Most devastating loss of a save file


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2010
Actually, there was one time where I lost the save file I had for Skyrim that I've been playing on since launch. You can read all about that horror story here [].

Scarim Coral said:
Time Splitter 3- My bro turn the game off during the saving part. It took me a while to get all the characters and trophies back which was no easy task (some of the challange were bloody hard!
The Enquirer said:
Oofff for me it was the challenge where you need to shoot the waves of zombies. Not the first one, or the last one, but the one with the zombie cows. For anyone just tuning in now, yes, this game has zombie cow carcasses. And they are a fully playable character.

I had an original Xbox once with TS3. I finished the story, a lot of the challenges, unlocked the two extra weapons and a crapload of characters. What I focused on at the end of it though was the Mapmaking. I made a whole lotta cool maps. I made a haunted mansion level that took 3 separate files to encompass all of its floors. One for ground level/basement, one for the second story, and one for the attic/roof. I made a SP weapons research lab map, I made a rainy battlefield map that played REALLY well, I even remade the last level of Doom 2, Icon of Sin, and a great CTF map in the spirit of CTF-Face for Unreal Tournament.

I had all that and more until my Xbox's CD-ROM drive decided to up and die. And since the original Xbox doesn't like it when you try to swap out its parts, I was screwed over. I suppose I probably could have gotten another Xbox and transferred my files over, but I didn't want to spend the money on another Xbox.

And you know what? Even THAT wouldn't have been so bad really if TS3 was compatible with the 360. I still have the map layout plans all basically memorized in my head, so I can recreate them. But NOPE. Now, unless I get another original Xbox, I'll never be able to play Timesplitters or make maps for it ever again.


New member
Sep 25, 2009
Final Fantasy 7. I was at sephiroth, had done so many sidequests and stuff...accidentally deleted it. It was agony to watch it happen.


New member
Nov 22, 2012
Movers stuck the tip of a forklift through a chest containing my playstation gear, luckily consoles got away safe (although the ps2 has a slight dent but other than that fine and working) but my main ps2 memory card was obliterated. All my best ps2 saves, gone like the dodo. So many saves... *sighs*


New member
Apr 8, 2009
It was my own fault...I wanted to play GTA: San Andreas so I kicked my brother off and he said 'make sure you save my file'

So I saved his file OVER my own file...he was about 40 hrs behind me. I never went back to San Andreas after that. That's probably the most devastating loss I have had...there are times when I have lost hours because I forgot to save (as recently as a couple of weeks ago mind you!) but never have I actually lost DAYS/WEEKS of progress since then.


Senior Member
Sep 8, 2010
United States
Had a Mage in Skyrim (XBOX360) that I put 60-70 hrs into and one day i decide you play as a warrior. Accidentally overwrote all of my Mage save points....I haven't played Skyrim since then.

Runner-up would be a my character on Morrowind (XBOX). My brother accidentally saved over both of my save points. Luckily it was only about 20-30 hrs that I lost and I simply went on to create another character.

I really hope that Bethesda fixes their broken save system and actually implements separate profiles for each character in future TES games.


Senior Member
Apr 15, 2009
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2. After a completed Warrior run and half way into a Mentor run. But since the universe is a fair place, after I completed a quick hero run to re-unlock stuff, the game had a case of the hickups and unlocked Master Ninja Mode for me, so I could skip the rest of mentor :)

Saints Row 2 after at least 50h of gaming time.


Ruining videogames
Feb 3, 2011
I had a near 100% Pikmin 2 save that I lost when I found out the hard way that the Wii will corrupt larger GC memory cards. That same problem also ate my 100% completion Megaman X command mission save, my near the end MGS: The Twin Snakes save, my near 100% Kirby Air Ride save, my 100% Metroid Prime 1&2 saves, my 100% luigi's mansion save, and my about halfway finished Custom Robo save. So basically my childhood died with that memory card. it was a sad day ;_;


Most Refined Escapist
Jul 4, 2008
In 2012, after a long time, I finally got back into PC gaming again, starting with Skyrim installing steam on my new laptop due to me being a traveling University student.

Then, earlier this year, that laptop that had seen me through university died, I saved most things... but none of the steam saves made it.

The games I lost progress in include:
Skyrim(60 hours)
Fallout New Vegas(Pisses me off the most. I had what I would call a perfect run, going for all the endings I wanted and was right before finishing the game)
Just Cause 2 (Though this doesn't bother me as much because the journey is where the fun is)
Far Cry 3 (Landed on the second island)
Arkham City (Now I'll never have the satisfaction of beating that stupid green riddler freak)
FTL (I got all the ships except the super secret one. Dammit)
And a bunch of other Roguelikes (Anyone who plays roguelikes and gone through them know how devastating this is)


New member
Jul 1, 2009
Oh boy. Well strangely it all started when I had a Dreamcast. My brother was very young, and one day he was crawling around the living room, the same day I had nearly finished the game Fur Fighters (I didn't have a memory card for some reason so my sister and I had to play from the beginning each time). Anyway he just crawls over to the dreamcast and pushes the reset button. My sister and I just stared in shock to his surprised face and the, admittedly brilliant, start-up screen of the Dreamcast.

Next was when my best friend (and he still is...although after this I wonder why...:p) saved over my Skies of Arcadia master file with his just started game. I was at the final battle. I never made it that far again until 8 years later I found the copy and over several evenings my friends hung out at my place whilst I finished the game for the first time.

Thank God for the Cloud, right?


New member
Sep 9, 2009
When I was young my sister acidently erased my save file for crash bandicoot warped when I was just a few gems away from having all 42.


New member
Oct 24, 2012
shrekfan246 said:
Not so much a "loss" of a save file as "loss of progress that was never saved in the first place"...

Way back in the day, I got Final Fantasy X alongside a PS2 as a Christmas or birthday present one year. But, as my family has never had a massive amount of disposable income and it was after my parents had separated, I didn't have a memory card for said PS2 until about a week later. Well, I obviously didn't want to wait that long to start playing Final Fantasy, so I decided I'd just leave the game on overnight while I was sleeping and throughout the days while I was at school (I can't actually remember if I got it during a holiday or not anymore) and play it when I had free time. That worked pretty well for the most part, and I managed to make it all the way to Mount Gagazet and the third fight against Seymour... where he promptly wiped my party and gave me a game over.
Awww man I did the same thing. Got all the way to the Calm Lands, Ran into a Malboro who inflicted my party with every status effect, and killed everyone.

OT: I had a save file of nearly 100% on San Andreas wiped by accident.

Lazy Kitty

May 1, 2009
My first Minecraft save, which I lost somewhere back in alpha.
Had a crash while messing around with rails on a sky bridge between my base and my quarry.


Jun 5, 2013
Pretty much every save file loss I've encountered has been the work of my own hands, sadly. When Pokemon Bank came out, I sacrificed my Blazikenite Stone, because I have no one who could hold items for me in a trade. Ah well, it's alright. I don't play online much anyway. I just wanted to take all my Pokemon through the single-player again, kinda like a New Game Plus mode.

I was kinda bummed when my first Skyrim file was so polluted with mods that I had to do a fresh install and start over. But once again, my fault. I knew the risks.


Elite Member
Sep 19, 2008
Forgot to save my profile for Mount & Blade before wiping everything: My beautiful Kingdom of Rockhard was gone (Had like half the Map, maybe 50 hours of play)


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Assasins Creed: Revelations.

Uplay stopped working, so I uninstalled and reinstalled it. Now it worked, but somehow all my saves for the game were attached to u-play(wish I'd known that before). Decided I wasn't going to replay the entire game again to get to where I was. Youtubed the important plot bits.


Dec 1, 2011
I've accidentally saved over my file in the first three Ratchet & Clank games at least once each. Other than that I couldn't tell you.


Regular Member
Feb 26, 2014
Minecraft. I've lost several save files of minecraft over the years but the worst one was a world me and two friends had on my laptop with hundreds of hours of work into it. We had build large castles, egalized massive areas of land, made large mob drops etc. And then something went wrong with saving the game while my computer crashed and somebody else was playing on the world as well. I don't know exactly what happened but it ruined the safe file. I couldn't load up the world anymore and when I finally managed to get it back on another computer large parts of the world had dirt blocks where there used to be structures built by us. We now have a new world but damn, were we pissed.

Other bad cases where earthworm jim 3d when I was young. I had 996 of the 1000 marbles in that game and then my dads computer crashed and the save file was lost.

I've also lost all my Mass Effect files. I might want to replay those games to see the new ending (though I heard it was just the old ending with at least some of the plotholes closed) but I would have to start all over from part one (of which I didnt like the gameplay) to make sure default shepard doesn't kill wrex or do other unnecesarily stupid things.


Senior Member
Mar 18, 2011
I had my Fallout 3 save directory corrupted when I was 275-300 hours into the game (I was playing the GOTY version). I had to buy a new keyboard after.