Most Comfortable Place You've Ever Slept...


That which exists in the absence of space.
Nov 27, 2009
The Dreamlands
Lose 1d20 sanity points.
IamQ said:
Kaleion said:
Well that's a hard one to answer, it could be that time I slept on the beach covered in sand, it was pretty great except for the crab in my mouth, alternatively that time I fell asleep on a pool with the water covering my ears was pretty grand too, but by far I think the best one was that hammock in the forest that was between 2 trees in a clear space in the middle of the forest near an old shack that I rented, that was glorious like sleeping on air gazing at the clear star filled sky and that glorious full Moon, definitely awesome.
Coincidentally enough the worst place I've tried to sleep on was on the dirt in the middle of the forest, wasn't able to sleep at all and it lasted for 5 days, 5 days without sleeping and without food and out in the cold, though when I finally got home I slept so good that it felt like I suddenly regained my energy in only a couple seconds of sleep, turns out it was actually 3 day, felt like just seconds though.
So all in all, you didn't eat for 5 days?
Well not exactly, I did eat some oranges that I brought with me but my body rejected them, it didn't even look disgusting what came out looked exactly like orange juice, but whatever that's irrelevant, the moral of the story is don't go explore the forest at night just because you can't sleep.


New member
Nov 11, 2010
some expensive hotel in washington somewhere. iirc it was a pillowtop bed. it just swallowed me up and it felt like sleeping on thin air.


New member
Apr 24, 2010
In an Igloo (multiple times)- Pretty freaking cold but you get used to it, the floor is hard as ice even with a pad, and when I did it there were about four othre guys which made it pretty awkward.

On a park table- Not bad actually, fiber-glass is best though

On a coffee table- I just did this as a joke for everyone who got a couch or bed

In the auxiliary parking lot at a fair grounds- It was for the centenial scouting Jamboree. I slept under the stars and in my boxers, so when I got up in the morning I decided to walk around abit with just a shirt, boxers, and boots. I got a lot of weird stares.

In a tent on the snow- pretty warm if you know what your doing

On the floor- it really comes down to the carpet, the tempature of the room, and how tired you are

On a friend's couch- smelt like beer

In a hut some friends and I made out of tarps, poles, and rope- pretty nice.

My own bed- I prefer one flat pillow, nothing special


New member
Nov 17, 2010
My friend has the world's comfiest couch. I would steal it for my own home if I could and make it my new bed.

Granted, I could sleep just about anywhere if I tried hard enough.


New member
Sep 15, 2010
Eggsnham said:
I'm getting a new bed delivered later this week, I'm excited, that's about it.

Where/what is the most comfortable place/surface you've ever slept on/in?

For added flavor, rate the place on a scale of iron spikes to orgasmic, then just add water.
High end memory foam. The brand name stuff.

Not only is it near orgasmic (to use your scale), but I sleep really good on it.


New member
Jan 22, 2011
A sleeping bag over a thermarest pad. After hiking 12ish miles with a pretty heavy pack, and being out of shape, best sleep ever. Did that for about 8 nights straight. Most refreshed I've ever felt after sleeping. Borderline to orgasmic using your scale. Exhausted sleep makes everywhere more comfortable. :D


New member
May 24, 2011
A hammock, but not a rich white people hammock that flips you if you so much as shiver. I'm talking about the real deal.

I sleep like a goddamned bear in one of those.

Also I have this couch with one long cushion, I can drop that thing on the floor and sleep forever.

dalek sec

Leader of the Cult of Skaro
Jul 20, 2008
Well pretty much my bed at home, alone all the time.

There's really nothing special to it, just pillows, covers and sheets. I'm a very plain person as you can tel.


New member
Nov 14, 2010
Sorry to give a disappointing answer, but in my bed. Everywhere else is just inferior, and the only thing I can think of to improve it is if there was a lady in the bed too, but that's about it.

kittii-chan 300

New member
Feb 27, 2011
Trampolines are strangely comfortable. Not when it's wet though. Whilst talking about trampolines, If you have a big one, get all the blankets in your house and put them over it. Then play cat and mouse. Most fun thing I can remember that doesn't involve any technology.


New member
Aug 29, 2011
My parents always get a very comfortable mattress for their bed, so when I feel tired during the day, I would just lay on their be and kill about an hour before I move on.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2009
A wicker box..... it was a decent sized wicker box, which I packed with cushions and covers, then slept in. Curled up like a dog and slept comfortable for 10 hours. Woke up with a slightly sore back, but nothing too bad.

Me and my friend did this during a sleepover.... in our separate boxes of course.


New member
Dec 29, 2011
On a cross-country flight after an absolutely exhausting 5 days after taking an extra Xanax to help with my anxiety. I slept so soundly that I didn't notice my flight was redirected to another airport due to weather, landed there and stayed for three hours, then took off again to land at my home airport. When I woke up to all the hustle and bustle of people getting ready to get off the plane, the flight attendant told me that she was worried about me the whole time but she didn't want to wake me because I looked so peaceful.

Orks da best

New member
Oct 12, 2011
SycoMantis91 said:
big tits are always good
hahahahahahahahahahah that have laughing hard bro nice job.

As for me, my curret bed is very good, despite visits in the night from cats that love to pokes their noses in your face, its very soft.


New member
Dec 5, 2010
My most comfortable place to sleep was in this bed in a condo that was situated next to the ocean while I was vacationing in Florida. Comfortable bed + cool outside breeze + sound of the ocean = heaven.

Actually...I hope for a repeat performance of this very soon. I'll be heading down to Florida again the third of March!


New member
Jul 11, 2011
Ironically, my ex's bathtub, with her and in a sleeping bag.
One of the best nights sleep ive ever had, but i dont sleep as well on softer things =P
Oh and incase anyone asks, it was after a night out and someone had passed out on my bed.