Most embarrassing thing you have said to a girl.

vento 231

New member
Dec 31, 2009
Nothing around someone I like, but this one broad told me to go to hell, and I was just jealous of her, and I agreed, and told her I'm jealous I couldn't grow as good of a mustache as her. Yes, I know, I was kinda ninja'd.

Zackary Yakumo

New member
Mar 29, 2010
I was with a girl who liked me and a rap song came on, so i started singing. halfway through i looked over at her and she slapped me, not realizing i was singing along with a song and not talk to her. now I hate rap.


New member
Mar 13, 2009
effilctar said:
"***** you belong to me now" with a backhand across the face for emphasis.

As you may have guessed, I am an undercover pimp.
You gotta keep that pimp hand strong.


New member
Jan 18, 2010
Telling a female friend that our friendship was purely carnal. One dictionary look by her on the word "carnal" and several slaps later, we're still friends.


New member
May 20, 2010
"A rope like that is strong enough to hold up someone quite heavy... Even you!"

Thank god when I said that I was young, small, and cute..... Okay mostly young.


I forgot what this was before...
Jul 10, 2009
Not really saying anything but i actually drooled. Yep, you predict the end of that story.


I'm stuck because demonic spider
Sep 29, 2009
I had a girl that seemed totally into me, like you know, she did all the things that you do when you are into someone, and then when I asked her out she straight out rejected me.

Misleading *****.

But yeah, that was awkward.


New member
Jul 25, 2009
In high school grade 10 I finally worked up the courage to ask a girl if we could spend more time together, since I like her. I find her and tell her what I think is going on between us and that we should go out. She looks at me like I'm some weirdo and says "who are you?" I say, "what? You know who I am, we see each other every day." Then she says "oh you must be talking about my sister" while stifling laughs. "Oh, well, then disregard what I've said then..." Turns out they're twins or one's older by a year or something.

Probably the first time I've been embarrassed.


New member
Feb 13, 2010
FargoDog said:
When I was in a really bad mood I said this.

'I'm sorry, I can't go out to town with you. Why? Because I really, really don't like you. Even as a person.'

I felt so bad after that..
Hahaha, oh man, dude that's pretty rough. Must have been a really bad mood no?
On topic, I was once sitting with a girl I like just casually flirting, when I go in to cop a feel ( don't judge me, she was flirting a lot). when I'm goin down her legs I notice that she hasn't shaved in awhile. Genius that I am, I say "Damn, when was the last time you shaved your legs". Smooth right?


New member
Oct 2, 2008
"...alright, if you insist on lying prone on a table while talking to me, will you at least buy a freaking proper shirt..."
[implying I can see too much boob]
"What? You don't like them?"
[Sly grin]
[This was where I literally ran off]

capin Rob

New member
Apr 2, 2010
Girl With One Eye said:
Well my most embarrasing story with a boy:

Me and one of my friends were in a bar. There was an attractive guy looking at us and my friend encouraged me to go and talk to him (I've never approached a guy at a bar before). Anyway I went up to him and said something lame like "did you see something you liked", he replied "yeah...your friend is hot".

That is soooooo funny! :)


New member
Jun 19, 2010
I woke up one Mornning and just because I know my girlfreinds reaction I said

Mornning Love, Gonna shave your mustache?

She grabbed my gillette rayzor and pointed to my balls....

A few hours later...I had my shower...No she did not castrate me.... lol


New member
Jan 6, 2008
RanD00M said:
Shinigami214 said:
I still cringe when I remember the look on her face.
Did she cry? Because if she din't.Then I am disappointed in you.

OT:I never really talk to women.So saying something embarrassing is not all that common for me.And I can't remember anything.
Yeah, she did. Profusely. In a corner while surrounded by her friends as they threw death-ray looks in my direction.


New member
Jan 6, 2008
Evil the White said:
Jackalb said:
Evil the White said:
I said something that somehow meant I was met with the response "So you think I'm a pole dancer?", to which I replied "No, but I wouldn't mind seeing you having a go at it."
I salute you, good sir.
[Also stealing your line and am going to manoeuvre it into conversation somehow]
Go for it, I just can't remember what I said to get round to that. Something about hot pants pajamas and some photos. I just consider myself lucky that I managed to turn it around. But unlucky enough to date a girl who doesn't respond well to that sort of thing xD
Bloody ace line.

I'll be damned if I can't slip that into a conversation somehow.


New member
Jan 6, 2008
J03bot said:
Popadomus Ohio said:
" in desperate...DESPERATE need... of a girlfriend... and you looked so... well oh shit". just a warning to anyone out on the pull, that isn't a good line to pull on anyone.
Heh... This would be a lot funnier if I hadn't done this myself...

I've occasionally played a game with friends where we spend the evening suggesting cheesy chat-up lines for each other to use. So, any night where I've done that probably wins. Personal favourite?
"That dress looks great on you. It would look even better accelerating towards the floor at 9.81 metres per second squared"
Does not work, even if you're talking to a physicist.

The most embarrassing thing I have heard anyone say to a girl though, was when a friend of mine was on the pull - he was obsessed/strange enough to keep count of the number of girls he'd pulled in the year, and it was a white t-shirt party - you wear a plain white t-shirt, and people write on it. So someone had written "33 pulls - will you be number 34?" on it.
Whilst dancing with a girl who was slightly shocked by the above slogan, he cracked out this line:
"You may be number 34, but you'll always be number 1 to me"
The single most embarrassing thing I have heard a human being utter. And it worked, somehow...
Both those lines are laden with win. Its not the content, which is only moderately funny, its the panache with which they must be delivered that establishes them as winners or not.

As always, confidence will either get you laid or see you fade.
Jun 11, 2008
cuddly_tomato said:
"Your moustache is distracting me"

I really don't advise this one unless you are a connoisseur of feminine rage.
I really think that this one wins this thread although there are some good ones. I think the worst thing I have said is telling a girl that I like her and being rejected.

knight steel

New member
Jul 6, 2009
thahat said:
knight steel said:
Dear escapist the question is simple what is the most embarrassing you have said to a person of the opposite gender.Let me start first i was at a party and i ran into a girl i knew slightly on the dance floor and i said.........

"what do i have to do to get inside of you,just ask and i will do anything you want me to there is no limit to how far i will go, I'm sure i can pretend to be a gentleman if you want"

So yeah now it's your turn (and don't look at me like that T_T)
how did that end up for you XD?

OT:i was describing in lots of scentances about how great the view was.
and ended up adding 'but howerever great the view was, its not as great as you ^^'
Well it turns out that i was [kinda] quoting one of her fav songs:

[i had been listening to that song before the party,so when i got slightly drunk i told her that line it must have been my unconsciousness remembering] any how after she said that i was quoting the song we laughed and a nice talk ^_^


New member
May 7, 2010
its not really what I said rather what a girl has said to me, here is the story.

i move 600km away. good
new school. good
girl one tells me she liked me at the time of moving. not good
girl two tells me she liked me about a month before moving. *facepalm*
Girl three (how is my gf right now) tells me she has liked me from a month after meeting me. *double facepalm*

^if that don't make one of you smile, I'm on the wrong *#%@&*@ planet!