More Internet Woes for Australia


New member
Nov 29, 2008
sv93 said:
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Whilst Britain and Canada have similar systems, none are Government mandated;
I didn't know Canada has an internet filter? hmm
This a dumb idea for the Aussie government, why don't they sensor phone conversations too? Why would they even want to sensor the internet? Why not just put parental controls on your computer so the kids don't watch porn and other things?
censor not sensor

>.> sorry


New member
Jun 15, 2008
Hevoo said:
Limos said:
Hevoo said:
Thank God I live in America, and Thank my founding fathers for the First Amendment.
Too bad the conservatives only believe in First Amendment rights when it applies to them. Freedom of speech, As long as it's good Christian speech. Preferable if it's denouncing Homosexuals, condemning liberals, or calling Obama a Muslim.

Urging people to murder Homosexuals? Totally fine.
Denouncing Islam as being the cause of terrorism? Sure why not.

Constantly blaming Darwin and Evolution for everything bad that has ever happened? Go for it.
Seperation of Church and state? HATE SPEECH!! CHRISTIAN NATION!! BAAAAAAAAAW!!
1. Urging to kill Gays? Who? Only nut cases say that, and most people are not nut cases.
2. Denouncing Islam? Hmmmmm, I will concede to this point. But for the most part people dont Denounce this. But they dont do it directly, Its more subconsciously then anything.
3. Blaming Darwin and Evolution? No, they have a belief that god created the earth, granted what they believe is wrong. THey can still believe it.

You are retarded, stop watching Msnbc, and the ZEITGEIST for 5 seconds.

People can say what they want, and for the people who believe the above they are on the fringe of society. You need to chill the out, and thank whomever, that you live where you live.

Everything you named is in the minority, of our society no nation is perfect or people, you always will have nut cases. If people were perfect we would not need governments.

In short your an Idiot.
Now that was just plain impolite.

I am aware that the people saying it are a minority. The point is that nobody objects. No one stands up and says, "You know that's some pretty fucked up shit you just said."

But if someone so much as asks them to not put up a manger in the capitol building then all of a sudden it's "Persecution".

The point is that they only care about Free Speech if they (or someone they agree with) is the one speaking. Sure liberals are all about Political correctness. But at least they shut everyone up, rather than only shutting up one side.


New member
Jan 2, 2008
The Iron Ninja said:
Australia? On behalf of your neighbour, the country known as New Zealand, I present to you our thoughts on the matter.

We offer our deepest condolences towards you and your silly government, and hope it get's well soon.
Don't joke, soon you might be in the same boat :)

The Iron Ninja

New member
Aug 13, 2008
rougeknife said:
That has a point with the "airforce" thing.

Well at least until that happens I guess I'll be playing Silent Hill: Homecoming (when it comes out).
And Laughing.
I don't even like Silent Hill.

black lincon

New member
Aug 21, 2008

Sorry, I just don't get the opportunity to say that very often seeing as how were usually the ones doing stupid things.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
Somehow I don't think the Australians are going to take this sitting down. I always got the impression it was fiercly protective of it's freedom.


New member
Jul 18, 2008
from the sounds of it they're already in overdrive to shut down any opinion that differs from that of the government...that's a really good sign


Escapist Points: 9001
Oct 14, 2007
The Iron Ninja said:
Australia? On behalf of your neighbour, the country known as New Zealand, I present to you our thoughts on the matter.

We offer our deepest condolences towards you and your silly government, and hope it get's well soon.
My puku is not happy with this. Fuck government censorship. This is just further evidence of why we should have a constitutional bill of rights enshrining free speech. My biggest concern is that this is silently going to filter a lot of radical sites giving information on things the government doesn't want known.

black lincon

New member
Aug 21, 2008
Labyrinth said:
The Iron Ninja said:
Australia? On behalf of your neighbour, the country known as New Zealand, I present to you our thoughts on the matter.

We offer our deepest condolences towards you and your silly government, and hope it get's well soon.
My puku is not happy with this. Fuck government censorship. This is just further evidence of why we should have a constitutional bill of rights enshrining free speech. My biggest concern is that this is silently going to filter a lot of radical sites giving information on things the government doesn't want known.
Hm, I wonder if they do that the US will swoop in and say BAD AUSTRALIA! One of the good aspects of the US is that we usually intend to do good (not saying we always accomplish good things), and one of the things we would probably step in on is if one of our allies government decided to oppress their own people.


New member
Nov 1, 2008
Child pornography, even if we assume for the sake of conversation it's "wrong", is not a good enough reason to slow down internet connections, or ban websites.

Also, breaking the internet so children can use it without being exposed to things the retards in government consider "inappropriate" is a stupid idea. Better solution: ban children from using the internet.

Anomynous 167

New member
May 6, 2008
TomNook said:
Next week, Australian Government makes having sex illegal.
I wouldn't count on it... It would take at least 7 weeks for that to happen, due to how slow and thick New South Wales' goverment is... WE SHALL DRAG THIS NATION DOWN...


Fire Daemon

Quoth the Daemon
Dec 18, 2007
So it's mandatory but correct me if I'm wrong, can't we just ask for our ISP to not use the filter on our connection.

Crap! I hope so.

Anyway of getting a list of proposed banned websites. I sure do hope the old 'Scapist isn't on it.


New member
May 15, 2008
Hevoo said:
Thank God I live in America, and Thank my founding fathers for the First Amendment.
Doesn't the first Amendment only count on private property?

This annoys me. The government are a bunch of trying to rule us with this idea of . It makes me so !!!


New member
Jan 21, 2008
Fire Daemon said:
Anyway of getting a list of proposed banned websites. I sure do hope the old 'Scapist isn't on it.
I doubt it. The Escapist isn't exactly a radical site, nor does it supply child pornography.

No, this firewall is more aimed towards the aforementioned (child porn and extremism)... a great idea in theory, but terrible in practice. Instead of blocking sites (which can just be ignored through proxies), the average Australian has to pay more for our already slow Internet. And this is the same government that promised the Australian public a fibre optics network.