Most disapointing game of 2013


Overly Proud New Yorker
Dec 18, 2008
Vedrenne said:
soren7550 said:
Diablo III
- Uninteresting story.
- Piss easy.
The story was pretty bad (Lets have Deckard Cain get killed by a character that does sweet f.a. after the beginning of the Second Act).

But how the heck was Diablo 3 easy? Unless you mean post nerf, in which case I agree wholeheartedly, but before the nerfs came in Diablo 3 was nails, especially when using a Witch Doctor.

But this is entirely moot as D3 came out in 2012, not 2013.
The only problem either the boyfriend or I encountered was with the Goatmen section, the rest of the game we breezed through (and no, we weren't on Easy, and we have never played any Diablo game before).

And it still counts since we played it on the console version, which came out in 2013.
May 29, 2011
I don't know why people had such high expectations for infinite after bioshock 2 anyway. Played it, the combat was fun - not well designed but a lot of FUN - and the plot was fine but kinda fell apart at the end.

Well then again I don't really understand the concept of hyping anyway. Maybe I'm just dead inside, but I don't go into a game with some immense sense of excitement. Why the hell would I?

The primary evidence for a games quality is actually playing the damn game since quality is entirely subjective in most areas, it doesn't matter if it got praised to the skies, you're an individual and you might not like it.

The highest point excitement should reach before you actually play a game is "this seems interesting, I'll give it a try".


New member
Oct 5, 2009
chstens said:
Hero of Lime said:
Cue the Last of Us theme...

Alright, I won't say the game was bad, but it tried too hard to endear its players to it's characters, story, setting, etc. Felt like Oscar bait more than anything. I didn't enjoy myself as much as the critics made me think I would. Someone here will probably tell me I was not supposed to "enjoy" The Last of Us considering the dreary tone, but I play games to have some kind of fun, not extra realistic depression. The cliches really killed it for me too, the story and character interaction was heralded as the best thing since sliced bread. Plus, I really disliked Ellie's character, I would've totally been cool with her being sacrificed for the greater good.
Not to mention the controls were wonky and the encounters were straight up boring.
That was my issue with it. I was loving the story, and the acting, the writing, and so on, but the gameplay just annoyed the shit out of me. I had to just stop playing, despite how much I was enjoying the story. I'd much rather have someone play this game for me. Sadly, I feel that about all Naughty Dog games. The gameplay just isn't... fun, I guess.

Poetic Nova

Pulvis Et Umbra Sumus
Jan 24, 2012
GTAV/Online for me.

2 out of 3 character where fun to play as and written pretty well, but damn the storyline (if there was one) isn't memorable, No replay value and the Online part is just downright broken/unfun. Overhyped bullcrap in my (blatant but) honest oppinion.

I enjoy'd the 30 hours I've put in it (again due to 2out of 3 fun to play as characters) but it left me with the feeling that I should've never bought it, just like I had with Halo4. Both games grew stale really quick.

Robert Marrs

New member
Mar 26, 2013
Bioshock infinite. I suppose its a good game in its own right but I feel like it lost all of the charm I had come to expect from the bioshock series. Everything just felt hollow. Some of that might be my fault for riding the hype train for two years straight but I still have not finished that game due to getting bored, not playing for a few months and then starting over because I can't remember what is going on in the story.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
I think I'm going to take the wild-card choice by picking Game & Wario. It looked pretty neat and I thought I'd get more out of it but as it turned out, it was just another compilation of shallow tech demos. At least Nintendo Land was included with my Wii U and now Wii U's are being sold with 2 actual games! Then wasn't it revealed that some Game & Wario games were meant to be bundled onto the Wii U hardware as their own apps? I can't remember which...


Elite Member
Mar 17, 2010
Gears Of War Judgment

Seriously, the announcement trailer made it look like hardcore, rough and tumble Gears of War, exactly what a Gears game should be. And it's not that it wasn't that but it took out so many things that made Gears great. There's way too many problems I have with it so I'm just going to leave my biggest problem: They took out the curb stomp.


God of War Ascension

To be fair, it's not really a bad game, but it is easily the weakest God Of War console game to date. I was going to call it the weakest God Of War game but I haven't played the PSP games so I don't know.

Dark Knifer

New member
May 12, 2009
teamcharlie said:
Everybody's up in arms about princesses and love stories now, so we can't have them anymore. We can have strippers in DNF, we can have brofists, and we can have heroes. But we cannot have the kind of love that would imply an emotional attachment and heterosexual sex unless that is half the selling point of the game (the ME series, for example). That bums me out.

I knew bioshock infinite wouldn't do that because of all the uproar and, like last of us, they want to be seen as some kind of saviour of gaming so they didn't do that.

But it does bother me that I know of no game in existence that does romance well. It happens in movies, books even real life but not in games and this annoys me.

OT: Probably bioshock infinite as the more I reflect on it the more I forget the story, characters and gameplay. I feel it relied too much on the appearance and voice acting of elizabeth to endear her to us but the writing is subpar and she doesn't feel like much of a character.

Also the gameplay is exceptionally dull and samey and feels completely isolated from the story. Almost like turn based combat in final fantasy felt compared to the cutscenes.

Pink Gregory

New member
Jul 30, 2008
So, Bioshock Infinite, most hated game of the year? Gotcha. I loved it, personally, you ain't gon' change my mind, then again I wasn't about the hype-train.

As such, I haven't been disappointed this year.


New member
Dec 23, 2013
You might be surprised coming from a hardcore XCOM fan with many hours in game and playing only Impossible Ironman.

Unfortunately I cannot but admit the horrible bugs the game still has that makes ironman become iron-nerves, the unplayability and exploitation of multi-player to the point of making the ranked matches totally a joke (and me begging on Steam discussions to find a friend to multi-play because it IS still, fun, damn it...). The crashes of Enemy Within, OMG THE CRASHES! And the lack of a Map Editor tool or an official modding support that would replace the lack of random generated maps for keeping the suspense and re-playability (like the good old UFO Defense).

If all these were fixed and addressed, I think it would be wining this year's Readers Choice.

It is the kind of blind passion, what you love is what you hate at the same time.

Dunno if anyone has felt this. :)


New member
Nov 27, 2013
Mass Effect 3, Assassins Creed 3, Command & Conquer 4, Dragon Age 2 were most disappointing for me. 


New member
Dec 28, 2013

I was burned by SimCity and Rome 2 but nothing, NOTHING pissed me off like X-Rebirth did. Most of the features were either broken or missing. Saves constantly getting corrupted and if anyone knows anything about a X game, you don't want to lose your saves after putting lots of time into a game. The game also can't even run at decent fps. Most I could ever get it to was around 25 and that is with a Nvidia 780.

I've tried to get a refund but Steam just keeps saying no. Still trying even though quite a few have managed to.


New member
May 31, 2011
beastro said:
kingthrall said:
Rome Total failure 2, yet again another peace of absolute shoddy designer-ship by Sega. Seriously if you want to know which company should be rated worse than EA, Sega should take the crown.
Blame Creative Assembly. They kept acting as if ETW and NTW were the rough patch to get over in a new era of the series, but it didn't get better in my opinion and it's the big reason why I avoided it and am not surprised to read it's a mess.

They really hit the high mark with Medieval II and need to bring back its level of moddablity to the series.
Sega are also partially responsible for Alien colonel marines. Sega keep making stupid deadlines or CA are being utterly lazy, either way the responsibility falls on both of them. I actually enjoyed Empire more than medieval II but only with darthmod. and IMO if they made the Rome total war 2 engine with the 5 minute arcade style battles and that sort of style with the empire total war engine they would of hit the mark slightly more better with much more access to mod.
Sep 24, 2008
MrHide-Patten said:
And half the thread is of Bioshock Infinite, look at us the delightful anal rententive rampscallions of game communities. Then I suppose I didn't love the original to get 'you just killed my puppy' disappointed.

That honor I reserve for FUSE. The change in tone and art style, saddening, was fully ready for the game to blow chunks. Somewhat surpised by the demo, Bought the game. Played it, booted for not being online, Sunset Overdrive can go be shit on the Xbox One. Insominac makes great single player adentures, but when they add mutiplayer it's like the purposely sectioned the development team.

I'm looking forward to Burial At Sea Episode 2. Whiney plebs.
I wasn't going to respond in this thread until you reminded me of Fuse.

I still look at the Overstrike trailer and get thrills. Literal. Thrills. Shivers of fun and excitement go up and down my spine and I'm just atwitter with joy.

Then I remember the words of the stupid designer []
"As we began to develop these Fuse weapons, we realized we wanted to push the limits, push the boundaries, and make them do all sorts of things, from creating wormholes that suck dudes into it to Magshield blasts that liquify enemies. And at that point the game started to take on more of a serious tone. This was something that the team responded well to and we were getting a lot of momentum, and we realized that Fuse became much bigger than just the small team [you play as].

"This game had themes around what happens when humans get their hands on this alien technology, and we wanted to explore that more, and not focus it so much on this 'A-Team' type group."...

"We love crazy weapons at Insomniac, and with this new direction we can just take the handcuffs off and go for it and do crazy crap to enemies, and it feels really good when you're playing this," said Ted.
Yes, Ted. Because there aren't tons of games that are out there that we can't do crazy crap to enemies. That's why we are so thirsty for some personality, fun, and simple joy that we all felt when we first saw the Overstrike trailer. That's why the tons and tons and TONS OF REPLIES ON THE OVERSTRIKE YOUTUBE TRAILER [] are still begging and pleading and wanting to know why, WHY this game that made us all feel hype... genuine, honest to goodness hype again was changed.

No one is saying that we are happy with the cool guns.

Everyone is saying we liked the personality and tone of that trailer. Up until a week ago. And this is just one youtube video. Who knows how many are out there.

But it's ok. We got cool guns that enables us to do cool, crazy shit to enemies.

Don't tell me the rising cost of games, giant development groups and companies needing to make millions upon millions back to cover their losses in developing the game is the reason we'll get another crash. Overstrike becoming Fuse is the reason. These horrendous, myopic perception of what these small teams think will be cool and completely ignoring the world at large saying 'we love what you're doing, don't change a thing'... that's the reason the game industry is doing poorly.

2013 was the poster child of a bloated, bland, soul sucked clean game. Everything I felt hyped for, gone. Test marketed to dullness. My voice, your voice, everyone's voice was ignored, because they looked for the Call of Duty gamer to tell them if they liked this other game. because they felt those are the loyal gamers, and they needed to get them on board.

I didn't even know I had this much anger. But I just looked at the Overstrike trailer again. And Ted Price... I hope to all that is just that you were forced to do this by EA. I hoped they told you that either you make your game more like Battlefield or you get your budget pulled. Because if they didn't... if you and your team really made these choices yourself, well...

Fuse's annual sales for 2013 is 56,404. Globally. []

Either start listening to what gamers actually want or start a new career. I honestly wish you the best.


New member
Jan 6, 2012
kingthrall said:
beastro said:
kingthrall said:
Rome Total failure 2, yet again another peace of absolute shoddy designer-ship by Sega. Seriously if you want to know which company should be rated worse than EA, Sega should take the crown.
Blame Creative Assembly. They kept acting as if ETW and NTW were the rough patch to get over in a new era of the series, but it didn't get better in my opinion and it's the big reason why I avoided it and am not surprised to read it's a mess.

They really hit the high mark with Medieval II and need to bring back its level of moddablity to the series.
Sega are also partially responsible for Alien colonel marines. Sega keep making stupid deadlines or CA are being utterly lazy, either way the responsibility falls on both of them. I actually enjoyed Empire more than medieval II but only with darthmod. and IMO if they made the Rome total war 2 engine with the 5 minute arcade style battles and that sort of style with the empire total war engine they would of hit the mark slightly more better with much more access to mod.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed ETW the most out of the series, it's just sad going back to play MTW2 or playing an EU3 mod and being reminded of how shallow ETWs world map is.


New member
Jul 6, 2010
Grand Theft Auto V - Same old shit different day. Oh wow.. 3 lead characters to play.. story is still boring and very very thin. Online hype was a joke, its pretty much broken and I dont see it being fixed without probably DLC. All in all it was a major cash grab for Rockstar and thats it.

Khanht Cope

New member
Jul 22, 2011
Tomb Raider. Not that I hated it or anything; but in many aspects it was so insufferably safe, blasé and cowardly. So disjointed, so many missed opportunities, squandered potential and sheer terror of straying from well-worn mainstream triple A formula in any engaging way.

There were a number of things that I liked, some of them quite a lot; but I wanted a lot of things about it to be a lot better than they were.