Most Evil Human In History Aside From the Big Two


New member
Jul 17, 2009
bluewolf said:
Who was that guy who started the small pox genocide?
The "small pox genocide" actually never happened. Micro organisms were still undiscovered. The actual events that aroused that myth was that during one of the bloodier conflics with native tribes (Pontiac's Rebellion, if memory serves) a commanding officer (Jeffrey Amherst if the conflict is correct) sent a missive to his superios lamenting that "If only it were so simply as to give them soiled blankets so that they all might contract the pox." And while he tried to think up methods to transmit the pox, he never settled on one because it wasnt understood how it was spread.

Being a virus, it is spread person to person, requiring a biological element to survive...blankets wouldnt have worked anyway since they would have to expose the blankets to sickened soldiers (all the way from Fort Pitt, the nearest site with a small pox epidemic), transported them to the camps, negotiated safe passage, and distributed them and HOPE the natives immedately made close and extended contact with them to ensure contraction. Most viruses can not survive more than an hour outside of an active biological enviornment.

All the same though, the intent to do so was there. But disease has been a tactic for centuries...Gengis Khan brough the Black Death to the western world by catapulting plagued corpses (and sometimes live victims) into cities.


New member
Jul 17, 2009
bluewolf said:
Who was that guy who started the small pox genocide?
The "small pox genocide" actually never happened. Micro organisms were still undiscovered. The actual events that aroused that myth was that during one of the bloodier conflics with native tribes (Pontiac's Rebellion, if memory serves) a commanding officer (Jeffrey Amherst if the conflict is correct) sent a missive to his superios lamenting that "If only it were so simply as to give them soiled blankets so that they all might contract the pox." And while he tried to think up methods to transmit the pox, he never settled on one because it wasnt understood how it was spread.

Being a virus, it is spread person to person, requiring a biological element to survive...blankets wouldnt have worked anyway since they would have to expose the blankets to sickened soldiers (all the way from Fort Pitt, the nearest site with a small pox epidemic), transported them to the camps, negotiated safe passage, and distributed them and HOPE the natives immedately made close and extended contact with them to ensure contraction. Most viruses can not survive more than an hour outside of an active biological enviornment.

All the same though, the intent to do so was there. But disease has been a tactic for centuries...Gengis Khan brough the Black Death to the western world by catapulting plagued corpses (and sometimes live victims) into cities.


Don't Bend! Ascend!
May 15, 2008
Oscar90 said:
Sacman said:
Harry Mason said:
I'm going with this guy...

No, he's not really "evil" or the "worst ever," but he does have a large part in American civilization back pedaling so voraciously and being so proud of it. He really should be taken off the air. With a sniper bullet, if that's what it takes.
[img height= 300][/img]
Did he actually say that? You're kidding right? Right?
actually it's considered by a lot of creationists consider this as, "one of the biggest arguments against Evolution..." no matter how many times it's explained...<.<


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
ediblemitten said:
Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and I nor anyone else can or should stop anyone from expressing those opinions... but dude... really? The deaths of millions doesn't disturb you in the least?
No, because I'm a realist.

Big isues are big issues because of the amount of support involved in them, and the genuine belief on all sides. Change isn't going to happen without violence and military force, and the higher the global population, and the bigger the issue, the more people that are going to have to die in order to bring about any change, no matter how positive.

Our trained aversion to violence is such nowadays, where I think a lot of our problems are caused by the simple fact that with enough opposed believers, dialogue is going to accomplish nothing. Not to mention the simple fact that I think our aversion to warfare has contributed signifigantly to global over population, and problems that go beyond the merelty political as a result. Today especially I feel that anything that kills millions is a good thing, not becaus eof any genuine hatred, but because there are just so many bloody people. Truthfully I'd rather see a war than some kind of global, lottery based cull. Like most things this is an issue that people bury their heads in the sand over and hope for a magical solution on.

Right now my overall belief, divorced from politics, is that a global unity is needed. Simply put we've gone from the issue of merely producing enough resources to sustain the population, to the issue of having the, as the untold multitudes of humans are using up things like wood, clean water, metal, and fossil fuels beyond the abillity of the planet to produce more, and our population continues to grow. Our only way to deal with our problem and exist happily is going to be to obtain more resources via space travel, even if we never find aliens or anything we already have the tech to do things like terraform mars, and we know there are mineral resources on other planets in the solar system and within the astroid belt. We can for example bring back tons of iron and such from space to build with if nothing else, and deal with issues like strip mining where we are getting so desperate that we are literally decimating the planetary crust trying to find enough minerals to sustain ourselves.
Space travel and the like being impossible as long as there are multiple human factions due to the paranoia that already limits it, nobody trusts anyone else to not put missles and such into orbit, and there are already issues over things like communications and spy satellites. Someone builds a space ship, everyone else becomes concerned it will have missles or death rays of some sort on it, which increases the odds of others building vehicles that have those things as a counter, leading to a race where all we do is point guns down at the planet surface rather than working on doing what needs to be done.

Now of course, "global unity" does mean "global conquest" and what amounts to genocide by the UN definition by intentionally smashing and subverting all global cultures except for one, which all human survivors will belong to. I think to be honest that some of this will happen without the need for violence, and through the spread of ideas. We already see it happening which is why there are all these "national firewalls" for the declared purpose of cultural perservation. In the end though, we're talking about the untold deaths of billions with people being exterminated simply for not wanting to give up their own cultural and self-rule for a planetary goverment.... but you know, I'l kind of cool with that, because it gets rid of people, and gives us the oppertunity to embrace Zero Population Growth at a level the planet can sustain, while enabling us to work on getting off the planet to obtain more living space if nothing else, as we obtain more living space we can thus expand our population in accordance with tour abillity to produce and sustain the production of resources. I believe in the overall scope of history more people benefit in terms of future generations than wll be lost here and now. We kill 95% of the global population for example, that's a few billion people, but now weigh that against the trillions of people that could exist in the future... something that will never happen if we pretty much exterminate our own species due to overpopulation and depletion right now. In the end I believe my own society and culture has the best chance of creating a global unity even if it will dissolve itself in the process, though in the end I feel everyone feels the same way, and in the end it really doesn't matter who wins, all preferances aside.

In short, if I think this way, looking at things from as a much bigger picture than most people, obviously I'm not going to be terribly appalled by simply getting rid of people. I care more about "why" than the simple act itself. If you want to kill people for your own satisfaction and are finding ways to do it for that reason, that's wrong, on the other hand if you have a bigger purpose in mind that just happens to involve killing a lot of people as part of that objective, that's something else entirely.

See, the differance is I'm a realist and look at the fate of humanity as things are now. If the magical solution people are waiting for ever transpired, I'd be willing to stop any of these ideas and go with that. The thing is we're running out of time, we can't wait for the resources to hit "zero" and lose other options. If Aliens show up and say "hey here is interplanetary technology to spread out your population, we'll take an IOU based on a percentage of any of your later discoveries" (ie a Brin-esque Uplift scenario), that's fine, ditto if fey folk show up and offer us transdimensional magic to colonize other realities or something.... but really, we can't bank on that.

Good and evil DO exist, but most conflicts are ones where it's simply irreconcilable differances or problems. An "us or them" scenario, or simply a matter of getting something done. In many wars, there were no good guys, it was just a war that had to happen given the way things developed. Good and evil are added later when the victors write the history books. There are exceptions, but that is generally how things are.

Look at it this way, all my ranting aside, if your a left winger and support all the enviromental stuff, the plight of the rain forests, the ecological ruin of strip mining, and similar things, try and look at your other beliefs like how there should be no war and we should just let these developing nations progress their technology and increase their standard of living since "they just want a better life". Those resources have to come from somewhere, there isn't enough production to maintain the standard of living for the first world and all of these other nations. Even if the first world was to sacrifice there are so many people globally where there just isn't enough stuff. China is building up it's military because it alone represents roughly a third of the global population... think of the sheer number of people all demanding a share of resources and a better life, with the way we're already gutting the planet to sustain what we have.... this is a simplistic way of pointing out the problem, but it's one of many reasons why I am so dismissive of the left wing in general, it represents an overall philsophy that is nice, but cannot work, and has arguably created a lot of the very same problems we're looking at now. Save a rain forest here, and your starting a war there, because the people gutting that rain forest needed the wood to build houses, or even just to sell to support their developing economy and increase their standard of living, having nothing else of value besides that rain forest. With the granola chomping enviromentalists celebrating, the people there pick up guns and go to war because if they can't use their resources, they need to find a way to improve themselves and obtain resources some other way, and that means taking what someone else has... all expressed motives aside that is what it comes down to.

So basically, when I believe less people is a good thing, as I said above, how can I of all people be judgemental on the act of mass murder in of itself? I'd be a bloody hypocrit, yet when I look at the big picture, I see too many people being one of the key problems facing us and actually holding us back as a species.

What else you might think of me, I'm generally consistant in my beliefs, even when they go into dark places. I might not be entirely comfortable with mass death, especially seeing as my own attitudes mean I'll probbaly die too (if we say kill 19 out of every 20 people the odds of my survival are pretty low... and I don't roll that many natural 20s when I play D&D, much to my annoyance), but at least I can come to grips with it and accept it. I'm also honest enough to avoid lying and saying there are easy and painless ways of dealing with big issues.


New member
May 27, 2009
Virgilthepagan said:
Accountfailed said:
Evil is a subjective term that changes from society to society. to say that someone was the 'most evil' would be like saying that someone has the best opinion, or creates the best work of art, it's actually quite silly.

Do you consider a corrupt politician evil? more so than a serial killer or a petty thief? How about a mugger or a gangster? You can't pick who is the most evil because there is no most, it's relative to you. the corrupt politician harms many people but not directly, but the serial killer harms few and butchers them. The mugger harms people for the material items they worked hard for to possess, and the petty thief; though he does not steal much, is still forsaking civilized rules in lieu of cheating.
I share this perspective, but what's your criteria for evil then? Not the social definition, what's yours personally?
It's broad, personally I think that evil is too harsh a term for anybody, we all have our own justifications, right? Who's to say that I'm not evil? I sure as hell don't live up to my own expectations of good morals; but that's not really an answer to your question. Put on the spot I'd have to say stealing from people, like muggings. Taking things that people are clearly going shed tears over to feed your own vanity is disgusting, regardless of your situation. It's like giving up, really, stealing; like saying "I am worth nothing, therefore I take for free." But the truly evil revel in it, like people who break into cars and then joyride them around town; running red lights and speeding, celebrating their own pathetic cowardly nature.

But maybe that's just me...


New member
Feb 17, 2008
Therumancer said:
Hitler and Stalin weren't evil to be honest.
Yes, they were.

People seem to think "killed a lot of people" amounts to being evil.
That's because it does.
Both were well intentioned and did a lot of good.
In the case of Stalin you are correct to an extent. In the case of Hitler you are completely and utterly wrong.

People forget that both had a LOT of propaganda leveled against them. This does not mean they were right in everything they did, simply that you can't come close to putting them on an "evil" list.
Why? Because people say bad things about them? People say bad things about them because they they were the leaders of two of the most monsterous regimes in human history.

Hitler for example was an international man of the year,
Which says nothing of his morality, just that people at thje time found him notable.
one of the reasons why he is so quotable is that he was right about 99.9% of everything he said and believed.
Are you insane? The man promoted debunked racial theory, unworkable economics, monsterous and ultimately bad politics and worked on an unrestraioned philosophy of shallow egoism. His whole goverment was based on censorship and a spin-doctoring that makes modern western goverments look like saints in comparison.

That is why he's such a "go to" guy for left wingers when they want to speak against science, technology, progression, or taking any kind of strong action. Association with Hitler discredits an idea far more than it should because of a powerful propaganda campaign.
Or because of his horrible goverments and countless war-crimes.

It's important to note that the Hollywood version of Hitler has him as some kind of a lunatic who along with a tiny group of people instituted a reign of terror, with that tiny group of people somehow being omni-present both to oppress his fellow germans, and to somehow occupy the nations he conquered. Looked at with some common sense it's easy to see he wouldn't have had the manpower. People forget how charismatic he was, and that a lot of these nations he conquered actually wound up joining up with him as allies. In many cases the militaries he defeated were largely nationalists, where he had a huge amount of support with the rank and file of the countries he went into. In some cases like Romania, all he really did was promise things like the re-romanianization of property.
So charismatic = good on a moral level? That's the shallowest moral system I've ever heard of.

Hitler was not some screaming maniac, what makes him scary is that he's the charismatic leader nobody sees coming. To a liberal for example Obama is actually more Hitler-like than someone like Dubbya, because they LIKE Obama... and that's the key element.
Even The Holocaust isn't as black and white as people make it out to be.
No it is black and white. The mass extermination of inoccents is evil. There's no wiggle room on this, genocide is completely and utterly immoral.

Was it wrong, did it go too far? Of course it did. It was most assuredly an evil thing due to the scale. Was it entirely unjustified? No, it most certainly was not. If you do some reading about it outside of US Propaganda and actually looked for an answer on "how could people do such a thing" you'll find that the root of the problem was basically Jews running massive organized crime syndicates and having done so for centuries at that point.
If by "organised crime syndicates" you mena "legitimate businesses" then yes! But that does not justify genocide.

Simply put Jews wound up running things like money lending businesses for a long time since the job was considered petty, or prohibited by religion.
Growing rich from running buisness prohibited by other peoples religons is not immoral and certainly does not justify genocide. Even if it did, the Nazi's didn't kill the rich Jews, they let familes like the Wittgensteins bribe their way out, they exterminated the poor and the weak.

This lead to various kinds of loan sharking and book keeping operations due to a monopoly. Combine this with a lot of racism, especially then, and the fact that Jews refused to sell the properties they wound up owning to anyone who wasn't Jewish, and you can see where a lot of the anger was coming from.
Popular prejudice is not a justification for genocide, yes early twentieth centuary germans were racist, that does not even begin to excuse genocide.

Prior to The Holocaust you had cases with Jewish people doing things like insuring the profitability of a building they were renting (meaning tenants were ensured) locking everyone inside, and lighting the place on fire for money.
If this were true and not a poor piece of racist propagande then it would justify Hitler enforcing laws against murder, not in the killing of over six million people.

This is to say nothing of how one of Hitler's big activities during the war was to recover art treasures.
And by recover you mean steal.

People tend to forget Hitler was literally pulling stuff out of the private collections of Jewish crime lords, and even the basements of synagogues that had been missing for hundreds of years.
As well as Catholic Churches and Russian museums.That was simply looting to add to the Nazi's own private collections.

Right now there is stuff is Museums that have had claims made by Jewish families about ownership based on the basic claim "hey, we rightfully stole that, and then someone took it back from us". This is also why some of those fortunes in gold held by churches and banks haven't been returned, the money was stolen or collected through criminal activity.
Which obviously jutifies the extermination of a whole etnicity.

Now of course where The Holocaust went wrong, is that Hitler being a complete idiot went beyond a major crime crack down, into base racism. He hated Jews so was using it as an excuse to kill them all off. He didn't just go after the rich criminal classes and associates but all the poor as well, he wound up turning a bit of fairly well justified vigilantism into an exercise in ethnic cleaning. People however went along with it because this was apparently fairly gradual and when the situation is slowly built up over time, it becomes fairly difficult to see when things are going too far.
Except a criminal crackdown and genocide are completly different things. The Holocaust wasn't so facist wars on drugs, it was an attemkpt to sytematically purge everything that either might have threatened Hitler's supremacy or wasn't in line with his philosophy. He backed this up with a brutal secret police to kill anyone who dissented. He had anyone who prominantly spoke out against him tortured to death.

The point here is that very few people ever bother to check the "why" on Hitler or how the Nazi propaganda justified this kind of thing. People get too fixated on the horrorific results where they scream "why" and don't bother to actually seek an answer or pay attention to it when they do.
That's because it's obvious why, Hitler was merely providing a contnuation of the racial theories that Germans had been told since the turn of the century. There's no fundemental difference between the holocaust and the killing of the Hereros. This obvious from the fact that the Nazis tried exterminate many groups with no criminal connections but made open murderers like Johann Nelböck a hero because the man he killed espoused logic, something antithetical to Nazi ideology.

Also do not misunderstand, the point here is not to make some massive defense of Hitler (and I'm hoping people don't take it that way)
It's a pity that's not your point because that's what you've provided.

so much as to say that in the scope of history he's not the most evil. He's kind of an example of "the road to hell is paved with good intentions".
Except he didn't have good intentions, his sole intention was to assert an absolute authority over Europe. The Nazi's were open about their goals to eradicate culture and logic, all they wanted was power, they were by no sense of twisted logic altruistic. They had no respect for anything except what fuelled their own power, Hitler even had his own supporters killed when he thought they might challenge his power.


New member
Jun 6, 2010
Blatherscythe said:
Nouw said:
Pedophiles? Oh come on OP, you can't help being retarded just like you can't help being a pedophilia. At least that's what Wikipedia tells me...

Anyway, I have no idea. My definition of 'evil' isn't fixed.
Sounds like you took a lot of offense there, something you want to tell us? And calling me retarded? Why? Some Pedophiles are more sick and dangerous than just people with a fetish.
Isn't pedophilia as much a sexual orientation as homosexuality? Of course that wouldn't justify child molestation but it would mean that simply labeling them as sick subhumans might not be the most constructive thing to do, neither for the pedophiles nor their potential victims.

Obviously, these people are born with a problem they need help dealing with. Comparing them to quote "dictators and serial killers" just doesn't seem apt to me.

Anyway, as to the subject. Most evil human being in history? I'd say Leopold II of Belgium


New member
May 23, 2010
Mr.Mattress said:
Nero. The Crazy Roman Dictator who (Probably) set his own city ablaze because he was that crazy. Plus, he forced hundreds of good people into the arena to basically be killed off by lions.
I agree.

He also dipped Christians in wax and used them as candles for his parties.
Sick fuck.

inb4 Christians deserve it.


New member
Mar 25, 2011
If the Civilization series is any indication, Mahatma Gandhi.

In seriousness I think I would peg the leaders of France and England post-World War I. Because of their greed we got Hitler in the first place. Or maybe the Vienna School of the Arts. Common guys you couldn't just let him in?

Mr. Google

New member
Jan 31, 2010
Harry Mason said:
Blatherscythe said:
Bill O'Reilly, asshole needs to take his own advice and shut the fuck up. And then maybe go read a history book or a book on economics or politics outside of extreme right-wing bullshit.
"The tides go in, the tides go out. You can't explain that!"
-The most recognizable and famous man in American news.

Yeah the tides just such a complicated thing that we've never even figured out what that? You mean it's the moon? What do you mean I could have figured that out with a quick google search. Well shit I don't know how to use the internet!

Mr. Google

New member
Jan 31, 2010
Axolotl said:
Thank you for tearing down everyone of his ideas because as I looked at his wall of text of downright obnoxious Mien Kampf bullshit I thought wow this guy may or may not be a nazi I should probably just go ahead and make him realize that everything he is saying is wrong. But you to the rescue saved me the 20 minutes and put it way better than I ever could have. So again, Thank you.
Feb 13, 2008
Tallim said:
Thomas Midgley Jr : Though he wasn't strictly evil but he did screw up the world in quite a major way.
Dammit, Ninja'd

The man who not only added lead to petrol, but invented CFCs.

And then died from his own exoskeleton.



New member
Dec 23, 2010
@ Therumancer; You earned my respect this is why history should be a major part of what kids learn these days, fuck robotics and massive push on science. Kids need to know the reason how and why we got to this point in life before they use said technology they created for vile means due to ignorance and blind hatred due to "faith". Like the old saying goes "The path to hell is paved on good intentions"