Most devastating loss of a save file


New member
Jul 2, 2012
there are 2 that come to mind.. one is Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES on PS3 ( downloaded from the PS store) where i was something like 50 hours in and i decided to start another game to do opposite choices from my current save. I went to save the second file and at first it told me I could save, so back out and tried again.. this time it save my second file, only for me to later discover it had erased my first file and all my progress.. the other one was because my PS3 harddrive messed up thanks to DC Universe online messing up and i lost all my progress in Star Ocean: The Last Hope International. I had finally defeated the 3rd boss after trying over and over again for like a month+ and then my save was wiped after the harddrive crash..


Certified Deviant
Jul 17, 2008
My Mass Effect 1 + 2 saves on my xbox 360. I had everything just the way I wanted and my Commander actually looked like me! Well, those went missing and last summer I broke down and bought the Mass Effect trilogy for PC and beat it. It just wasn't the same without my first Shepard.


New member
May 23, 2012
Metroid Prime, trying to 100% the game during the summer while I was staying at my grandma's. I was in the high 80's or low 90's getting really close to beating the game and, out of the blue, I have a corrupt memory card.

Haven't beaten it to this day. Every time I try some other game comes along to pull me away. One day though that son of a ***** will go down.


Elite Member
Nov 7, 2007
I was on the last mission of The Simpson's Hit and Run on PS2, I had nearly all the collectibles. I'd failed the mission twice but I was sure third time was the charm. I had to take a break for dinner so I diligently saved and shut down my PS2 as I've done hundreds of times before.

After dinner I returned to a savefile that read all zeroes - Save time/date 00:00:00 00/00/00, time played: 0. Could not load my game.

Somehow, magically, my save got corrupted. My girlfriend's game was fine, though she was miles behind me in terms of completion at that stage. I guess I could have jumped in her game and saved over my corrupted file so I didn't have to start entirely from scratch, but my will to play the game anymore was completely sapped.


New member
Apr 1, 2010
I just replaced my hard drive on my 360 with a bigger one & somehow it lost my lvl 61 Commando in Borderlands 2 when I was doing the memory transfer.


Senior Member
Escapist +
Mar 17, 2010
Alberta the land of snow snow and sometimes sun
The one that still haunts my memories and gives me nightmares is when I was playing ff9 on the PS1 way back in the day. Saved right before the final boss,slept, went to school and came hope to beat said final boss. Loaded up the game and boop it was gone along with the rest of the memory card including my completed lunar 2, lunar 1 ff8 ff7..yea you get the idea. That's the first time I swore for a good five minutes in my young life.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
I lost my Xcom Classic Iron Man save right before the final mission not once but twice. First time my comp died, second time the save got corrupted. It's a conspiracy I tell ya!

I was also not happy about losing my BG save in that since I had played that character all through BG1, was near the end of BG2 and had wanted to import them to ToB but I have played the series on that difficulty before so it wasn't the loss of a milestone.


New member
Aug 13, 2010
I had a Chao in Sonic Adventure 2 for the gamecube. I had dumped every thing it had into this chao and it had nasty stats. i loved the little thing would curb stomp in all the games ans stuff. then i forgot my memory card at a friends house one day when i got it back my Chao was gone. my friend "accidentally" played on my memory card and released my Chao. The disappointment In losing all the effort I had put into that Chao made me lose interest in the whole game. I knew I'd never have the patience or time to get another chao leveled up like that again.

Pokemon leaf green, I was trading back and forth with my friend how had pokemon Fire Red for pokedex reasons. I traded him my Zapdos and my Starter (honestly I forget which one I started with) and when He traded them back there was a glitch where we both got empty pokeballs... twice. i was trading his Charizard and a Golduck and both times we got nothing. our Pokemon were not at their starting point or destination. so we both lost our starters and I lost a legendary. they just... I dunno got stuck in the trading cord or something?


New member
May 6, 2009
Suddenly losing half a class of work on an online quiz. Out of nowhere it deletes all of my work. Not fun.
Game related, learning that, somewhere between me finishing Mass Effect 1 and the release of Mass Effect 2, I had somehow lost all of my ME1 saves. I had to go back and play through the first game twice to get my renegade and paragon characters back so that I could play the second game.

The Enquirer

New member
Apr 10, 2013
Schtoobs said:
I think it was Timesplitters 2 on the N64. Lost all multiplayer unlocks and challenge medals when the save corrupted. I don't know how many hundreds of hours I put into that game with friends. I wasn't very upset tbh, mildly annoyed though. But I never played it again after that. The experience would be forever tainted by memories of what was and what could have been.
Oh dear god, trying to beat robot factory on hard. You have my condolences. There are few who have ever done that.

Scarim Coral said:
Time Splitter 3- My bro turn the game off during the saving part. It took me a while to get all the characters and trophies back which was no easy task (some of the challange were bloody hard!
Oofff for me it was the challenge where you need to shoot the waves of zombies. Not the first one, or the last one, but the one with the zombie cows. For anyone just tuning in now, yes, this game has zombie cow carcasses. And they are a fully playable character.

porous_shield said:
Anyone remember Sierra Utilities? It was a program they forced you to install to play some of their games. I decided to uninstall the piece of crap one day and it deletes everything in Program Files because some guy decided that coding the uninstall to remove the parent directory was a good idea. I almost cried.
Don't even start with me on that little POS. I hate it. I hate it so much.

OT: For me, it was when I lost my 100% completed Super Smash Brothers Melee file due to the memory card getting corrupted on another game. That was the game I bought my Gamecube for. At 11 I saved my birthday money and Christmas money so I could afford to buy the console, the game, and an extra controller to play with friends. As an 11 year old, it was devastating.

Luckily for me I ended up getting action replay as a belated Christmas gift from an uncle which saved the day.

Hawk eye1466

New member
May 31, 2010
My minecraft world, it had everything and it was glorious but then my laptop's hard drive died or something and then it was all gone. That happened like 2 years ago and I still can't motivate myself to do anything of substance in minecraft.


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
Persona 3 FES... The timing between loosing one of my two big (and only) PS2 memory cards and when the game became available off PSN was almost TOO coincidental for my taste...

Also, my first copy of Chain of Memories for the GBA... (I ended up buying another copy years later to both LP and to do PvP with my best friend...) It was suffering from prolonged water damage that could not be salvage... Sure, I can still play it (kinda), but the original saves that were on this copy (half of those saves at that game's 100%) are long gone at this point...


Better Red than Dead
Aug 5, 2009
Pokemon Yellow with 145 in the dex. That was so devastating for 11 year old me that I stopped playing Pokemon for 3 months.

I posted the whole story of that somewhere here before but I'm too lazy to look for the quote. =P


New member
Jan 14, 2009
Way back in the before times, I had a copy of Final Fantasy IV for the SNES. One save file had my first run through. saved right before the final boss with a full team of max level characters. At the time I was playing through it again just to enjoy the story, I had made it to about 2/3 through the tower of Babel when my younger cousin stormed into the room, proudly declared "I'm bored! This is dumb! I wanna play Street Fighter!" and unceremoniously ripped the cart out of the SNES.

Don't know if he forced it out or if he actually had the forethought to hit the eject button. Doesn't matter because in the act of removing the cart while the system was still powered on it wiped all of the files on the cart.

I've never struck a child before. But for a few minutes I completely understood how someone could do it.


New member
Jul 8, 2008
shrekfan246 said:
Not so much a "loss" of a save file as "loss of progress that was never saved in the first place"...

Way back in the day, I got Final Fantasy X alongside a PS2 as a Christmas or birthday present one year. But, as my family has never had a massive amount of disposable income and it was after my parents had separated, I didn't have a memory card for said PS2 until about a week later. Well, I obviously didn't want to wait that long to start playing Final Fantasy, so I decided I'd just leave the game on overnight while I was sleeping and throughout the days while I was at school (I can't actually remember if I got it during a holiday or not anymore) and play it when I had free time. That worked pretty well for the most part, and I managed to make it all the way to Mount Gagazet and the third fight against Seymour... where he promptly wiped my party and gave me a game over.
Ooh, I know those feels...

Very similar situation for me, except that we decided to rent the PS2 (when BlockBuster had that service), with FFX as my first game on PS2. Our family also forgot/decided not to rent/buy a memory card, so it was all-night play sessions peppered in with sessions of sleep and leaving the system on during the day, but the TV free for the family. I didn't get as far as Mt. Gagazet, but I believe I wiped somewhere around the Highroad/Djose Highroad events.

Guess I loved the game, because I musculed right through that portion to the end. I recall us getting a memory card somewhere in/near Sin, and managing to beat the game hours before we had to return the PS2 and disc. Sucked being left with just a PS2 memory card, though.

But yea, I loved this game. :3

Spider RedNight

There are holes in my brain
Oct 8, 2011
I can only think of two counts - Animal Crossing and Okami.

In Animal Crossing, I had a sweet deal going; big house full of stuff I waited and waited for, lots of cash, a peach tree grove occupying a chunk of squares and everything donated to the museum.... except for my prized coelecanth; yeah, I actually CAUGHT one of the damn things in the GC version of Animal Crossing. Next thing I know... My sister wanted to start a new town and erased my data. I was... depressed for a good, long while. I've never caught a coelecanth since.

I had the PS2 version of Okami and after (accidentally) beating it so fast the first time and unlocking all the skins, I decided to do the 100-Bead challenge. Many, many hours and blistered thumbs later and I learn a good couple of weeks later that my friend's cousin went through and deleted EVERYTHING. I was CRUSHED at first but then I realized that he probably didn't know better... OR DID HE.


New member
Nov 30, 2008
I spent days on a minecraft server, making an extensive lighting system that turned on at night and off at day. There was a huge tower that did the same, an elaborate club with secret underground stairway doors that took ages to design... and then the server reset this large square of chunks, only where all my work was. Everyone else's work was fine, all of my work, gone.

I've had photoshop save flattened files and wrong images which have lost me 12 hours of work, that stuff is painful.


Dec 24, 2011
Hawk eye1466 said:
My minecraft world, it had everything and it was glorious but then my laptop's hard drive died or something and then it was all gone. That happened like 2 years ago and I still can't motivate myself to do anything of substance in minecraft.
Oh man I've been there, actually it's happened to me twice, not to mention all the times I've fallen into lava or something and lost all of my items. You just have to learn to accept it and let go, think of it as a chance for a fresh start. There's almost something zen about it, I'm not a Buddhist but this kinda feels like what Buddhism is about.


Social Office Corridor
Mar 31, 2010
Uh. Well I'm sure it's happened to so many people at this point, but the batteries have run out in my Pokemon Red and Gold games. Probably had 600 hours saved up over those two games so that's no fun.