Most disapointing game of 2013


New member
Oct 26, 2008
Rblade said:
elizabeth was in my eyes the best executed sidekick to date
A non character is your best executed sidekick to date? She was not a good character and as a sidekick she did fuck all except throw you shit, which in some cases was helpful, other not so much. The plot makes a huge thing about Comstock trying to get her back yet in all combat scenarios the enemies just flat out ignored her. If she was supposed to be a good sidekick/burden/escort mission/whatever they should have gone the RE4 route with her.

Hero of Lime

Staaay Fresh!
Jun 3, 2013
Cue the Last of Us theme...

Alright, I won't say the game was bad, but it tried too hard to endear its players to it's characters, story, setting, etc. Felt like Oscar bait more than anything. I didn't enjoy myself as much as the critics made me think I would. Someone here will probably tell me I was not supposed to "enjoy" The Last of Us considering the dreary tone, but I play games to have some kind of fun, not extra realistic depression. The cliches really killed it for me too, the story and character interaction was heralded as the best thing since sliced bread. Plus, I really disliked Ellie's character, I would've totally been cool with her being sacrificed for the greater good.

Though I remember God of War Ascension, don't get me started on that one. I will say I liked the environments better than God of Wart 3, but everything else was very disappointing. I'll complain about one thing, they introduced an element mechanic for the Blade of Chaos, but it made no difference to the combat. That is lousy.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Hero of Lime said:
Cue the Last of Us theme...

Alright, I won't say the game was bad, but it tried too hard to endear its players to it's characters, story, setting, etc. Felt like Oscar bait more than anything. I didn't enjoy myself as much as the critics made me think I would. Someone here will probably tell me I was not supposed to "enjoy" The Last of Us considering the dreary tone, but I play games to have some kind of fun, not extra realistic depression. The cliches really killed it for me too, the story and character interaction was heralded as the best thing since sliced bread. Plus, I really disliked Ellie's character, I would've totally been cool with her being sacrificed for the greater good.
Not to mention the controls were wonky and the encounters were straight up boring.


Jun 29, 2008
It was Company of Heroes 2 for me. I loved the first one and its expansions and I was really looking forward to it. It was basically exactly the same as the first one but ran like shit, and the story... oh, god the story. It's like their whole "historic research" consisted of watching Enemy at the Gates three times. It's especially bad when you consider how well they handled the campaign with German protagonists in the expansion for the first one.


New member
Jan 2, 2013
Skyrim. Hands down. Even if it didn't come out in 2013, it would be the most disappointing game of 2013. Skyrim is the ultimate disappointment in gaming for me since Metal Gear Solid.
Yup, I said it.

Sarah Kerrigan

New member
Jan 17, 2010
I'll have to say the New Animal Crossing. Though it wasn't bad, don't get me wrong, I just was severally dissapointed by it, and I felt no reason for me to be addicted to it like I was the other games.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
I was going to say Call of Duty Ghosts, but after reading some of these other posts, I remembered two others: Gears of War Judgement and Batman Arkham Origins.

I'm not sure which of those three let me down the most, but they all let me down. I think, if I had to pick, it would be Ghosts. Gears of War was about Baird, and he is my favorite out of everyone. Wish they hadn't toned his character down so much, but it was still enjoyable to finally have him as the main character, even if the story was a mess.

Batman started out fun. That fight against Deathstroke was epic. But after the half-way point, just after you fight Bane for the first time, the game just started to drag for me. I lost interest in the side quests and just wanted to get it over with.

Ghosts though...Ghosts never hit any of the right buttons for me. I do like the CoD franchise because sometimes I enjoy simply blowing stuff up and face-paced action, but the single player in Ghosts just didn't have any of that. Too much sneaking around, the U.S. (for being backed against the wall) never felt like it was in any danger, and the characters just annoyed me to no end.


Elite Member
Aug 24, 2010
Most Disappointing?
Dead Rising 3 by a mile.

Dead Rising was always known for fun, vibrancy, and challenge
Dead Rising 3 has none of those elements, it's a stain on the franchise.

(But honestly I didn't have my hopes up for any other game this year... so take that as you will.)


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
nogitsune said:
Gone Home...
Yikes, I just bought this as it made so many top 10 lists. I stopped reading your post to avoid spoilers. It was only $10. On the other hand, I've "wasted" $60 on GTA5 which is, for me, so far, an un-fun mess and is also getting praised to high heavens.

I think my boy, who asked me to get it, has really enjoyed it. For me, I can get past the opening act. I can't hit the broad side of a barn with their gun firing mechanic. Just... not... fun.

gamernerdtg2 said:
Skyrim. Hands down. Even if it didn't come out in 2013, it would be the most disappointing game of 2013. Skyrim is the ultimate disappointment in gaming for me since Metal Gear Solid.
Yup, I said it.
I bought it an age ago, was disappointed, let it sit for a year, then discovered modding. Very dull game without modding. But then, I was doing things like being invulnerable and making the moon into a Death Star and it was a hoot.


New member
Oct 1, 2012
DmC: Devil May Cry, but i've talked way too much about that shlock already.
The fact that it won't be getting a sequel and the REAL DMC5 is being considered by Inafune should tell you something about how well it did.

Soooo Arkham Origins.
I wasn't very hyped, not as much as I was for City, and it was because it was a prequel.
Then I went ahead and rented the game... and its just didn't stick with me. The combat was fun but barely improved on when compared to City which amped up Asylum's insanely. Deathstroke was the highlight boss battle of the game but my god what happened after it again?! There were other villains right?! Game was performing great until the abundance of bugs I found kept forming up as thugs started becoming one with the cars i'd punch them into... And stealth was actually a drag, one of my favorite elements from the last 2 games actually bored me!

It was by no means a bad game, its was just kind of gray and soulless compared to its predecessors.


Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012

I wasn't expecting the big budget AAA graphics, but so much of it was recycled time and time over by the end. The antagonists being ridiculously easy to evade by the squeeze-points also zapped any sense of dread they could instill. About halfway through it became comedic to simply slide through a narrow point and laugh at the poor lummox. The final final boss just seemed to be there, and float by, in a non-payoff to the massive buildup to it.


New member
Dec 9, 2013
Starcraft II

Matchmaking systems is too strict. Whoever it was who made the idea that win loss ratios have to be around 50% for everyone should of been fired. Not a single match after you play around 20 or so games is enjoyable. Can't sit back and enjoy the game when every single match has to be treated like grand finals at MLG.


New member
Jan 19, 2012
Ni No Kuni. Granted, I didn't play a ton of games this year, and the story and presentation of this game were legitimately charming, but it was aggressively slow at times, the sidequests were super grindy, and most importantly, the battle system was laughably flawed. The terrible AI, the awkward pathfinding, the arbitrary nature of when creatures would actually attack during their attack command, the awful MP cost to benefit of spell ratio, and the way that any target-all, special animation attack would cancel your exceedingly long spell/item use animations completely, whether cast by enemy, ally, or completely uncontrollable fairy companion. It's an embarassment that the most efficient way to fight by far is just basic attacks and potions when necessary.

books of war 13

New member
Jul 1, 2011
Yeah it's Bioshock Infinite I only picked it up a couple of days ago, in the steam sale and I played through it (Christmas holiday WOOO!!) and to be honest at first at I thought it was pretty cool and awesome for the first half of the game at least but then... I have no idea what happened in the second half of the game the developers suddenly decide to be lazy maybe? I mean everything just falls apart narrative, gameplay, central themes, etc. Yep Bioshock is the disappointment of the year.

vIRL Nightmare

New member
Jul 30, 2013
Battlefield 4.I was so excited for the experience, but bug after crash after bug has utterly ruined the experience for me. I can't play for an hour with out at least two crashes, it takes minutes for textures to render and for audio to play. The inside joke between my friends and I is when something doesn't work or when half of us have to reboot our consoles we say, "Only in battlefield".

I would have said GTA online battlefield 4 takes the cake. Both games having inexcusable issues.


In the name of Harman...
May 11, 2012
Gone Home, for sure. I probably would have felt a lot better about it if I had spent 5 bucks on it or something, but the asking price for the experience I was given is ridiculous. I figured out the "big reveal" way before the game expected me to, meaning I spent most of the game thinking that I was building up to something that never actually happened. Also, what family leaves notes and personal messages all about their house, specifically addressed to a person that is supposed to be in another country? The best thing I can say about it is that the aforementioned expectation was enough to carry me to the disappointing ending. The Stanley Parable does the whole "non-combat, first-person exploration narrative experience that subverts expectations" thing with much better execution and with a lesser asking price.

Just to pick another one, Bioshock Infinite. Please don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that it's bad. I've beaten it on normal and hard, completed all of the CitC waves, and finished Burial at Sea 1. It's probably the best showcase of visual inspiration and design in all of 3D gaming. It's just that Bioshock 1 happens to have existed already, and Infinite was a total lobotomy that I should have seen coming. I couldn't get on board with the regenerating shield, boring and ordinary weapons, boring bullet-sponge enemies, 2 weapon limit, removal of the hacking mechanic, boring and uninspired weapon upgrades, major reduction in exploration (making the scrounging mechanic feel out of place), and batshit story that starts relying on "because time travel and infinite universes" as a crutch to move things forward.

Building up to release, I was excited for a game that took the Bioshock formula to 11, exploring America and religion the way that objectivism was explored previously, with a huge open-ended city in the sky as open and free as Rapture was oppressive and crushing. Maybe that's my fault, but Infinite feels like Levine's attempt to trick CoD or Halo fans into something "deeper" than they're used to while making bank in the process. It just doesn't feel like a labor of love.


New member
Jun 24, 2013
+1 for the last of us.

I had really high hopes for this, although I am not an extreme fan of uncharted, Naughty dog usually at least put some effort into their games: Big set pieces, great tone, something that shows where the money went. But The last of us was just.. boring. The setting was unoriginal, the characters were unlikeable, the gameplay was uninspired and just felt ripped from other games.

All in all, a huge disappointment.