Most devastating loss of a save file


New member
Mar 1, 2011
I had one of my GameCube memory cards get corrupted, resulting in the loss of a 70 hour Tales of Symphonia save file, as well as a Phantasy Star Online-character I had 200 hours of playtime on ;_;

My teenage self was rather angry at this point. And then I went to buy a proper first party memory card rather than the cheap-ass third party ones I had used up until then. :V


New member
Jun 21, 2010
In 2010, I had to move to the Eastern Shore of Maryland. In that time, my cousin gave me his old computer for usage and asked to borrow my 360 in return, with the terms being he'd return it to me eventually when he got his own. We lived as roommates for a long while and he had a profile on it with lots of saves.

A few months pass and he contacts me to tell me my system red ringed. And instead of trying to return it, or checking with me if the warranty was still good, he tossed it. With the hard drive still in it. HUNDREDS of hours of gameplay dead and gone because he didn't think it through. I still haven't really confronted him about this, it's not worth the time or aggravation in the long run. Still hurts like a ***** though, forced me to replay Dragonage Origins and Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 all over again.

A newer case would be my PS3 getting the YLOD. And Sony in their infinite wisdom deciding that you can't transplant HDDs from one PS3 to another. So my 70 hours of Dragon Crown is gone, my 60 hours of Ni No Kuni is lost to the void, not to mention my host of downloaded PS1 games and access to PS2 games(it was the release model that did everything). That really stings, since I'm not going to be able to purchase a new system for a while and that won't bring back my backwards compatibility because they DROPPED IT FOR REASONS UNKNOWN TO ME!


New member
Mar 4, 2012
I remember accidentally deleting my save file in Grand Theft Auto III. If I recall correctly, the Load, Save, and Delete save screens all look virtually identical.
I'm pretty sure it was after you get to the second island.


New member
Jan 18, 2013
The first time I had played through FF7 I had a save file in Northern Crater just before the point of no return, then my brother decided that some fifa save or something was more important and I lost all of my progress. So I never ended up beating the game on the playstation and moved on to FF8 and 9 instead.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
A Simcity 4 city I spent months of my life on. It's still there, taunting me. I even try to open it sometimes in some kind of vain hope it will work again...


New member
Nov 25, 2009
A few years ago, my cousin stayed at home (at that moment I lived with my parents). I was playing rogue galaxy, and had several savegames at about 35hours into the game. Now, I specifically told my cousin not to use my PS2 if I was away, but he did it anyway. One day I returned home, and found only savegames for racing games on my PS2... I almost killed him.

Lennie Briscoe

New member
Jan 18, 2011
Had about 50 or so hours on my badass Argonian warrior on Oblivion before my save file decided to play hookie on me. Had just completed the Fighter's Guild and gotten myself a sweet helmet too.

There was this other time I was an idiot and saved over my almost complete Final Fantasy Tactics save. Had all significant hidden pieces of equipment, all characters leveled to 99 (well, except for Byblos,'cos I didn't give a crap about him), completed Deep Dungeon...

I pride myself on being careful about it now, but back then, I was a right moron.