Most disappointing game?


New member
May 8, 2008
666thHeretic said:
shatnershaman said:
Portal, wasn't fun wasn't funny short as hell.
You are a bad man. A bad man with no taste.

For me, it would be Half-Life 2. Now, I didn't play it a lot, but I was expecting this game to be so good that by the end I would rather another playthrough to sex (that's how big the hype was, I shit you not). And then it took me ages to find a damn crowbar. I'm not saying it's bad, I'm just saying I was expecting it to make everything I had ever loved pale in comparison and it didn't even come close.
You are a bad man. A bad man with no tolerance.


New member
Jun 4, 2008
Gothic 3...good god, it looked so pretty on the back. Then, because of me not doing my research and bloody homework, I found out it's so full of bugs and graphic failures, and it's SO easy to remap the configurations in DOS and CHEAT. It was released with bugs so bad, I had graphics troubles on a highend compter with the highest recommended graphics card. Though I must say, it turned out to make an excellent shuriken.


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Jun 5, 2008
If I may briefly heroicaly leap to Fahrenheit's defense, it was originaly going to be episodic, but Quantic Dream ran out of cash and time and were forced to cram what they had into the game, that's why the story seems to crap all over itself in the final hours.

Kane and Lynch: I remember watching the trailers over and over, thinking 'wow a gritty urban crime drama with awesome music' what we got was a game with difficult set peices, several glitches, and a final act that making the game unsure if it was supposed to be Kane and Lynch or Ghost bloody Recon.

Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3): Loading time, glitches around every corner, pointless 'lives' system, non-sensical plot, pointless town sections and that damn loading time! The list goes on, it was like 'next gen' was just something that happened to other people.


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Jun 4, 2008
Battlefield:Modern Combat. My pc blows and cant run any games hardly. I get all excited hearing that Battlefield is an awesome series then to my disappointment this game sucks more than a black hole.


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May 13, 2008
Firewarrior because it had such a great line up and then it was just crap (I'm traited-SM to all you 40k players, find me on the bolter and chainsword)

Halo 3. I seem to be the only person genuinely hating the Halo series (although I liked the original). I just generally detest sequels I think.

Doom 3 because I'd prefer to go back to my original doom with my duct-tape-on-mars mods and less predictability.

Probably the biggest one though is Crysis. I know a few of the development team on the game and was really psyched about getting it, then right near the end they start telling me "we're cutting story out to make release date on time" and the game just went to shit. Damned corporate getting in the way.


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Nov 30, 2007
JP Trespasser. Hasn't been mentioned yet so I guess I'll add it in right here. The hype was huge for me, a whole new graphics engine, a new physics engine, and the fact that they were finally making a real FPS out of Jurassic Park. Then they released it, I threw my copy away after the first time I played it, and I picked up a copy of Half-Life a few months later.


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May 10, 2008
Sim City Societies. It is what made me hate EA and go running to Stardock for my RTS fix.

The only reason I might still have any hope for EA is Battlefield Heroes.


New member
Apr 13, 2008
this is mearly a prediction, but im going to assume spore isn't going to live up to the hype
...endlessly delayed
...not to outstanding graphics
...mostly the endlessly delayed part, never a good sign, plus for a game that immense there have to be practically no glitches, yet they seem to be taking a long time to patch things up
sadly, i shall still be first in line to pick up this game

moving onto reality, i found any sequel in the dune series to be garbage, especially after the groundbraking first game (that and the books of course)

Duck Sandwich

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Dec 13, 2007
Phantasy Star Online: At first I thought "Man, this is awesome." Then I realized that all the weapons had that same 3 hit combo, all the enemies were complete dumbasses, the targeting system was inaccurate, and your character would always walk a few steps and then moderately jog whenever you moved the control stick in any given direction.


New member
Jan 22, 2008
shatnershaman said:
Portal, wasn't fun wasn't funny short as hell.
Personally I think portal is the best singleplayer game ever, but that's just me. Did you not get to the cake perhaps? :p

About the most dissapointing game:
Battlefield 2: I have been playing BF 1942 pretty much since the beginning, and played the Desert Combat mod since patch 0.6 or so. The DC mod of BF42 is still my favorite onlinie game, if only ppl would still be playing CTF... Everybody in my clan was looking forward to BF2. We all played the demo, that was cool, but I thought the demo was a version they would seek to improve by patching it properly. They didn't... In a game that is mostly multiplayer orientated you would expect a descent server browser to start with. The server browser in that game is the worst I have ever seen. It didn't even support pasting of IP's, wich was my solution when I was fed up with not being able to find a proper server through the server browser. So I'd end up doing: *[alt]+[tab] to xfire, find a server, write down IP, [alt]+[tab] back to BF2, *fill in IP and then connect. It was also not possible to change name anyhow after you have chosen one without having to start all over again with a new name. Unless you started playing after patch 1.2 or somat, cous that would allow a tag of 8 char. or so. But of course I allready had many unlocks on my account by then. The most dissapointing thing for me was that there was no CTF included, and I didnt find any of the great things Trauma Studio's did in DC back in BF2. Shotgun was utterly useless, it was not possible to jump and shoot at the same time. I can go on for a while... When you finally got used to the game as it was, EA would fuck it up with a rediculous patch. I got more obsessed that getting a good ranking than to have a good game, also becouse everybody can check your rank online and see exactly how good or bad you are. The ranks also took rediculously long to gain (6th rank at about 50 hours of gameplay, 8th rank at more than 200 hours...) I Actually after the first unlocks the stats didn't really serve any purpose other than bragging about it. I ended up selling the game. Playing Cod4 now with the rest of my clan.

Rinus out.

*EDIT: yeah I know they patched up server browser a bit, but it still is the shittyest I ever seen.


New member
May 8, 2008
Rinus said:
shatnershaman said:
Portal, wasn't fun wasn't funny short as hell.
Personally I think portal is the best singleplayer game ever, but that's just me. Did you not get to the cake perhaps? :p


New member
May 13, 2008
ccjav said:
this is mearly a prediction, but im going to assume spore isn't going to live up to the hype
...endlessly delayed
...not to outstanding graphics
...mostly the endlessly delayed part, never a good sign, plus for a game that immense there have to be practically no glitches, yet they seem to be taking a long time to patch things up
sadly, i shall still be first in line to pick up this game
Duke Nukem Forever...

The Potato Lord

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Dec 20, 2007
Final Fantasy Crystal chronicles; I had been saving up money to get it because it looked awesome and fun and even had four player co-op. So I bought it to find out that in order to play multiplayer I had to buy THREE FREAKIN' MORE GC -> GBA ADAPTERS!!! so in order to enjoy this game to the fullest and justify my purchase I buy them. I eventually got my two sisters and my cousin to play it with me so we could have a complete party. We got everyone fresh batteries made sure all the cables worked and all that. Then we had to create characters which took a Half-hour. then we finally got to start playing only to have one of the most useless tutorials ever shoved into my face. so an hur later we finally got to the first dungeon and entered it. I was excited to finally play thye game but we had to listeen to some random woman go on about a disjointed and completly unrelated story first and finally after all hinderances had been cleared and gameplay finally began.. it was essentially Gauntlet.

biggest dissappointment ever... It actually made me cry because of the $100 to $110 I had just pumped into this game(I was about 11 or 12 at the time so i wasn't loaded with spare cash to buy games) that had virtually no story(there probably was some sort of story going on in the background but i didn't see it), boring gameplay and so full of repettion it was leaking out of the character's eyes.


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Mar 25, 2008
Final Fantasy X-2: The level design, graphics and general level of gameplay made me shift from loving JRPGs to running away form them screaming "Never again!"

Fullmetal Alchemist:Dual Sympathies (Nintendo DS): Having just finished the first Fullmetal Alchemist game for the PS2 which is great fun. I grabbed the DS title right away. While I was expecting a fun, Double Dragon style adventure game after the 30 minutes it took to beat it I found myself feeling robbed.

(No I will not chirp on again about Army of Two thought that dead horse could use a rest.)


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Simple. Only three games I was truly looking forward to and was thusly greatly let down by.

Homeworld 2

None of the above really lived up to their predecessors legacy of greatness. Sad really.


New member
Jun 5, 2008
Resident Evil 4. Leon was an incredible pain in the ass to control. And making him unable to move while aiming was a terrible idea. The shooting was pretty fun, until headshots resulted in parasites coming out of the enemy's head. At that point it seemed like the game wanted you to avoid shooting the head.

Jericho. I bought it despite terrible reviews, and it was actually pretty fun, with an entertaining story and good voice acting, but the suicide freaks completely ruined it for me. After having to revive my entire team for the 400th time, I wanted to shove the disk down the developers throats for creating one of the most irritating and ball-busting enemies ever. I stopped playing after I couldn't get past Delgado's solo area. A Damn shame though, since I really wanted to finish the story.


New member
May 21, 2008
AdamBomb said:
This is good stuff guys, I just thought of another one that escaped my memory earlier,

Rainbow Six Vegas 2. I really don't know what I was expecting here, because I absolutely loved the first one. But this just seemed like an exact copy and past of RSV 1. Am I wrong to assume that a sequel should take what was bad or wrong about the first game and improve on it, while leaving in what was good the first time around? If I am please tell me.

And I agree about Assassin's Creed. I was told it was great and exciting, and it turned out to be neither.

I noticed I seem to have pre-ordered a lot of these games that I was disappointed in. I hope Bourne Conspiracy and Star Wars: Force Unleashed don't follow that trend :(
Im with you on Bourne Conspiracy, love the movies, and the game looks great, but i got that feeling that it'll be a giant failure