Modern Warfare 2 Trailer Criticized For "Going Too Far"


New member
Apr 19, 2009
This is starting to creep me out, the enthusiam with which you all enjoy seeing DC in flames. I'm Canadian, not american, but that doesn't mean I want to see the american capital burn! Maybe it's because you're all thinking in terms of politicians being set ablaze, which wouldn't be the worst thing to have happen. Just saying.

I don't mind the game being set there, in fact I think that's pretty cool, though it might hurt american sales... a lot. The americans don't want to see their country being destroyed in a game, especially one with top-of-the-line graphics and realistic weapons (by comparison to most games, anyway). It's something that the united states is aware of now; that they are always open to an attack. It's certainly possible that DC could get attacked in the future, if improbable. That's scary to a lot of americans.

I'd like to see a Modern Warfare game in another country, like Russia or Canada. One of the other powers. Off topic, why do Russians think their country has been eclipsed? They're still a superpower, and one that isn't spending billions and billions on a foreign war.

Edit: looks like the creepy people mentioned in the first paragraph have moved on. Still, though.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
gRiM_rEaPeRsco said:
"Christian Science Monitor"?? not too long ago christians murdered hundreds of scientists most of who were devout christians.
Not to mention the entire concept of science was 'heresy' against God. I think this world would be better without religion.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Am i the only finding the humor in the fact that this guy is freaking out over something happening to fiction D.C. and in the trailer, the dude is talking about people in america being oblivious to fighting and war. i quote "perhaps you cannot yet hear it [the blood of brothers and sons in the soil] because the soil is not your own." that might as well be this guy jumping up and down screaming "oh, me me me! I don't think this could ever happen in america!"


New member
Jul 13, 2009
Chipperz said:
Ph33nix said:
Chipperz said:
Ph33nix said:
i missed the gassing the bases...
OK, I was thinking of the bit at 1.12 when it goes silent, but on yet another watch it looks like they might just be psyching themselves up for going into the battleground.

I still say gassing D.C. is a good idea, just to shut up everyone who's convinced that America is somehow immune to attack.
i thought that guy was piano wired actually and the fact that they where in full combat uniform with body armor made it seem like some base in somewhere like iraq or that country they invaded in the first game. The bases design didn;t seem like an american base in america either but I could easily be wrong.
Yeah, the guy before the music stops is piano wired, I'm talking more specifically about the guys after the music starts up again, when he starts talking about "the soil which is not your own". I thought they'd been gassed, but it looks like they're psyching themselves up, going up the stairs and into the D.C. combat zone.
oh yeah after watching it again I see what you mean. one of the guys however looks like he got stabbed by something small in the neck or injected with something because he is holding his neck.


New member
Oct 17, 2007
Sorry, but just because you live in the U.S. doesn't mean a Washington D.C. battleground is any less appropriate than any real world location in a game.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
As a gamer and an American, I thought the Modern Warfare 2 trailer was awesome, to say the least.

In all honesty, Andrew Heining is over reacting, and being a good bit hypocritical, but really when The Christian Science Monitor is saying something, it is hypocritical, misconstrued, and a tad bit crazy, and they give anyone with any sort of faith a bad name.

Either way, nothing can detract from the grand scale that this trailer displayed for Modern Warfare 2. This game is going to be crazy, and a blast to play, and at the end of the day, that is all I can ask for.


New member
Sep 16, 2009
"In the upcoming Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2... the gallant mansion reduced to rubble doesn't belong to some crazed separatist dictator hellbent on all kinds of nefarious acts. Instead, it's the White House," he wrote. "The scenes of post-apocalyptic scenes of carnage play out not in some fictional town in eastern Europe, but in Washington D.C. itself."

(sorry, messed up the quote thingy)

this is why i hate religious extremists. always messing things up. yes 9/11 was bad. but that was 8 years ago. its probably time to stop being sad about it. now on to the more pressing matter. first of all, the only fictional country in CoD4 was "The Middle East" which was probably named so because we (the americans) are in many different middle eastern countries. that pretty much blows half of this douche's point out of the water. Second, why is it OK to show a European country in ruin, but when the washington monument gets some soot on it, this guy gets angry? im only guessing, but CoD4 was pretty Pro american, except when the main US guy dies. im guessing that was put in for more realism though. many people die. its war. but my thoughts are that whats more american than fighting off the "enemies" in your own country, defending it, protecting it? what would you feel better about: fighting someone and winning because they stole from a store you were passing by, or fighting someone and winning because they stole something of yours?if anything, i think that this is more realistic than laying waste to a random building somewhere else. some people may know what the president of ethiopia's house looks like, but damn near everyone knows what DC looks like. these points may have been made already, but i just feel the need to express this.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
what strikes me as odd and slightly racists is this comment

"The scenes of post-apocalyptic scenes of carnage play out not in some fictional town in eastern Europe, but in Washington D.C. itself."

yes some games have made up a city some were in eastern Europe but some cities are real and they didn't really ***** about there city being destroyed in a game.

it seems to me for Americans is that its all fun and games when its some one else's country but when thing happen in America it's not allowed really annoying.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
No matter how realistic a game looks or what setting it's set in, a game is still a game (unless it has some kind of message in it that involves actual treason or something, which is highly unlikely). It is not real-life.

Funny. We've created games that involve other countries (some of those games actually being banned from those actual countries, but they're legal here). But when we create games about our own demise, it's a big no-no. I can understand about those countries having games based on them and having those games banned, but if we create a game about us, having terrorists attack US soil and occupy the White House, and having US troops try to take it back in a valiant effort, then it's a problem.
This action has happened once before, but instead of terrorists it was Nazis (Turning Point). Nobody said anything then. It's an interesting point of view and twist of events, both for Turning Point and Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare 2.

Bottom line: people need to lighten up. If the game is that bad of a influence or is unconstitutional, let Congress or the ESRB deal with it in the way they deem fit. That's why they exist.


New member
Oct 7, 2009
I'm an American, I believe that was amazing, and cannot wait to play through it.

No, I'm not insane and want to play it jsut to laugh at D.C on fire, but I want to see how IW treated the role reversal. Americans, speaking sa an american, have gotten scared of anything other than docile routine.

I'll use Zero Punctiation as an example, in the GoW2 review, he shows someone runinmg away when the game says, "Aliens r Good".

Person: Iran-Iraq-Afghan-Pakistan gets boom!
Game: No, Washington DC

Chicago Ted

New member
Jan 13, 2009
Yes, because rampaging through some town in Europe and blowing it up is perfectly acceptable, but when you think about what it would be like if it happened here it's going to far and wrong. I'm sorry, maybe I'm blind but I don't see the logic. It's alright for the violence to be placed somewhere else but just not at certain locations like that?


New member
Feb 23, 2009
Personally I think this is what it will look like trying to get Obama to give up the white house in eight years, hopefully 2 (impeachment). They aren't terrorists fortified in the white house, it's Obama's zombie followers.

EDIT: back on topic (sort of, not really... what was the topic? anyway), I dare anyone to even try to take over America with war. Most people take their right to bear arms VERY seriously. It would simply be stupid to attempt all out war with America. Not to mention that if it got too bad I would hope that someone launches a nuke at their home country. The game is fictional any way does it freaking matter?

EDIT 2: Oh, I hope they include the IRS building! I'll stand there with a rocket launcher and just flip them off....Once I'm out of ammo.

Video Gone

New member
Feb 7, 2009
Oh sure, sure, it's OK if it's not DC? We can blow up as many people as we want, but they can't be American? And you're RECOMMENDING Eastern Europe here?
These people make me SICK. Anyone who shuts them up should be given a knighthood. Twice. On the same day. And they get to borrow the Jewels. And hunt Jonathan Pot-Porritt. And undo everything New Labour have gotten wrong.
You get the picture.
Anyway, Modern Warfare 2 is shaping up to be great.