Modern Gaming Sucks!!! Or Does It?


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
I am not assuming you're wrong. I'm explaining why I don't agree with you. That is how coversation works, I set out a general point, you rebuke that point, I then disbute your counter point, and back and forth we go. Discussion needs to happen on some level of good faith, and we have to both assume that neither of us is disagreeing with each other out of hate but merely to share point of views.

The idea of "I don't give a shit if you don't agree, fuck you" is not really condusive to having a conversation is it? I never claimed you were wrong objectively or otherwise, I disagree with you sure, but that doesn't automatically make either of us wrong or right. Just that we state on opposite sides of a line and should be able to converse back and forth about it and perhaps we can find common ground......for example....
My apologies if my taking your hyperbolic misrepresenting my sentiments as direct attacks misled me to construe your own as very lopsided. I don't recall saying "I don't give a shit if you don't agree, fuck you," but if your own misrepresentations of what I actually said are how you took it, know that it was not my intention. Next time, quote me directly, and I can address you in kind.

This is an exceptional point. And I am hard pressed to even consider FPS options that do not have some form of extra monetization within them.
Hence my point, that gaming has changed in a direction I feel is closer towards the negative than the positive or even neutral. I'm happy you got a FFVII remaster you're happy with, but some of us would much rather have had a NEW FF (not me; I don't care, but it adds to my point of the lack of creative effort in the era of modern gaming that they're reaching back to +20 year remakes to garner positive attention.)

Business practices everywhere have been bad. And I wont argue that. However I would also argue that business practices were never great in the industry as a whole. Even in the infancy of publishers there was a push to pump out as much trash into the market as possible. Hell Atari games didn't even let developers have their names in the games. Credits didn't become a thing shit....mid 90's? Something like that. The industry in a way has always tried to rob the artist right?

And that's the point I really wanted to make. I never really intended to say that today's gaming is better than yesteryear's gaming. But rather, to point out that the shit that we complain about today has always been there to various degrees and "Modern gaming" isn't all that different. Just more well documented I guess.
But can we agree that those business practices are worse and more prolific than in the past?

Personally I think that gaming itself is better than it has ever been. It's hard to argue that Final Fantasy 13 is worst than the original game on the NES for example, objectively it is a better game in every aspect.

Additionally I think we, as grown people, also are more aware of things that happen within our hobbies. Game magazines didn't report that kind of thing back then so the information is mostly learned in retrospect. But today there are tons of websites that will let you know of every dirty deal going on at Naughty Dog studios or whatever, and we are more aware of the controversies and shady shit going down because it's simply way more documented now.

In a way gaming has always sucked in that regard.
You honestly expect me to believe that had these modern practices been as pronounced as they are today 15 years ago, it wouldn't' have garnered the same amount of ire that has led this thread to 2 pages already? If 20 years ago 3 out of 20 cops were bad cops, yeah, it'd have been a problem. But 15 out of 20 cops today is appreciably different, so dismissing it as "the same problem" is, well, extremely dismissive.

But you admit that these issues are exceptions, thus being the equivalent to the "vocal minority" of games? They cast a big shadow but I don't think that means they have to taint all the good shit that still comes out every year. It doesn't have to mean that modern gaming sucks. It just has cancer.
I don't think "overwhelmingly the exceptions" is admitting they're "exceptions," quite the opposite, but continue to read my words as they suit your narrative. You're biased. And that's fine. Gaming is entertainment. If you think it's better than it's ever been, that's fine too. I disagree.
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Surreal Estate Agent
Mar 21, 2010
Between There and There.
The Wide, Brown One.
Fuuuuck... I have no idea if modern gaming sucks compared to previous eras and I've been there for most of them (cut my teeth on pinball machines and pong as an anklebiter).

Sure, there's a lot of shit I don't like but there's always been a lot of shit I don't like, I've always been a grumpy arsehole. As with any hobby, you find enough good stuff to keep you going or you quit.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Hence my point, that gaming has changed in a direction I feel is closer towards the negative than the positive or even neutral. I'm happy you got a FFVII remaster you're happy with, but some of us would much rather have had a NEW FF (not me; I don't care, but it adds to my point of the lack of creative effort in the era of modern gaming that they're reaching back to +20 remakes to garner positive attention.)
Don't forget that this is a remake of game that people were duped in to buying twice at full price (a game split into two at $60+), while you had some others complains about Tifa's boob size being "too small". That is not a net positive for gaming as a whole, and is more corporate nostalgia manipulation.
I don't think "overwhelming the exceptions" is admit they're exceptions, but continue to read my words as they suit your narrative. You're biased. And that's fine. Gaming is entertainment. If you think it's better than it's ever been, that's fine too. I disagree.
Thank you. Glad to see some others that get it.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Actually, I've changed my mind. Ever since PRINTED manuals thick enough to choke a goat with disappeared gaming has sucked beyond the point of recovery.
If it makes you feel any better, niche Japanese games, AA games and most indie games with physical releases actually get a full color manual of some kind. Won't choke a goat, but at least its something.


Surreal Estate Agent
Mar 21, 2010
Between There and There.
The Wide, Brown One.
Not so literally, but... yeah.
I miss being able to read up on ALL the controls and whatnot instead of shitty tutorial levels that miss half the important stuff... and also the fluff in manuals was, imo, better for immersion than NPCs that agressively spurt exposition at you without any provocation.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
But can we agree that those business practices are worse and more prolific than in the past?
Due to the mentioned documentation issue, this is debatable. The interpersonal relationships within these businesses is certainly worse as I don't think sexual harassment was much of a problem when companies where basically all men. So that much as certainly gotten fucked up.

To me it's kind of like the argument that sports fans use when talking about their all-time best players. They argue that modern NBA players like Lebron would have gotten their asses kicked by people like Michael Jordan, because back in Jordan's day the players were allows to be more physical. So if I were to apply that metaphor to gaming businesses. IF the technology was possible back in the NES days, would we see lootbox-like practices then? It's rhetorical as we can't ever know, just like we can't know if Lebron is really better than Jordan because the conditions in which they played are drastically different.

Since we can't directly compare, then yes I have to admit that business practices today are shittier than ages past. But bad business does not equal gaming itself being bad.
You honestly expect me to believe that had these modern practices been as pronounced as they are today 15 years ago, it wouldn't' have garnered the same amount of ire that has led this thread to 2 pages already?
Just means that this is a discussable topic. Which is great. Discussion on a discussion forum. Mission Accomplished!

Hence my point, that gaming has changed in a direction I feel is closer towards the negative than the positive or even neutral. I'm happy you got a FFVII remaster you're happy with, but some of us would much rather have had a NEW FF
i mean a new FF is on the way. FF 16 was announced over a year ago. And FF15 was only 6 years ago which for modern FF games is a short wait. And as we know there have been a few extrenuous circumstances that have likely affected development of all games being worked on since 2019.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I'm so tired of being told my disenchantment is illegitimate. Funny how they always care so much, like they have to defend the state of gaming or movies.
Because they know they have nothing else to stand on otherwise. Or they're not interesting, nor have much talent outside of their hobby. Any criticism of the industry and its problems are "an attack" on their pathetic egos and insecurities.