, abused and scarred by it. That is why child porn is bad. Because it creates victims.

Which children were harmed in his cartoons? None.

So should this REALLY be considered child porn? Should we not applaud this man for finding an outlet for his sexual desires in a victim-less manner rather than prowling the dark alleys chloroforming kids?

I'd rather allow pedophiles access to limitless amounts of cartoon child porn or even super photo realistic animations than have them out attempting to lure children. As long as nobody is harmed, there is no crime in my eyes. When they step out of line, that is when you punish someone. Not because they used drawings to get off.

Raise your hand if you ever played a shooter.

Congratulations! You are now a murderer, according to the standards applied to animated porn.


New member
Aug 27, 2012
TopazFusion said:
Loop Stricken said:
This just further justifies destroying my PC whenever a police officer gets within twenty feet of the front door.
I know someone who has a thermite bomb permanently on top of their hard drive.
In the event of a raid, all he needs to do is light the thermite, and bye-bye data!
I keep planning on doing that, but I'm too lazy to obtain the thermite and set it up safely.

Anyways, lolicon is not illegal in my country, our CP laws specifically point out that only real photograhy counts. Even software piracy is decriminalized, so that isn't a problem etiher.

On the other hand, my government has a habit of passing problematic laws literally overnight while no one is looking, so maybe by the time I finish typing this message, they will already outlaw lolicon, along with thermite.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
What a load of crap. They weren't real pictures and apparently were "cartoons". Why it's still in quotations I don't know.

Either way, this poor sob is now gonna waste potentially 3 years of his life in prison where he'll possibly be raped once news spreads of his 'crime'. He never touched a kid but I bet the ignorant fuck ups that inhabit jail will take it as child pornography and harass him all the same.

Fuck you Missouri and fuck your obscenity laws. And for the wife... some wife you are.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
6th And Silver said:
Strazdas said:
6th And Silver said:
SL33TBL1ND said:
Obscenity charges are absolute bullshit. Let the man fap to whatever drawn shit he wants.
Yeah, who cares if he's a pedophile?
You shot people in a game? yeah who cares if your a mass murderer.
Yeah, that's not what I'm saying. As far as I'm concerned, if he's sexually attracted to children, he's a pedophile. I'm not saying he'll DEFINITELY act on his urges or anything, but at the very least, there is something seriously wrong with him that...Goddamnit, I just said all this. Give me a second...
If he is sexually attracted to children he is a peadofile. If you are attracked to "stab your boss" you are a murderer. However neither did an actual crime yet, and since our law system is reactive, neither are criminals.
liking murder on a PC screen meaning you like murder in real life is the same as saying that liking naked children on pc screen is liking naked children in real life.

Also, as we are not aware of the ages here, this may be a moot point, but humans get sexually mature at around 11-14 years old, and having sexual attraction to people above that age is simply biology. our laws raise the bar further for good reasons, but laws does not magically make thousands of years of evolution go away. People who are not mentally disturbed are able to control themselve according to law, others we call molesters. Technically "pedofile" is only one who is attracted to a person that is not sexually mature, and above that its simply underage sex/abuse. but like i said, ages werent mentioned here so situation is unknown.