Most Evil Human In History Aside From the Big Two


New member
Jul 7, 2009
Hmmm, how about Vlad the Impaler, evil enough that his name Vlad Dracul became the inspiration for Bram Stokers Dracula and therefor modern vampire myth. Therefor we can blame him for the deaths of tens of thousands, several wars, and Twilight. EVIL!!!


New member
Feb 25, 2011
OmniscientOstrich said:
TheCommie12 said:
Jesus? jokes, there is no such thing, the one of the most evil people is George W. Bush
I think you're confusing evil with stupidity, mine isn't really an individual but a group of people a find rather repugnant; the Puritan settlers. They oppressed people who expressed any form of individuality, accused their own people of witchcraft for their own personal gain, slaughtered the inhabitants of an entire nation and enslaved milllions of Africans. Also, I'd like to point out that this isn't a hate speech against Americans, it's not their fault that they're descendants of such a vile, cruel and sanctimonious people.

I agree with you


Professional Amateur
Jul 20, 2010
Not Good said:
Elizabeth Bathory

She kidnapped virgin peasants and bathed in their blood.
Although an extremely busy serial murderess, the tales of her virgin bloodbaths are now attributed mainly to legend. However, the legends make for a much juicier story, and with that in mind I'd like to submit Madame Delphine LaLaurie. Just some excerpts from her rather sordid tale:

"Male slaves, stark naked, chained to the wall, their eyes gouged out, their fingernails pulled off by the roots; others had their joints skinned and festering, great holes in their buttocks where the flesh had been sliced away, their ears hanging by shreds, their lips sewn together ... Intestines were pulled out and knotted around naked waists. There were holes in skulls, where a rough stick had been inserted to stir the brains."

"A victim [who] obviously had her arms amputated and her skin peeled off in a circular pattern, making her look like a human caterpillar," and another who had had her limbs broken and reset "at odd angles so she resembled a human crab."

"There were buckets of genitalia, makeshift sex-change operations, brains stirred with sticks, women nailed to floors by their intestines, tongues sewn together, mouths stuffed with excrement and stitched up, females flayed to resemble caterpillars, suits of human skin, sliced penises, "human crabs", bottles of blood and "grand gore chambers."

Just like Countess Bathory, the accounts of her deviance are more than likely wildly exaggerated, but never let the truth get in the way of a good story!


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Mr.Numbers said:
Well, there is one human officially called the most evil human being of all time, ALbert FIsh, quick googlesearch of him should show you why. Namely he kidnapped small children, ate them and then sent letters to their parents apologizing and telling them how they tasted and how he cooked them.

But there was one serial killer, H, H Holmes, who killed HUNDREDS of people in a Saw-Esque Mansion which he observed via security camera. They would follow mazes of doors that led to brick walls and stairs to nowhere until they finally triggered a gas chamber room which would kill them and then send their body down a greased chute into a basement where their bodies would be fired and coated in lime before being sold as medical cadavers.

Also he stole 2 kids and collected their insurance before killing them and holding them to ransom (THe father was unaware the children were dead)

I nominate him.
Saw a video on him recently. They shouldn't have killed him, they should have locked him in a room made entirely out of concrete and steel and thrown away the key and leave him to die a slow painful death. He wanted to die via electric chair, being deprived of food and starving would be an ironic end to the sick bastard.


New member
May 28, 2011
Blatherscythe said:
Saulkar said:
Worst human ever is definitively Mao Zedong, no one has killed more than him but at the same time no one killed as many as him believing it was empirically the right thing to do. .\=/.
And let's not forget what a hipocrite he was.
And let's not forget how crazy he was, telling people to mill steel in their backyards instead of farming...


New member
Apr 28, 2009
Jim Jones led a group of Communist radicals called the People's Temple under the banner of a Christian movement. He moved a congregation of around 1000 people into a town in Guayana, turned it into a prison camp and refused to let anyone in or out. After Congressman Leo Ryan visited the town, the compound's armed guards shot him and several journalists at an airstrip. Jim then gathered his congregation for a mass suicide. Around 900 of them killed themselves.

That's why I hate cults.


Don't Bend! Ascend!
May 15, 2008
Harry Mason said:
I'm going with this guy...

No, he's not really "evil" or the "worst ever," but he does have a large part in American civilization back pedaling so voraciously and being so proud of it. He really should be taken off the air. With a sniper bullet, if that's what it takes.
[img height= 300][/img]

OT: either Mao Zedong, Kim Il Sung or Kim Jong Il... crazy motherfuckers through and through...

Though I'm surprised Mao's naked underwater ballet shows didn't give him immortality like he had thought...


New member
Aug 30, 2008
Harry Mason said:
I'm going with this guy...

No, he's not really "evil" or the "worst ever," but he does have a large part in American civilization back pedaling so voraciously and being so proud of it. He really should be taken off the air. With a sniper bullet, if that's what it takes.
I don't get why someone can get banned on this website for posting "First" on a forum, but when you advocate the murder or a TV personality b/c you disagree with him... Maybe you should add your name to the list..

Also, notice the number of people who have mentioned Mao as the Worst Person Ever... Maybe you need to rethink you politics...


Don't Bend! Ascend!
May 15, 2008
RaNDM G said:
Jim Jones led a group of Communist radicals called the People's Temple under the banner of a Christian movement. He moved a congregation of around 1000 people into a town in Guayana, turned it into a prison camp and refused to let anyone in or out. After Congressman Leo Ryan visited the town, the compound's armed guards shot him and several journalists at an airstrip. Jim then gathered his congregation for a mass suicide. Around 900 of them killed themselves.

That's why I hate cults.
Don't forget David Koresh, the guy who claimed to be the second coming of Jesus and promptly started a gunfight with the FBI after they were investigating his house for a stockpile of assult rifles... after he already recruited 140 women as wives he forced to stay in the house with him even after it was being flooded with tear gas...

Odd Water

New member
Mar 6, 2010
Andrew Jackson, Seventh President of the United States of America.

~Waits a moment for that to sink in~

And I'm American so I'm not someone bashing on the USA. I think its time someone brought up someone not so obvious and put it out here in the open next to all the easy choices. Not sure how much of this you will think is evil, or poor personal choices of a man, or stupid government leadership run out of hand.

Jackson is full of contradictions. He fought in the Revolutionary War when he was 13 years old, only later to uses the skills he learned in battle to kill a man over a gambling debt. He led the American army to one of the most surprising victory in its history in the Battle of New Orleans. In the same vein, he also launched an unauthorized invasion of Florida. Jackson owned more than a hundred black Americans, but was also the first great champion of the common white man. Jackson dramatically expanded the United States, yet did so by brutally wresting vast regions of the south from Native Americans. Finally, Jackson, in one of the boldest political strokes in history, founded the Democratic Party, but his enemies viewed him as an American Napoleon. Now I'm not saying here I'm a Republican either. I'm against all Parties for what they do.

My own problem with the founding of the Democratic Party goes back before Andrew Jackson to the first President. George Washington warns against the party system in his farewell address, and so far his words have been true.

The following was part of his Farewell Address Published in The Independent Chronicle ? September 26, 1796

"It serves to distract the Public Councils, and enfeeble the Public Administration....agitates the Community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms; kindles the animosity of one....against opens the door to foreign influence and corruption...thus the policy and the will of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another." ~ George Washington

Andrew Jackson harshly forced Native Americans out of their homes. He started wars with some of the tribes in order to get them to move west, such as the Cherokees, 17,000 of which were forced west by the army. Black Hawk was an Indian Tribe chief, who led a war to keep from moving west, against the Americans. The Native Americans were forced west on the Trail of Tears, where many died. It was a harsh journey, where barely dressed Native Americans often froze to death. This a terrible choice made by our ex-president, Andrew Jackson.

One of Jacksons many other terrible choices was the spoils system. This allowed a president to replace government workers with people who were loyal to the office holder?s political party; whoever they want. This is terrible, because many qualified workers will lose their hard earned jobs. Also, the other half of the country will be ignored, because only one of the two political parties will be able to voice their opinions. Also, the new people will not have the experience that the old workers had, resulting in lower quality work being done by the new workers. Finally, frequent turnovers will result in instability. As soon as someone becomes used to their job, they will be fired and replaced. This is another bad choice as a result of Jackson?s presidency.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
NameIsRobertPaulson said:
Blatherscythe said:

As a species we have produced some rather poor specimens. We have had dictators, serial killers, pedophiles and other degenerates in our society. But which is the worst? Which person is the epitome of human scum?

The answer to that question varies from person to person, we have seen many wastes of skin in our brief time on earth. From Stalin to Charles Manson there are plenty of human garbage to pick from.

So who get's your vote for most evil human in history? It can be anyone, but to avoid repeat answers I'll have to ask you to refrain from answering Hitler or Stalin. So aside from them, who is one person that you wish was never born? And please explain why.

Personally, Idi Amin comes to mind. He was born in a Ugandan tribe and joined the army, he was an immense human being with incredible physical strengths. When the British left Uganda he was promoted to Colonel, and began to commit murders and steal money. Before he was delt with he disposed of the current leader at the time in a military coup and began to build he army to get himself more money and power. His army was made up of thugs who raped and tortured many people under Amin's orders, they ran a jail that had only 7 survivors who only survived because they ate human flesh and drink their own urine to live. Amin was thought to be a canibal. He even kept the heads of certain victems in his fridge and had photos of people being tortured in his jails for his own pleasure. He even chopped up his first wife when she displeased him.

He also purged anyone who wasen't a born Ugandan from Uganda, leading to an economic crisis in the country when no one knew how to run the stores they were given. Amin made his thugs step up their cruelty. He eventually was taken out of power when he invaded another African country and his thugs only knowing how to bully civilians got their asses kicked. There he fled to Saudi Arabia and got asylum there, he never paid for his crimes.

I picked this monster because unlike many leaders at the time he had no real politcal agenda, he was just a greedy bastard with a drive for power.
Polpot. Guy made Stalin and Hitler look nice by comparison. Killed almost 1/4 the population of his entire country. Cambodia lost 2.5 million people, out of 11 million. All in the name of "purifying" the population. Doesn't get worse than that.
I'm not defending or justifiying his actions. He was a genocidal maniac that allowed his country to be run inefficiently and brutally by unqualified thugs. He thought he was doing the right thing to his very last breath, he was insane. And let's not forget the crap that happend at S-21 (It was S-21 right?) it was either confess to being a spy or we torture you more.

Harry Mason

New member
Mar 7, 2011
Brockyman said:
Harry Mason said:
I'm going with this guy...

No, he's not really "evil" or the "worst ever," but he does have a large part in American civilization back pedaling so voraciously and being so proud of it. He really should be taken off the air. With a sniper bullet, if that's what it takes.
I don't get why someone can get banned on this website for posting "First" on a forum, but when you advocate the murder or a TV personality b/c you disagree with him... Maybe you should add your name to the list..
Yeah... The sniper assassination part? That was a joke. The "[being] a large part in American civilization back pedaling so voraciously and being so proud of it?" That was the sentiment. I have no issue with people I disagree with, some I even love (Yahtzee, to name someone on this site). The problem I have with Mr. Bill is the amount of power he wields over the American public... Power no one political figure, much less journalist, should ever have.

Did you actually think I was "advocating murder?" Because, if so, you have officially upstaged the original joke!


New member
Oct 31, 2010
What was his name, erm...

Josef Mengele or something like that. The Nazi doctor who, I'm guessing, was the inspiration behind Dr Richtofen's Bio in WaW.


New member
Mar 16, 2010
Thomas Midgley Jr : Though he wasn't strictly evil but he did screw up the world in quite a major way.