Most annoying things about school

Aris Khandr

New member
Oct 6, 2010
Tenkage said:
You know something I want to know, why do they put the Special ed rooms in the back of the school, growing up with Aspergers and ADHD and Depression, my middle school life was hell, and one of those aspects was the walk of shame to the back of the school. Seriously What the hell schools
The alternative is to have them at the front of the school. Which means that they are in a higher traffic area, where more people will see who goes into those rooms. If you're discussing a "walk of shame", it seems far more "shameful" to be seen by the majority of the student body, whereas the number of people around you will continue to dwindle as they move into their own classrooms the further you walk.

Not only that, but most schools are designed with windows into the hallway. When dealing with students who already have attention issues, do you really want to compound that with activity outside the room? Putting the classes at the back of the school reduces traffic outside, thus reducing avenues by which attention could be distracted from the lesson.


New member
May 28, 2010
Aris Khandr said:
Tenkage said:
You know something I want to know, why do they put the Special ed rooms in the back of the school, growing up with Aspergers and ADHD and Depression, my middle school life was hell, and one of those aspects was the walk of shame to the back of the school. Seriously What the hell schools
The alternative is to have them at the front of the school. Which means that they are in a higher traffic area, where more people will see who goes into those rooms. If you're discussing a "walk of shame", it seems far more "shameful" to be seen by the majority of the student body, whereas the number of people around you will continue to dwindle as they move into their own classrooms the further you walk.

Not only that, but most schools are designed with windows into the hallway. When dealing with students who already have attention issues, do you really want to compound that with activity outside the room? Putting the classes at the back of the school reduces traffic outside, thus reducing avenues by which attention could be distracted from the lesson.
*sigh* good point, hate to admit it but good point


New member
Apr 5, 2010
Group projects and oral presentations.

It's not even the having to rely on people in the group, I'm just no good with strangers and I like to do my own work. I want things done my way. And just presenting in front of an audience for obvious reasons. Anxiety is a *****

A BigCup of Tea

New member
Nov 19, 2009
Tenkage said:
Basically, just say what you found most annoying about your school or school in general. College too

Me I want to kick the guy in the nuts who thought having math class in the morning was a good idea. I never did well in math class, more so in the morning, in fact in college I had morning math class, took me 2 years to beat Geometry...ugh not a good time for me.
yeah geometry wars is quite hard haha

the fact that Religious studies and history were mandatory, i'm never going to use them so why learn them


New member
Jul 2, 2012
Johnny Novgorod said:
Good god, everything. But I hated the people the most. Bunch of clueless imbeciles...
Was just about to say this, was there ever a thing about school that was not annoying?

Gah, if anything the most annoying school related thing are people who say "oh you're going to miss school so bad once you leave", like of course, I'm going to deeply miss the days of not having a car, being completely dependent on my parents for money to buy stuff, being treated like some insignificant kid and especially that lack of freedom, fuck freedom, right?


New member
Jun 18, 2012
Snark, snark, I hate people, I hate classes murr murr murr.
No but really, there is only one thing I dont like and that is that I currently have the worst god damn physics teacher Ive had my whole life.
I've rarely had any problems in school and when I've had problems I or a teacher has solved them for me. I've been bullied once, but my (then awesome) physics teacher (who was a war vet who have been struck by lightning) told him kindly to stop or hed snapp his wrists. I wasnt there for the occation but it worked.
I've always made friends.
I've for the most part enjoyed my classes I've had(in Sweden you have a single "class" of people you do EVERY subject with).
Life's been good. I enjoy school and the people there and I'm not even one of thoose "hippety hop-richboi-coolkids" either.
I have problems as I said but I choose to solve them if I can, if I can't I ask for help and if that doesnt work, I stop worrying about it. I don't like to pity myself.

If it just wasnt for that one teacher we have now. Very unprofessional and constatly critisised or corrected by us the students.
BUT ITS OKAY, because I'll just ask my friends for help. We help eachother. Its a good life.


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2010
Gent said:
Holy shit bro, either you're lying or your teachers were complete assholes.
No, they were not assholes. They were can do no harm, holier than thou saints which makes them so much worse because you could not convince them that they had done anything wrong! Unfortunately because of whatever the hell technicalities/legal-ass-covering we were never able to pursue legal action against them.

Something I forgot to mention is this was not a day to day thing. It only happened maybe once every week or two but sometimes it happened far more frequently.


New member
May 28, 2010
Saulkar said:
Gent said:
Holy shit bro, either you're lying or your teachers were complete assholes.
No, they were not assholes. They were can do no harm, holier than thou saints which makes them so much worse because you could not convince them that they had done anything wrong! Unfortunately because of whatever the hell technicalities/legal-ass-covering we were never able to pursue legal action against them.

Something I forgot to mention is this was not a day to day thing. It only happened maybe once every week or two but sometimes it happened far more frequently.
sorry to hear bout that dude ,seriously


New member
Jan 24, 2014
I really hate the teachers that just hand out detentions all willy-nilly. Detentions are for kids who are disrupting the class, not someone who asked the person next to them a question related to the topic. Also, at least give a warning. It's the end of the day, and it's Spanish class. None of us want to be here, so it isn't easy to pay attention the entire class. There just seems to be a lack of communication and understanding between the teacher and the student. It just pisses me off to no end. In high school, kids are busier than ever, and so are their parents. This detention for kids that did not disrupt the class just messes up an entire schedule.

Don't even get me started on my Biology teacher that will stop class to see if what someone is eating is healthy. Listen, we aren't going to die if we drink soda. It's called moderation. Just because something is new doesn't mean we'll get cancer from it.

And then there are the teachers that use their emotions to determine the happiness of everyone in the classroom. Listen, I understand your upset the musical that you directed is over, but that doesn't mean you have to kick out kids that got an answer wrong because they were up late studying for a test that you just told us about the previous day.

Ugh, and then the drama. I don't hate drama, but it can just be annoying and uninteresting. Apparently every person I've ever met is a dirty cheater, according to rumors and such.

These, along with pointless homework, are all reasons that I don't try that hard in school anymore. I mean, my grades are, for the most part, decent. I have A's, B's, and C's, but I don't care enough to actually strive to do better. I kind of enjoy school when I don't try, so I would dislike school even more if I tried.


Positively Insane
Mar 14, 2011
Useless subjects that are still required for no reason. I'm not talking about things that only a certain group of people will use, such as certain languages. It's things that are literally useless.

For instance, in our Dutch class (I live in the Netherlands), we have to learn how to summarize texts using only a certain amount of words,(usually around 200). However, this skill is completely worthless, because no one ever summarizes texts this way. In fact, our teacher literally said: "You will never have to do this again after high school." Then why the fuck do I have to learn it?!

Also, teachers who ruin otherwise interesting material. MacBeth is a great play, but nobody is going to be able to appreciate that if you interrupt the story every other sentence to explain what was just said.


New member
May 28, 2010
Theminimanx said:
Useless subjects that are still required for no reason. I'm not talking about things that only a certain group of people will use, such as certain languages. It's things that are literally useless.

For instance, in our Dutch class (I live in the Netherlands), we have to learn how to summarize texts using only a certain amount of words,(usually around 200). However, this skill is completely worthless, because no one ever summarizes texts this way. In fact, our teacher literally said: "You will never have to do this again after high school." Then why the fuck do I have to learn it?!

Also, teachers who ruin otherwise interesting material. MacBeth is a great play, but nobody is going to be able to appreciate that if you interrupt the story every other sentence to explain what was just said.
That is a good point, I understand learning some things to be well rounded but if the teacher says "you will never use this again" yeah I can see the bull


New member
Sep 19, 2008
I liked high school. Then again I was an athlete and got mostly A's with a few B's (math) in a small town so maybe I've got a skewed view on the subject.

I guess what I hated was the whole college prep process. Also how nasty some of my fellow students were to the teachers. Maybe it's because my mother was a teacher I had a little more understanding of what goes on.

EDIT: I'm seeing a lot of people complaining about how teachers teach things. You realize, especially at high school level in America, the DISTRICT OFFICE or STATE government decided a lot of things about your curriculum. Not the in-building staff. Especially nowadays teachers aren't allowed to take time to make a subject interesting, they have to rush thru it to reach the outrageous demands of what needs to be completed in a semester set by the higher offices.

I'm glad I grew up when I did, a teacher could just teach something they thought was interesting and cool if it somewhat coincided with a lesson since they had the time.

White Lightning

New member
Feb 9, 2012
Probably the Penis inspections. I mean I always passed but I dunno it always felt kind of weird.

Also music class, I mean seriously? Fuck music class. At one point our teacher gave up on me and my friends because all we did was have sword fights with the drum sticks.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
Theminimanx said:
For instance, in our Dutch class (I live in the Netherlands), we have to learn how to summarize texts using only a certain amount of words,(usually around 200). However, this skill is completely worthless, because no one ever summarizes texts this way. In fact, our teacher literally said: "You will never have to do this again after high school." Then why the fuck do I have to learn it?!
Actually, sorry to burst your bubble but you do that in academic writing. A lot of the time when you write a research paper at the university level you'll also be asked to preface your paper with an "abstract" which is essentially a 100-200 word summery of your research. It's not a particularly difficult skill though, so I'm not sure why someone would need to actively practice it when they haven't ever been asked to use it yet, so I guess in that way you are correct that it's a waste of time.


Positively Insane
Mar 14, 2011
Dirty Hipsters said:
Theminimanx said:
For instance, in our Dutch class (I live in the Netherlands), we have to learn how to summarize texts using only a certain amount of words,(usually around 200). However, this skill is completely worthless, because no one ever summarizes texts this way. In fact, our teacher literally said: "You will never have to do this again after high school." Then why the fuck do I have to learn it?!
Actually, sorry to burst your bubble but you do that in academic writing. A lot of the time when you write a research paper at the university level you'll also be asked to preface your paper with an "abstract" which is essentially a 100-200 word summery of your research. It's not a particularly difficult skill though, so I'm not sure why someone would need to actively practice it when they haven't ever been asked to use it yet, so I guess in that way you are correct that it's a waste of time.
Hmm, well in that case my teacher is an idiot. If I do need to use it in university, which most of the people in my class will be going to, why didn't he just tell us that?


Your Commander-in-Chief
Jun 15, 2011
More hate for group projects: there was one time I was put in a group of 6 to do a video project. Only me and one other guy carried the whole thing while the other lot made weed jokes and cracked wise. We all got distinctions. (In the UK, colleges have 3 levels, pass, merit and distinction. With dis being equal to an A). That russeled my jimmies.

Also, ideological fascism. In my school, the first period was always "values and ethics" where students are supposedly allowed to openly discuss their thoughts and feelings on the given topic. Instead, it was "be politically correct, and don't have any dissenting opinions or we give you detention".

Argumentum ad baculum: similar to above, if you bested a teacher in an argument or challenged them in any way then you'd be threatened with punishment. In one instance, in V&E, they had a Christian priest come in to have a "debate". Long story short, half the class ends up in time out while the other half stage an intellectual rebellion which ends in both students and teachers all over the damn place hating each other more than usual.

Only now do I realise how truly Orwellian school is. Let's see, we have:
Newspeak (various slang terms pushed by the authorities)
Thought police (teachers and prefects)
Brainwashing via propaganda
Big brother is watching (cameras freakin' everywhere)
Illusion of conflict (contests with other school)
Proles (the pupils)
The outer party (supply main teachers)
The inner party (head teacher and senior leadership team)
State sec (prefects)
Room 101 (detention and time out)

Dear gods, it's more similar than I originally thought D:


New member
Oct 4, 2010
I can't believe that the most fundamental problems have been utterly ignored.

How about that you are required to spend a fixed term in school, rather than working on an accomplishment basis? Like a prison sentence, rather than an educational system. 13 years in school to learn about 3 months worth of actual useful data!

How about the fact that subjects like economics, law and politics are barely taught at all, and when they are the data is utterly slanted and often fundamentally flawed? How about the lack of practical application taught throughout school, and the fact that by making school compulsory for so long, students are trained into not applying what they learn, but just studying for tests, so when they are finally out of school they are no longer capable of actually producing real work in real life?

How about the fact that the vast majority of the population are functionally illiterate and don't even know it?

What about the fact that teachers talk about "knowing how to study" or being "a good student" and so on, but can't even define what study is, or what its purpose is, or that there is no course in first year teaching you how to BE a student in the first place? Teaching why you are in school, what you can achieve in school and HOW to go about it?

Where is the study of logic and data evaluation? You are taught to trust the materials you are given and believe them! The FIRST thing that should be taught is that you need to evaluate every bit of data you are given as to whether it is true and applicable in the real world! How is a student meant to operate in a field they are learning in, if they don't even have the faculty of evaluation and determinism on the subject?!

The modern system of schooling (I wouldn't dignify it by calling it "education") is not just poor, or less effective than it could be. It is the worst of all possible systems, with no purpose other than to hasten the degradation of civilization.