Most Boring Game You've Ever Played


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Half-Life 2.

Linear levels, boring monologues, flat uninteresting characters, a barebones and poorly written story, repetitive combat, and a legion of fanboys who sing its praises as the greatest game ever made.

It's like the exact opposite of my favourite game, Thief 2.

Jimmy Sylvers

New member
Aug 30, 2011
The Witcher, I really tried I just couldn't get into it...I tried several times, I think the last thing I remember doing was fighting some guys in a swamp and the n I gave up.

Also the two newest Prince of Persia games were pretty boring I didn't even finish that one with the different prince.


New member
Nov 13, 2010
Sim Earth for the snes.

I'm too much of an uncultured barbarian to appreciate that game. Needs more explosions and guns.


New member
Jan 12, 2011
Most long-time MMORPG players can probably tell you about their time spent in a little old game called DAOC (Dark Age of Camelot), by far one of the best MMORPGs to hit the scene... Anybody who's played it can tell you about their nostalgic moments of adrenaline pumping three-way massive PvP battles.
What most people DON'T mention however, was the PvE. The grind up to the max level was bloody horrible. It involved getting into a group, sitting in one spot, and killing the same group of monsters over and over and over. For hours... Most of the time, the group just never broke up... You would sign on, msg the group leader, and put yourself on the list... As soon as one person left, there was a fresh replacement already on the way. Groups would just endlessly recycle.
It was so, so horribly boring. I would read books while in those groups. No lie, I read Game of Thrones while playing DAOC.


Fall in line!
Jun 16, 2011
EzraPound said:
Diablo II, any FF after IX, the Metal Gear Solid franchise, the Halo series, Doom 3
Oh snap, I forgot about D2. Then again, Pool of Radiance was even more boring.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
ecoho said:
TorchofThanatos said:
Dragon Age Origins.
Story was interesting but game play was so boring i just stopped playing.
try to slog through it i personally refuse to play more then an hour at a time cause if you spend longer then that the constant walking from place to place will drive you mad. that being said DA:eek:rigins is probably the most boring game ive played.(funnily enough i thought DA2 was allot less so because you werent walking so much, go figure:)
I also made the mistake of playing DA2 first. Trying to go back and play DAO is really hard! I have played all the origins but i still need to finish the game at least once. I am running around in the Deep Roads right now and I want to kill myself!


New member
Dec 6, 2010
ZahrDalsk said:
Half-Life 2.

Linear levels, boring monologues, flat uninteresting characters, a barebones and poorly written story, repetitive combat, and a legion of fanboys who sing its praises as the greatest game ever made.

It's like the exact opposite of my favourite game, Thief 2.
I agree! I tried playing it but I couldn't get past the Helicopter. What I hated the most was the back tracking for health and ammo. Levels were boring enough with out having to try and find "hidden" goodies.


New member
Nov 3, 2010
Every single shooter created in the last few years besides Bulletstorm, Dark Sector, Mirror's Edge, and the Lost Planet franchise. Fallout New Vegas was horrid as well, and I'm expecting Skyrim to be the fourth in a long line of Bethesda's spiraling down in quality games.


New member
Mar 10, 2011
Easy answer: Oblivion. Good lord a bad opening can really kill a decent game. I just didnt want to play anymore after the first oblivion orb level.


New member
Mar 25, 2011
The sims. Don't get me wrong I used to love those games, played them religiously for years but one day I was sitting watching my sim in his mansion, having worked everyday of his life, his three happy children flocking around him after a hard day of Rocking his lovely wife there to greet him, showering his family with simoleans and I thought 'Whoa this fuckers way more successful than I will ever be.'

Then I pretty much realised I had been stuck in a routine for months as a sim. Had watched it eat and take a dump more times than I care to mention and couldn't exactly pinpoint where I had been having any fun. I quickly realised it was more compulsive than entertaining and I had actually been so bored out of my mind I had been playing the game entirely on 'Mega fast forward' just to rake in more money and build more and ultimately add to my misery. I uninstalled the game then, while feeling slightly dirty and never looked back since.


Senior Member
Mar 25, 2010
Farcry 2. It's good for the first few hours, and suddenly you realise that you're now in the nex section of the map and it's the exact same thing you did in the last section. It becomes tedious so quickly. Also, Dead Rising. Because there is nothing fun about that game.


Elite Member
Oct 3, 2009
United States
Most RTS's are this for me, am I the only one who finds it dull and dranging to wait for your units to be built, not helped by the various upgrades you're only allowed to keep for a duration of missions, or the fact than an opponents superior forces make it so you have to built stronger units, only to be cut short when the enemy stages an attack on you before you can produce a strong enough opponent to counterattack?

sorry if it sounded like a rant, but with that Hyrule Total War thing as a possible exception, RTS's are clearly not for me.


New member
Sep 8, 2009
Dead Island - Fun at first but as soon as you get to the town it becomes unbelievebly boring.
Far Cry (Very first one) - Stopped after about half an hour of play. So boring.
Borderlands - I finished this one but didn't have much fun doing it.
Call Of Duty Black Ops - Dear god... so boring! I still havn't finished it and I dont plan on doing so.


New member
Aug 1, 2010
Final Fantasy 13. Seriously, I should never have to waste 2 cunting hours for the game to even be remotely playable.