Modern Warfare 3 Breaks Every Sales Record Known to Man


New member
Mar 16, 2011
I would say - eat it haters. No taste? Tricked again? Well marketed shit? Oh well...
The fact is, I have played every CoD/MW game, most of them on PC before all this PC vs console, 360 vs PS3 and BF3 vs CoD became such a hipster pastime. And my judgement is that this is the best of the series since the first MW. I didn't like CoD3, WaW or Black Ops much. But I DO like the MW3 campaign. It's well paced, varied and tied in with a pretty good story for a military FPS. Put in an excellent Spec Ops and Survival mode and it's an excellent package. I don't play multiplayer ever so I don't care about that.

I'm also playing Skyrim, Dark Souls, GoW3 and Midnight Club LA so feel free to troll away about people's supposed taste...OR...stop commenting on games you hate and probably haven't and never will play.

electric method

New member
Jul 20, 2010
Personally, I could give a rats ass about how well MW3 sells/sold. Wait, as a gamer I do care. For any number of reasons. As gamers we should stop, think and then realize the COD franchise represents everything that is wrong with modern gaming.

What I mean by that is this; COD, as a franchise, shows exactly what happens when games go corporate. Big Business. Everything becomes about a profit/loss margin. Less risk is taken in return for assured revenue. This mentality and process works well for the vast majority of the business world. For the gaming industry it's ridiculous, dangerous and ultimately; destructive. It does nothing to promote original thought, fresh ideas or innovation in a medium that can not only tell a story but also allow people to interact with it as well.

The end result is we, as gamers, end up with homoganized souless games that are almost all interchangable with the others. It leaves the player thinking "wait, didn't I just do this in another game?". This is especially true of the current FPS landscape.


New member
Oct 25, 2011
electric method said:
The end result is we, as gamers, end up with homoganized souless games that are almost all interchangable with the others. It leaves the player thinking "wait, didn't I just do this in another game?". This is especially true of the current FPS landscape.
I guess its the same reason why ppl go for fastfood on almost a daily basis. You know you shouldnt do it, but you're tired from work, short on time, in a hurry and everyone else is doing it, so you just go for it anyways.

And you know what you get, it'll taste exactly like the last 100 times.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
I have no hatred for COD but I just hope the massive sales of Skyrim prove to the development companies that they don't have to make an FPS for a game to sell well.


New member
Jan 29, 2009
Cronq said:
The only disappointment I have is that this will further discourage any new IP for the next few years. Prepare for another year of bi-monthly brown shooter releases.
No new IP from Activision...true. But I wonder how developers interpret sales figures.

1. "Hey, apparently people like shooters so let's make another one."


2. "People like triple A shooters with huge production values, like CoD, Battlefield, Halo, GoW, Crisis and Killzone so there is no point in creating another one with nothing new to they won't sell as well.

Considering the fact that such shooters as Bodycount, Brink, Homefront and Call of Juarez: The Cartel got made is an indication that some developers indeed interpret sales figures/ market opportunities in the first way.

But what about other genres? It's hard to say to what extent the succes of big budget shooters actually smothers the development of say, fighting games...or racing games...or WRPGs.

It's not like there's a well documented set of other genre projects of which we know that developers cancelled them so they could start work on another shooter, right? I am not saying it does not happen, I just don't know how often it happens.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
make a generic shooter every year - win
make a unique shooter while working on it for 5 years - flop
the wonders of free market.


This place still alive?
Apr 23, 2009
sravankb said:
Tim - "What? Other people like games that I don't?"

Jim - "You know what we should do? We should encourage more players to check out some of our favorite games. It's possible that they haven't tried them out and they might actually enjoy some of them".

Tim - "Shut up Jim; that's a terrible idea. What we should do instead is constantly make topics and posts that express how much better we are at life for liking the games that we do. These posts will definitely make them want to play the titles that us snobs and hipsters do. And heck, telling them that they're stupid for liking MW3 will surely make them see the point".

And then Tim proceeded to make #32455652343rd "Let's bash CoD and Halo" topic on the Escapist.
I Will prove that you can not only have a conversation with yourself, but a conversation with yourself having a conversation with someone having a conversation with himself.

Jerry - "So Tony, I heard you got a suspension from the website you frequent the other day for bashing that game you dont like"

Tony - "Yea, damn biased Moderators. If somebody bashed that game I like they wouldn't get the same treatment"

Jerry - "But Tony, nobody on that website you frequent bashes the game you like, so how could you possibly know? Anyway your suspension is up, what you gonna do now?"

Tony - "Shut up Jerry, im just gonna go do the same thing again. This time they will surely understand how wrong they are. Oh look, Tim created a new thread bashing the game that I dont like. I think I will post there"


Lord of Infinite Grins
Jun 30, 2011
Heres my thought on this.


Please say the series has reached it's end and they can set a new series somewhere not so brown!


New member
Mar 28, 2009
Hate to hop on the bandwagon, but this is a bit depressing. Then again, Tom Clancy is filthy rich, so it's not as if gaming is the only medium afflicted with this creepy military-fetishism.